Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 169: Digs

Chapter 169: Digs

"I have met several members of your family over the years so I am not overly familiar but I believe you excelled in transfiguration." Helena said with some thought. Olivander looked highly pleased that she seemed to remember him in some regard but then looked regretful. "I am sorry to say that I don't think the portkey works on ghost such as yourself unfortunately." he said truly regretful. Helena merely smiled and and turned corporeal which practically made Olivander's eyes pop out from shock. "As you can see that shouldn't be a problem at all." she said with a giggle at his reaction.-

It took a moment but Soon enough Olivander managed to compose himself and smile "It seems I must congratulate you for returning to the living." he said genuinely impressed. Helena shook her head softly "I am still dead I am afraid , however I can take physical form now which is close enough in my opinion." she said honestly and Olivander seemed to understand and nod in agreement. "Yes , I have been told that being a ghost is a rather miserable existence in that regard. Well we had best be off as I don't want to be away from the store overly long." he said and held out the portkey.-

Nick stuffed his Steve into his luggage to keep him safe before grabbing the loop alongside Helena and Olivander than spoke the activation phrase which was "veritology" and the space warped as they were off. Nick was not the biggest fan of the way portkeys worked as he felt like he was being pulled through a keyhole without shrinking. This was a horribly nauseating feeling that only his strong constitution stopped him from feeling like his was about to throw up though he needed a moment to stabilize.-

Olivander also looked ill from the spatial movement while Helena turned incorporeal for an instant then back being thus unaffected. Nick took Steve out of the luggage and apologized to him as the poor thing had in fact gotten sick. Nick didn't mind though as he merely waved his wand and disposed of the foul substance. "I think I just remembered why I never used this thing before." Olivander said with a disapproving look at the loop. "Yeah I think I'll be making a better form of teleportation in the future because that was bloody dreadful." Nick chipped in seriously making the old man chuckle.-

"I will wait for that day eagerly then." he said not putting much stock in Nick's words. Nick on the other hand was being very serious since he found it unacceptable that despite having magic that was the best wizards had come up with for instant teleportation. The room that they had teleported into was also dusty and filled with boxes of wands save for the center that they had landed on. "I apologize for the poor condition of the room but I tend to keep the backup wands in this room as you can see." Olivander said before leading the way out of the room.-

Nick wasn't surprised to find out that the tiny store on the outside was in fact a rather large building on the inside with two bedrooms , a bathroom , a workshop and two storage rooms , one for extra wands and one for materials. The workshop also had a three tall wide bookshelves filled with tomes on veritology. Olivander seemed most proud of that as according to him he had personally placed every single book there through his own searching. Both Nick and Helena were impressed as they were both aware that Hogwarts barely had six books on the subject and Olivander had nearly a hundred on these shelves alone.-

The reason for this was that knowledge has always been jealously guarded within particular groups and rarely left them. Wand makers were one such group that zealously defended their knowledge from wandmakers. "That reminds me but what exactly are you going to be teaching me over the summer break?" Nick asked worried he wouldn't be learning about veritology. Olivander seemed to understand his concerns and chuckled "No need to worry you will be learning how to make functioning wands , just know that any knowledge beyond my personal findings and public knowledge is off limits."

"Can't go giving out my families secrets you know." Olivander said and Nick sighed in relief. Soon the old man lead them to a room with a bed and a nightstand but was barren otherwise. "You will be staying here for the time being so feel free to spruce the place up however you like. You will be in charge of your own meals however so do keep track of that. Beyond that however I will teach you to the best of my ability for four days a week leaving the rest free for yourself." Olivander explained seriously before leaving.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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