First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 153 [Bonus ]Blood Rain!

Chapter 153 [Bonus ]Blood Rain!

Abaddon could not put into words how he was feeling right now.

The power flowing throughout his new body was something akin to a dream.

The sensation of losing his arms and legs in this form did not seem to bother him at all.

And having a new set of eyes and ears felt like the most natural thing in the world.

He hadn't checked all of his system notifications yet but based on first impressions...

"I feel incredible..." He muttered.

His deep and monstrous voice vibrated within the ears of all of the onlookers present.

Speaking seemed to snap all of his soldiers out of their trance as the rabisu took to the skies.

"The lord has evolved!"

"Is his power not to be celebrated?!"

Abaddon watched as all of his demons circled him, singing praises and offering him heartfelt compliments.


The dragon suddenly heard a very loud and recognizable yell and turned his head just in time to see his daughter flying towards him, also in her draconic form.

"You're so big! Wait, which head does Mira talk to? Can you see Mira with both heads or just one? Does this mean you'll have two heads in your human form too?"

Even as a twenty meter tall dragon, Mira was still unbearably adorable.

"I'm not sure, my daughter. Shall we check?"

Abaddon's body exploded into a column of black fire and he reappeared on the ground in his human form.

"How do I look?"

Mira landed a few feet away from her father and analyzed him carefully.

After staring hard for around thirty seconds, the little ice dragon finally voiced her findings.

"Daddy only has one head!"

Abaddon smirked when he suddenly gained a mischievous idea.

[Skill : Split Body, activated.


Mira nearly fell over in shock when her father suddenly separated from himself and an identical twin formed right next to him.

"Two heads! Daddy has two heads! No, Daddy has two bodies!"

Abaddon and his clone looked each other up and down.

He could see that upon evolution his skin had become impossibly smooth and divine while his muscles became even more prominent. He also noticed that his hair had a renewed shine and softness.

The feeling of having a clone was strange.

Abaddon was completely aware that his was the real body and but he was also sharing all of his clone's senses. He could also sense that if he wanted he could give his clone a bit of free will to act out certain tasks.

"I'm quite handsome.. I can see why other men don't like us much."

"We're also not very friendly." The clone added.

"Daddies are talking to themselves!" Mira's brain finally couldn't take anymore and she finally fell over and passed out.

Her body shank down into her regular childlike form and her father picked her up as he chuckled.

"Do you think that was too much?"

"It would seem so but I found it amusing."

"As did I." Abaddon placed a small kiss on Mira's forehead before calling for his little helper and dismissing his clone.

"Alright, you can come out of hiding now." He said, seemingly to the wind.

In the next moment, there was a whooshing sound and Seras appeared wearing a dark cloak with a hood.

Because no one could know that she was here, she'd been lurking around the city like a shady person throughout this entire ordeal.

"You... evolved." Seras said with a gulp. "C-Congratulations."

The more she looked at him, the worse it got.

Seras felt desire welling up inside her the likes of which she'd never felt before.

She had to take several slow, shaky breaths so that she did not violate him in front of all of these people present.

Abaddon finally noticed another fact about his evolution.

His powers of seduction were way stronger now. If he did not make more of an effort to suppress himself than he did before, every woman in the universe would become his obedient thrall with a single glance.

Such a thing sounded exhausting.

But he had to admit, he did not hate to see Seras like this. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

"Would you like your reward before or after?" he asked while cupping her face in his free hand.

"Take your hands off me or I swear I'll-"

Unfortunately, Seras' threat was cut short when Abaddon tenderly kissed her lips.

After pulling apart, he was rather amused to see that she'd completely frozen up from surprise.

'I'm a bit disappointed. All that blustering and she froze up with a single kiss.' He swore to tease her about this for the rest of eternity.

"Can you help me with the blood now?"

"S-Sure..." Seras said as she nodded absentmindedly.

She held her hands out above her head and all of the blood within the surrounding area began to pool in the sky.

It was really quite a miraculous sight to see. In no more than a few seconds, Seras had formed a giant ball of blood in the air.

Still dazed, she waived her hands and the ball suddenly began floating towards the city.

Abaddon was pretty amazed by her control. He could practically hear her distracted thoughts, yet she had no problem moving enough blood to fill a lake.

'He kissed me... His lips were so soft... What day is it?'

When the massive bubble of blood was over the tree, Seras snapped her fingers and it slowly began to trickle down like rain.

The dragon didn't know if he was imagining things or not but he could swear he felt happy feelings being transmitted by the tree.

After around a minute of blood rain, Abaddon finally found the message he was looking for.

[Qlipoth Tree : False God grade

-The fruit of the qlipoth when ripe creates arch demons modeled after the bound one.

-The demon who is bound to the qlipoth is provided with life energy from the lands it is planted on.

-The tree will alter the surrounding environment to fit the hosts tastes.

- Humans within 500 yards of the qlipoth will have an 80% debut while angels have 30%.

- Surrounding territory becomes enshrouded in a thick mist that makes it impossible for those with negative intentions to reach the tree.

- Sealed!


- Sealed!

Abaddon was incredibly pleased.

With this new effect no one could bring harm to the city he was building and his family would always have a safe space to return to.

He was so happy with his new gain that he patted Seras happily on the head in thanks.

'I would've kissed her but I'm worried she'll implode if I do that again.'

"Can you stay for a bit or do you have to go back right away?" he asked.

He was almost positive the festival like atmosphere would continue throughout the day and he'd like for her to be here for that.

It also wouldn't hurt that he wanted to spend more time with her as well.

Seras' eyes lit up and Abaddon felt waves of her desire seep out. "I can... not."

She was so happy he invited her to stay that she'd almost forgotten she was going to be going on a trip today.

"Plans you can't tell me about?"

She only nodded shyly.

Abaddon noticed how sad she seemed by that so he offered a compromise.

"Two weeks from now at midnight, I'll open another portal in your room. I hope you'll walk through it at that time."


At his command another portal opened right in front of her. Before walking through she gave him a seductive and hungry look.

"I will see you then, Abaddon."

After walking through the portal to her room, Seras placed a hand on her rapidly beating heart.

She now understood why romance novels were so exciting and popular.

This secret love affair of hers was the most excited she'd felt in centuries.

As Abaddon watched the portal close with a small smile, a small voice suddenly rang out from within his arms.

"New mommy?" Mira asked.

"...I thought you were sleeping."


Huge thank you to xizaaR for sending me a massage chair and sponsoring this bonus chapter!

I am incredibly grateful for any and everything that you guys send!

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