Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 159: Secret destruction

Chapter 159: Secret destruction

Helena didn't stop painting when he entered the room despite being in her corporeal form somehow knowing that it was him rather than anyone else. "Get ready Tonight we are going to rip the soul shard out of the diadem." Nick said briskly as he locked the door behind him. Helena's hand trembled ruining the painting she was working on when she heard him. She calmed herself and placed the brush she was using into a cup of water to clean it. "Why now?" she asked curiously. "He is going to be busy trying to snatch a stone that is almost definitely a fake from the tests protecting it." Nick said seriously.-

"But wouldn't he know what we did and come after he's done?" she asked concerned for his safety. Nick shook his head "I can't say how I know but he won't be able to come after me for a long time , if ever." he said before sitting on the ground cross-legged and started to meditate to make sure he was in peak form for whatever traps Voldemort may have placed around the diadem. Nick wasn't delusional enough to think the man wouldn't prepare for the case of Helena telling him where and what the diadem was.-

Hours passed by and soon it was after dinner and Harry and the others should have already began their trip through the tests. Nick's eyes snapped open and shined with determination as he stood up and transfigured his robes into thick black combat jeans and a tight black t-shirt with long sleeves so that he had the ability to move freely. On one hand he had Greed , Sanar and three rings of protection while on the other hand he had another five rings of protection.-

These were in case he wasn't fast enough to cast the shield charm on his own should any of the defenses be of that sort. Helena herself had taken for ghostly form and was floating nearby holding the hammer with fully intent on using it if she had to. "Give me the hammer and I'll give it back when we get to the Room since it'll just slow you down otherwise." Nick said seriously and Helena handed it over without a word and shot through the wall of the castle to rush towards the seventh floor not wanting to waste a moment.-

Nick also left the workshop with a focused gaze and his wand held firmly in his right hand. He took all the short cuts he could to the seventh floor avoiding the suddenly tight security on the third floor entirely. Ten minutes later Nick stood outside the blank wall across from the tapestry of Barnabus the barmy trying to teach trolls ballet. 'I need a place to hide things' he thought firmly three times while pacing back and forth causing a familiar wooden door to appear. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves he reached out and pushed the door open.-

What he found was a room filled with various objects that had been stacked in hazardous piles filling the entire room with a thin walk way to travel deeper within. "Fly overhead to see if you can spot the diadem and call out if you do." Nick said to Helena who nodded and floated up and over the piles of items both trash and treasure in equal parts. Once she had gotten a good distance away Nick started his own journey while searching each and every inch of the piles carefully. His magic senses were useless here as the amount of cursed object in this room was no laughing matter.-

The corrupt and dark dissonance that these objects let off made finding a specific magic signature basically impossible. Nick was patient however and carefully searched through the room for the next three hours before finally finding his target. It sat unassumingly on a wooden mannequin but Nick's magic senses picked up the intense dark power on the diadem as well as the lines of spells cast on both the mannequin and the objects surrounding it. "Helena over here!" he called and shortly afterwards Helena appeared with a "Woosh" sound.-

"That is indeed mother's diadem and the protections around it are no laughing matter. What's your plan?" she asked without looking away from the unassuming looking silver headpiece. "How many of those enchantments are lethal or close to it?" Nick asked calmly. Helena paused for a moment to count them. "13 and one that swaps the mannequin for the person who touches it." she said honestly. "And out of all of those are there any that can affect a ghost such as yourself?" Nick asked with a devious grin as Helena suddenly noticed how pointless these spells were against a ghost who can switch between corporeal and not at will.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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