Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 167: Visiting Hagrid

Chapter 167: Visiting Hagrid

The twins saw this happen but could only lament Peeve's misfortune to target the scariest first year they had ever heard of. This wasn't a joke either as they had searched for any records of anyone like him in the past but no one even came close. Sure there had been genius's like Dumbledore and someone called Thomas Riddle but no one had been nearly as overwhelming in their first year of school. The twins were surprisingly observant so they had noticed the ease Nick had with understanding magic on a practical level as if the magic itself told him it's secrets which wasn't far from the truth.-

Nick's ability to sense magic was so clear that he could pick up on any piece of magics rough nature from observing it a single time. After that he merely needed to figure out it's inverse to dispel it or practice to replicate it. This only applied to the nature of the magic but not it's inner workings however so he still needed to learn just like everyone else only he has an easier time grasping practical magic applications. Despite not knowing these details the twins still recognized the talent for what it was.-

Ignoring that though Nick still had a sort of charisma about him that made it easy for him to take control of a conversation and the biggest detail of all in their opinion his crafting ability. By this point the entire school was aware of the rings he crafted and many were jealous of those who could afford to have something crafted such as Malfoy. All of this separate made a genius but together on a single person created a monstrous existence that the twins wanted on their side at all times.-

"Well if it isn't our favorite firstie." Fred said "Soon to be a second year at that. What do we owe the visit to , more business?" George asked curiously while adding to his twins sentence. Nick merely smiled at the two of them and shook his head " Just taking in the castle since it'll be the last time in quite a while I'll see it." he said honestly and the twins nodded in understanding. "Aw yes the home away from home effect it seems to have. Am I right?" Fred asked and Nick nodded. "Chin up mate you've still got another six years before it's goodbye for good." George said reassuringly while patting Nick on the shoulder.-

"I'm not sad or anything like that merely just stuck thinking about the sheer amount of important events that have happened to me in this castle this year." Nick said with a chuckle. Fred laughed " It's certainly been quite the eventful year indeed!" he said with a smile. Nick left the twins to their mischief after that and left the castle itself to head to Hagrid's hut to see the half giant. Along the way he saw various people walking along the shore of the black lake , couples mostly.-

Nick ignored them however and instead noticed Hagrid outside his hut with a herd of pale skeletal horse creatures with bat-like wings , Thestrals. He was feeding them dead rats and checking them over for injuries when Nick arrived. Hagrid probably wouldn't have even noticed Nick had it not been for the creature dipping their heads in unison towards him. Nick of course returned this bow but by this point Hagrid had turned to see what had caused this scene. "Oh , it's just you Nick! Never seen em do that before and was wonderin what had gotten em like that."-

"If it's you though I'd reckon it'd be pretty normal for ya to get the respectful treatment what with yer wand being what it was." Hagrid said with an understanding look. Nick looked at the half giant in surprise but the man merely scoffed "Don't look at me like that , my memories no good for most things but I never forget a beast fact." he said proudly despite insulting himself to a degree. "Nuf about me though. What can I do for you lad?" he asked changing the subject. "I figured it'd be rather rude if I was to leave without saying goodbye so here I am. These are the thestrals that pull the carriages I take it?" Nick asked curiously.-

"Aye , I was just getting them ready for the trip in fact , odd you can see em though since usually only those what have seen death can do it." Hagrid said only confused but not questioning it too much. Nick though knew that he wasn't an exception 'seen it , experienced it and returned from it in fact. If I said I understood death the best No one save death itself could argue with me.' he thought as he rubbed one of the thestrals head feeling the cold rough scaled skin under his fingers.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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