Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 157: The celestial bird

Chapter 157: The celestial bird

"I won't lie and say I am an expert on the subject in front of such a skilled magizoologist such as yourself but I have a little more information than anyone else." Nick said hoarsely. Newt took out a note pad and quill with an eager expression ready to write down what Nick was going to say but Nick weakly held up his hand to stop him. Removing a small empty vial out of Greed Nick shakily placed the tip of his wand against his forehead and slowly pulled out a silvery glowing thread from his head.-

Extracting a copy of a memory was an easy thing for someone who practiced occlumency or legilimency and Newt's eye widened in surprise at the revelation that Nick was a practitioner of the mind arts. Still he didn't say anything about it as Nick placed the memory into the vial and stoppered it. When his soul had fully fused with that of the celestial birds he had gotten a few brief snippets of the creatures own memory that had survived within it until now. Out of them a single one of them contained the creatures reflection as it flew over a body of water.-

Clearly it took the size of it's thunderbird parent as it was very large judging from the size of the fish in the water below. It had two sets of wings of equal size and it's feathers were an equal mix of white , gold and crimson. It had three long tail feathers that trailed behind it as it flew and it was hard to see but had a crest of pure golden colored feathers around its neck and probably it's head as well. "I'm sorry that I don't have anything else for you but I hope that proves useful for you." Nick said with an apologetic smile while handing over the vial shakily.-

"It seems that I'll need to impose on Dumbledore to use his pensieve before I can say for sure but you seem trustworthy enough. And if it's not too much trouble might I examine your wand to see if I might be able to glean anything from the feather within?" Newt asked awkwardly since asking for a wizards wand is very impolite. Nick chuckled "I am not some sort of pure blooded prude please help yourself , though I would prefer you not leave whilst it is in your possession for your own safety. It reacts badly when it seems someone intends to steal it knowingly or otherwise." Nick warned seriously.-

Newt seemed to hesitate slightly at this warning but still took the wand from Nick's shaky had and gently examine it. He had a nostalgic look on his face as he looked at the wand for a few minutes before handing it back to Nick who admittedly felt rather odd not having it himself. "It would seem that much like both of it's parents the bird was rather prideful as it actively denied my examination." Newt said not seeming bothered at all.-

Nick shrugged "It's my wand and I barely understand it as well so don't feel too bad about it." he said reassuringly. "I never said I didn't learn anything only that the wand tried to stop me." Next said with a smile. "Well now you have my curiosity , please do go on." Nick said very interested in what Newt may have found. "The first thing you need to understand is that that feather wasn't from an adult bird." Newt said seriously and Nick was left with a stunned expression.-

According to olivander wizards long ago who were on average much more powerful than modern wizards all failed to even approach the bird and yet it wasn't an adult despite such power. "Don't misunderstand me boy I am not talking about physical maturity here as it was an adult in this regard." Newt said after seeing Nicks expression. At this point Nick was just confused 'how can you be fully mature and yet not an adult?' he wondered only giving himself a headache. "To better explain I suppose I should explain why despite being technically immortal phoenix's are so very rare." Newt said getting Nicks attention again.-

"When the rare instance of a phoenix mating occurs a single egg is laid by the pair of mating birds and guarded fiercely. After hatching the chick grows up and develops under it's parents education on how to act until the day of it's first rebirth arrives. Unfortunately the chances of a phoenix surviving it's first rebirth is extremely low and they can truly die if they fail while eternity awaits if they succeed. This alongside how rare it is for phoenix's to mate means that there are very few of the majestic creatures in the world." he explained with a sad expression.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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