Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 160: Secret destruction(2)

Chapter 160: Secret destruction(2)

Helena immediately turned corporeal and calmly walked over to the heavily trapped part of the room and purposefully began to set the curses off. Nick watched on in amusement as these vile magics were strike Helena before being dispelled by her returning to her incorporeal state rendering them without a target to effect and thus dissipating. The soul shard in the diadem was clearly starting to get worried as it tried and failed to tempt Nick to keep it rather than destroy it. Nick merely sneered at this paltry attempt at spiritual manipulation as he was a master at controlling his own soul making him disdainful at such a pathetic attempt.-

Soon all that was left was the swapping trap of the mannequin and the moment Helena triggered it she turned incorporeal causing the diadem to fall to the floor with a clatter instead of settling on her head. The soul shard was desperate to survive and redoubled it's efforts to manipulate Nick into sparing it regardless of it's own energy expenditure. Nick felt irritated at feeling the constant pressing of this spiritual magic at his mind and flared up his own spiritual energy squashing it ruthlessly.-

Nick's soul was much denser and of a higher quality than any other known wizards soul so the weak spiritual energy of a mere shard of a normal soul stood no chance of resisting at all. Removing the Nazgul ring from Greed while maintaining his suppression of the soul shard Nick carefully lowered it onto the peak of the diadem while making sure not to touch the cursed thing himself. Like a shark after sensing weakness in a prey item the ring autosized to tightly fit onto the diadem and a terrible scream filled the air as it went to work on the soul shard.-

Helena watched on coldly as the diadem slowly was overtaken with a gold and white radiance as the soul shard was converted to Nick's spiritual signature before the energy retreated into the ring that started to glow while it waited for Nick to claim the power it obtained for him. She was bothered by the emotions she felt coming from the ring as though it were a dog seeking praise from it's owner despite having just forever destroyed part of a soul. Yes the ring seemed to have a life of it's own and seemed to wish nothing more than to be of service to it's creator.-

Nick much like Helena felt repulsed by the ring but controlled himself and didn't move to destroy it but picked it up and sucking in a sharp breath as the ring eagerly turned over the energy it had obtained. The energy flowed into his body and directly into his soul causing it to start to stretch and expand to accommodate it. Once the energy stopped flowing Nick felt physically sick with a hammering headache and an intense case of nausea like he had eaten far too much despite not eating anything other than breakfast today.-

His veins bulged out and his skin turned red as his body itself also struggled to contain his soul that had out grown it suddenly. Luckily his extremely fit body was just barely strong enough to stay together under this internal pressure. "It's done , you may retrieve the diadem now." Nick said while sounding out of breath from panting. Helena turned corporeal once more and gently picked up the silver headpiece with a sad expression as she looked it over and found that the process of becoming a horcrux had destroyed most of the enchantments on it.-

The few left were the less important ones like preservation and self cleaning enchantments while the enchantment that increased intelligence lay shattered into many fragments that would be nearly impossible to restore. She reported this to Nick but he was surprisingly totally unfazed by it as though he had long suspected this to be the case. With a bit of thought Helena noticed that Nick had never once seemed actually tempted by the enchantments on the diadem but much more concerned about the soul shard within it instead which in hindsight made sense with his mastery of spiritual energies.-

If anyone was aware of how much damage shoving soul energy much less a piece of a soul might do to enchantments it would be him. Figuring this to be the case she was no longer surprised at his reaction and watched as he winced while placing the headpiece into Greed. "Lets go , we are done here for now." Nick said tiredly as he started to walk with a strained expression. Thanks to the fact that most of the staff was busy dealing with the aftermath of Harry's clash with Voldemort , Nick managed to sneak into the Gryffindor dorm room and pass out on his bed from exhaustion.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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