First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 152 The Devil Demands Answers

Chapter 152 The Devil Demands Answers


Lucifer unleashed a horrifying cry, the likes of which seemed to cut through multiple realms and realities.

Hell's demonic inhabitants cowered in fear as they made themselves scarce, desperate to avoid their ruler's fury.

Even his consorts had not seen him this enraged in eons and dared not come close.

Suddenly, a comet of white light pierced through hell's dark red sky.

The comet was moving incredibly fast, yet Lucifer did not even flinch as it headed straight for him.

Before the comet could collide with the ground, it stopped a few inches away and the light began to fade.

The man revealed shared Lucifer's face, yet he seemed like the gentlest soul imaginable.

Where Lucifer's hair was red, the man who'd just arrived had hair that was an illustrious gold.

The man's dazzling white robes seemed to be untainted by the miasma of hell and it actually seemed as though he was actively repelling it.

Behind his back were eight white wings that looked as though they should never be soiled by human hands.

"Why are you screaming, Samael?" Michael asked.

His tone was neither unkind, nor was it irritated. He truly seemed to have no idea why he was here.

"What is his game now, Michael?! Does my father now conspire to take from me yet again?!" Lucifer accused, his eyes brimming with a blood red hate.

Michael's calm outward expression broke as his face became one of confusion.

"What are you talking about, Samael? Father isn't-"

"LIES!" Lucifer roared.

His unblemished white skin began to crack as his anger grew beyond it's limit.

Michael however seemed undisturbed by his brother's tantrum. The gears in his ancient brain began to turn as he desperately tried to understand why his brother would be so upset.

The archangel suddenly remembered a strange report he'd received about his brother establishing a connection with an even stranger soul.

"Is this about the child?" Michael suddenly asked.


"While I do know about him, I am not admitting to anything you are accusing me of." Michael defended. "We truly have no involvement with that being."


"Father and mother have retired to the tree of life." Michael interrupted.

That sudden revolution deflated Lucifer's anger like a balloon, and he quickly began to calm down.

"Then what is the meaning of this? Who dares to interfere in my-"

"You believe you can use the boy?" Michael suddenly asked.

Lucifer's gaze became cold as he stared at his angelic twin. "What are you talking about?"

"For one known as 'The Deceiver', you're rather easy to read. You believe that he will be the answer to your salvation from this prison? I am not so sure he would side with you."

"And what makes you say that, dearest brother?" Lucifer asked. "My grandson has clearly expressed his disdain for the human race, so much so that he went as far as to cast aside his own humanity."

Michael held out his angelic white hands and a clear mist arose from them.

Within the mist, various visions began to play.

Some showed Carter as an adolescent in love with art even though he had no talent for it himself. Others were of him listening to wide ranges of music for hours on end. However, the most impactful vision was one of Carter giving money to a homeless woman even though he himself had nothing.

The visions soon shifted to scenes of him being abused by his parents. But their were also others where Carter would come home from school to find their house reeking of piss and trash whilst his parents were high out of their minds.

Not only that, the two siblings also watched as they saw him being made fun of by his peers and other adults for his weight and cheap clothes.

The more he watched, the more Mchael became sure of his initial assessment.

"Disdain? I would not say that. It seems more like he was disappointed." The archangel said.

"Disappointed?" Lucifer questioned. "Why do you say that?"

Michael smiled fondly as he watched the memories with an unknown humor. "There is an author among them. One who's quote I believe fits his thinking perfectly. 'The more I love humanity in general, the less I love man in particular.' "

"If he truly had nothing but hate for them in his heart, would he have taken in a human child in his new life?"

Lucifer growled at his brother's words. He had hoped that his grandson was keeping that human girl as nothing more than a pet but as time went on, he began to see that he truly did care for her as his own.

An infuriating thought indeed.

Michael closed his hands and the vision mist dissipated. "Are you satisfied?"

Lucifer wanted to curse and scream that of course he wasn't satisfied since he hadn't actually learned anything.

Sensing that he had nothing more to say, Michael turned around to leave when Lucifer offered a final retort.

"Whether he helps me or not, I will cleanse those hairless apes from reality one day."

Michael turned around and his golden eyes met his brother's red ones. 'Not only do I believe he will not help you, I believe he will stop you as well.'

The archangel did not voice his thoughts, he found it unnecessary.

No matter what he said, his brother would still be unable to see past his hatred.

In a flash of white light, Michael had become a comet and he shot thought the sky without another word.

Lucifer watched his brother leave hell with a neutral expression.

Only when the dot of white was no more and his brother was finally gone did he let a single tear of blood fall.

If you asked Satan whether he hated his family, his answer would be a resounding no.

In fact it was because he loved them so much that the past eternity had hurt him so.

Because he deemed his father's creations to be imperfect and defective, he could not love them like he was asked to.

To him they were greedy, hateful and destructive beings who were not worthy of his great family's love.

When he attempted to show the rest of them, to prove how inferior mankind was, he was branded the villain and so that is what he became.

Eons upon eons spent in his prison have merely done the job of multiplying the hatred he felt for the humans that cost him everything.

They had taken his family from him.

They who were not even worthy enough to gaze upon their very faces.

And they who blame all of their darkest impulses on him.

Even if it cost him everything, he would see to it their demise was made reality.


[Evolution Path : ?????????????????

(Unseen Horror of Realities)

[First Stage Conditions

- Conquer five dungeons (5/5) Complete!

-Consume the hearts of ten worthy enemies (13/10) Complete!

- Gain a total of four affinities (6/4) Complete!

[All evolution requirements have been met!

[Commencing evolution!


[ Evolution is complete!

[Host's sin of lust has evolved into the will of desire!

[ All stats + 25,000!

[Those who have been marked by you and received your essence gain a percent of your stats and a random skill!

[You have received a fragment of divinity!

[Fragment of divinity has been corrupted and changed into a fragment of dark origin!

[Bloodline skill : The Dragon of Madness has evolved into the unique skill: The Dragon of Despair and Horror!

Bloodline skill : Grandson of Igrat, has evolved into the unique skill : Father of Desire!

[ Part of your fated name has been revealed!

- T******t

[You have recovered your second head!

[You have learned the skill : Split Body!


Lisa : "What.. is this?"

Valerie : "I feel... so strange..

Bekka : "This power... it's his?"

Lailah : "I feel... so much stronger!"

Audrina: "Girls... Look down."

The girls followed Audrina's finger that was pointing to their pubic areas.

The girls could see their tattoos gifted by their husband that were glowing bright enough to be seen through their clothes.

"What the-"


The girls were suddenly jolted from their discovery by a thunderously loud roar.

"What... is he?"

"He almost looks like.. a wrym?"

"He's... terrifying!"

All of the demons in attendance stared in awe at the horrifying creature before them.

When the column of dark light disappeared, what was left behind was an enormous dragon. Abaddon was always big, but after his evolution he appeared to have grown an additional 5 meters, making him a towering 75 meters tall.

His black scales glistened with the light of the purple sky overhead, making his scales look like they were made from the most exquisite material imaginable.

Abaddon previously possessed arms and legs in his draconic form but after evolving his body resembled that of a giant serpent with six massive wings behind his back that seemed big enough to blot out the sky.

But what shocked everyone the most were his heads.

A dragon with multiple heads is seen as a beast of calamity and ruin by the world.

And now a second one has been born when the first is still walking around.

Mammon was beginning to get excited.

His nephew's future was looking very bright indeed.

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