Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 168: Train ride and Olivander

Chapter 168: Train ride and Olivander

Despite their terrifying appearance thestrals were very affectionate creatures and the one Nick was petting leaned into his touch eagerly. Nick was shooed off by Hagrid shortly after that however as the thestrals were getting over zealous in obtaining Nick's affections and starting to nip at each other to get his pets to themselves. He didn't mind though since he had accomplished what he had come for. Finally Nick met up with his friends since it was time to head to the carriages before going to the train. They chatted casually about how excited they were to not have homework and other such topics.-

The Hogwarts express was primed and ready to go when they got there and after finding their luggage the group got on the train to find a compartment. Nick joked about how lucky they were that the compartments could comfortably hold exactly six people when they picked one out. It was never mentioned in the books but Nick noticed that the train had been deep cleaned since it was previously used as a the scuff marks on the steps had been removed. Harry , Ron and Nick had to wait outside the compartment since the girls needed to get changed into their normal clothes.-

It was the boys turn after that with the exception of Nick who was already in casual clothing. The train ride itself was mostly quiet since they had run out of things to talk about. An interesting thing that Nick had noticed once he had left the dense magical area that was Hogwarts and Hogsmeade was that his magical senses seemed to go into overdrive. He could suddenly sense even the most well hidden magical energy which came in the form of a faint aura like web over his and the others bodies.-

'So this must be the infamous trace used by the ministry.' he thought before discreetly creating the magics counter flow and removing it from himself. Being unable to cast magic freely before the age of seventeen was simply unacceptable to him after all. None of the others noticed what he did and a few hours later the train pulled into the station. "Alright everyone looks like it's time to split up. I'll see you all after summer is over so stay safe." Nick said as they got off the train as he tossed each of them a ring of protection.-

All of them nodded and slipped on the rings before heading towards the people at the station to pick them up. Nick rolled his luggage behind him as he walked towards the old man holding up a sign that read {NICHOLAS RAVENCLAW} on it in big bold letters. Obviously this old man was none other than Garrick Olivander himself here to pick Nick up. Olivander smiled widely when he saw Nick approaching him then his eyes seemed to fall on Steve who was chilling out on his left shoulder looking around curiously.-

"Aw a niffler what a treat! When I was younger I experimented with niffler fur to make a wand , it wasn't very powerful and tended to have a mischievous personality that preferred charm work." Olivander said with a nostalgic smile. "Would you believe me if I told you I found the little guy trying to steal from me originally?" Nick asked with a smile. Olivander chuckled "I would be surprised if it was any other introduction , despite their penchant for thievery I am told they are quite loyal so I couldn't think of a better pet." Olivander said with wide smile.-

"So how are we doing this since that wasn't exactly specified in the description?" Nick asked curiously. "We'll be taking a port key to my shop that I had prepared years ago in case I ever felt the need to return whilst traveling." Olivander said while taking out an old looking metal mug from his robes. "If you'll wait a moment I am expecting someone else , not to worry they won't be a bother at all I promise." Nick said while also reassuring the old man he had nothing to worry about. No sooner than Nick had spoken did a figure float out of the ground nearby before turning corporeal and curtseying much to Olivander's surprise.-

"By merlin's beard , the grey lady herself!" the old wand maker exclaimed softly in shock. "As I said I promise she won't be much of a bother since she is simply here to show me to my ancestral home during the summer." Nick said drawing the old mans attention back to himself. Olivander merely laughed jovially with a wide grin and happy expression. "I would never complain to host the grey lady since after all she was the house ghost of my own house when I went to Hogwarts , not that I expect you to remember me of course." he said to Helena.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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