Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 158: Incoming confrontation

Chapter 158: Incoming confrontation

"A phoenix is not considered an adult until it survives it's first rebirth and there are signs within the feather that it never underwent rebirth hence not being an adult. Thunderbirds have a similar phenomena that involves the freshly hatched birds needing to survive a violent thunderstorm from inside it which lets them also be reborn from a storm. In my opinion the hybrid likely also had a harsh and difficult to survive tribulation it needed to go through to also obtain eternity. Perhaps it left that feather knowing that it would fail whatever this tribulation was." Newt said seriously.-

'Did it fail though? What if the condition for it's rebirth simply hadn't been met quite yet?' Nick wondered seriously but didn't voice these concerns. This wasn't an impossible idea either as phoenix's had to be reborn through fire and thunderbirds through storms so it made sense that a celestial bird may have an even more intense process. logic said that something like a firestorm might be needed but magic went by strange rules in regards to things like this so there was honestly no telling.

"Other than it's age I learned that the creature seemed to have the elemental affinities of both of it's parents most likely giving it an astounding mastery of fire , water and air as well as transfiguration magic. From what Dumbledore has told me this gift in transfiguration passed to you as well as a few other traits , namely your eyes." Newt said honestly and Nick nodded in agreement. "The final thing I was able to learn about the creature however is of great concern towards you as someone bound to the feather so tightly. This creature seems to have been able to store a part of it's spirit within the feather and may try to posses you if your will isn't strong enough." Newt warned before bidding farewell and leaving Nick to his thoughts.-

Nick wasn't actually concerned over that final warning however as that part of spirit had already been perfectly integrated into his own soul and you can't possess yourself without time travel or multiverse shenanigans. Speaking of perfect integration Nick had also been taking on some faintly avian features during this fun time of body transformations. His nails for example were now darker and harder than normal. His eyes had also changed slightly so that he now had the piercing gaze that eagles were so famous for.-

There was also a slight change in the structure of his face , not much but his features had become sharper and more pronounced. Clearly the elven portion of his transformation was dominant so he still looked human. Interestingly though his ears had only gained a slight point that was barely even noticeable. That was pretty much the full extent of his external transformation and all that was really left was for his internal parts to get replaced. As it turned out this took him close to a month total to get done.-

Many of the professors advocated having his exam scores bumped up if he didn't score well from lack of study but much to all but Mcgonagall , Snape and Flitwick's surprise he not only passed the exams but aced all of them even herbology. To be fair though the herbology exams were on paper rather than practical applications so his lack of affinity for plants played no part. Thankfully practical understanding of the material wasn't very important and only a specific display was needed for subjects like charms , potions and transfiguration. Harry had his run in with Voldemort in the forest much like in the book and had been distracted ever since.-

Nick was amazed his friend had even gotten through the exams with how horribly distracted he was at the time. The temperature had began to pick up as well as summer rapidly approached and the entire wizarding world had become numb to Grindelwalds sacrifices every month. Many were greatly concerned about what he needed them for but the actual headlines themselves no longer stirred panic as he hadn't done anything else in the entire time he was free. This didn't mean that the wizarding community didn't have a small army search the globe for the man and his followers.-

On the final day of the exams which involved history of magic Nick purposefully made himself scarce afterwards. 'Harry is going to be making his move against Voldemort tonight and I will be using this opportunity to get rid of the soul shard in the room of requirement while they clash. As much as I would like to take part in the test with them my part is just as important.' Nick thought seriously as he navigated the halls and secret passages expertly to reach his workshop.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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