Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 180: Mad eye(2)

Chapter 180: Mad eye(2)

Moody searched Nick for any signs of deception but upon finding none he nodded in acceptance and asked another question. "How did you discover Pettigrew as well as how Black hadn't gotten a trial?" Nick chuckled "As you can see I am a rather careful person normally so after learning about my best mates family situation I did some digging into the laws and paperwork of the whole event and found some interesting things. Did you know that legally speaking a lord cannot be imprisoned in Azkaban as the family magic reacts to the official judgments and removes that person from their position?" he grinned widely after saying this.-

"Care to take a guess at who holds the current Black lordship?" Nick asked with a chuckle. "Could've been an error in magic." Moody said as if to debunk the implication but he clearly showed that he understood where this topic was going. "I too had thought the same thing but after digging around a bit in the papers I found that there was no mention of the man ever getting a trial. Curious how despite how much publicity this got such a thing didn't get mentioned at all isn't it?"-

"So I pulled on that thread and learned that Sirius black was captured and directly shipped to Azkaban without any trial or confession at all. It was at that point I started to look into the mans past and discovered the Animagus status of most of the group as well as Pettigrew himself so very close by." Nick said with a look of disgust while saying that last part. This wasn't faked either as since he had been in the family for so long in rat form none of the Weasleys had minded their privacy around the rat.-

If you said the Pettigrew hadn't most likely spied on the families most intimate moments then Nick would call you a liar. Even worse is that this included the prepubescent Ginny as well that made it even more disgusting to think about. Moody himself understood where Nick's disgust came from and was whole heartedly in agreement with him. "Why did you say most of the group instead of all of it?" Moody asked after noticing the inconsistency. Nick shrugged "Remus Lupin , need I say more?" he said and Moody shook his head since he knew what Nick was referring to.-

"What of Dumbledore Hmm? Why did you not bring this to his attention if you knew?" Moody asked as this in his opinion was the most suspicious part. Nick scoffed "You should be abundantly clear on my opinion of the man if you did your research as I know you did." he said with a irritated expression. "That is irrelevant to the situation and he was the easiest way to see Black free. So why didn't you go to him?" Moody reiterated not backing down from his pursuit of the truth. Nick glared at the man intensely for a moment which made the veteran slightly nervous somehow.-

"The man has shown himself an ill advised choice for such a matter in my own experience and so I decided to do this on my own without him. Don't ask again , I don't like repeating myself." Nick said firmly dropping the subject. Moody was a very experienced man and knew better than to antagonize someone needlessly especially when that person looked almost as paranoid about their safety as himself. His eye had revealed no less than nine protective items on Nick with one of them making his instincts scream danger on the boys ankle.-

Moody knew better than to assume that such a person wouldn't also have taken offensive measures if pressed far enough. Clearly he had started to tap that bottom line with his badgering and wisely chose to allow the topic to end here. "Fine , explain your plan in as much detail as possible." he said gruffly and Nick did so. 'It's a good plan as he covered all of his bases and even took care of unforeseen incidents by including myself to fill in the parts he might have missed due to his inexperience.' Moody analyzed seriously.-

'He'd make a good auror with such a mind so long as he got the right guidance.' he thought before speaking again "I will be bringing Dumbledore into this as it's too big for the few of us alone." he said gruffly. Nick frowned and made intense eye contact "If he messes this up in any way I expect you to take responsibility for involving him." he said and Moody nodded "I can agree to this , so this is how we will do this..." the man said and started adding details to the plan that Nick hadn't thought of but were very good.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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