Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 178: Gift for runes

Chapter 178: Gift for runes

"I have set my plan into motion and merely need to wait for the Tonks to contact me for a meeting with Alastor Moody. A man such as him wouldn't be willing to act on faith alone for something like this after all." Nick said and Helena nodded. "I've seen the man visit Dumbledore at the school and calling him paranoid is an understatement. He double checks everything he touches and seems to distrust every word spoken to him until verified. I have known a scarce few individuals over my long unlife as a ghost who were so cautious to the point I need but one hand to list them." Helena says agreeing with Nick's description of the man.-

"Yes , Alastor Moody is a paranoid individual but there is not a single person who I would trust more not to stab me in the back. My only concern is that he will report this movement to Dumbledore who may intervein to prevent Sirius's release." Nick said seriously. Helena frowned at this as it was very much a real possibility. "Is it possible Dumbledore may in fact help your cause in this case as well?" she asked trying to play the devils advocate.-

Nick thought about it for a few minutes as his mind raced with the various ways that the old goat could use this to his advantage. As much as he disliked the idea Nick could only admit that the possibility of the old goat helping was greater than him hindering as a free Sirius benefited him greatly. Not only would Sirius hold a seat on the wizengamot but he would also likely funnel the Black fortune into the light faction that has Dumbledore at it's head. Even more so would be that he could use this as an avenue to getting into Harry's good graces.-

Nick sighed "It is actually probable that that would happen if he chose to involve himself at all rather than take a hands off approach to it." he said honestly. "If that is so then why does the idea displease you?" Helena asked slightly confused. "Because we don't need his help to succeed and he will know this if he is even half as clever as I think. So any aid he provides will likely be done knowing he benefits from the outcome." he explained with a headache.-

"For now though I will be studying the tomes Olivander has given me for the rest of the day unless something happens." Nick said taking his shoes off and sitting with his back against the pillow of the bed while removing the books in question from Greed. All of them except the one on the materials that he had already memorized that is. The first book he grabbed to start was {Wand crafting for beginners} that didn't have an author listed. The first excerpt of the book however had him close it and pick up the second book {A guide to runes and their use}.-

{If you are reading this book without knowledge of runes and their power you will not make much progress as while not strictly needed the runes used in crafting wands help the process immensely.} Nick chuckled as he thought about how early he was diving into runes compared to his fellow second year students. Most of them didn't have the option to learn the subject until the third year and beyond where it was an elective. While a year head start doesn't seem that great in the grand scheme of things it should be noted he also worked on the second year curriculum during the year so he was actually now two years ahead of his classmates.-

Being ahead of his peers had given Nick lots of benefits in terms of free time that would otherwise be needed to study the years work. Granted he used that time mostly to study other topics but he still had the free time that his peers could only look at jealously. Eating a bit of lembas bread to satisfy his hunger Nick cracked open the runes book only the have to hold back a laugh.-

The reason for this is that he found that his magical ability to read and speak any language applied to the runes as well. What this meant was that unlike everyone else who needed to struggle with learning what the runes meant at any given moment as well as trying to figure out how to layer them in sentences he merely needed to get good at drawing the things to succeed in it. 'No wonder Helena was so jealous of me when she learned of it , it's basically a perfect ability for enchanting. I merely need to learn the runic alphabet to be able to string together massive complex enchantments by writing them out.' he thought with a grin.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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