First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 154 Brand New Beasts

Chapter 154 Brand New Beasts

"New mommy?"

"... I thought you were asleep."

"Daddy can't change the subject!" Mira scolded.

"Does Mira want to go eat cookies?"


'Gotcha.' Abaddon gloated inwardly. His daughter was as easy to read as a children's book.

As the pair prepared to head back to the city, they were met halfway by the rest of their family.

Soon Abaddon was swarmed with congratulatory hugs and kisses from all of them but when they took a step back he noticed they had something they wanted to say.

It only took a single moment before he was able to notice some rather drastic changes.

He took a quick glance with his system to confirm it and his suspicions were indeed correct.

Lisa, Lailah, Bekka, and Valerie all gained 15,000 stat points to every area and it had made their potential explode.

"What happened?" he asked in shock.

"We.. got some gifts from you." Lailah answered.

"Gifts as in plural?" He asked.

The four women looked at each other and nodded before Lailah held out her hand.

The dragon nearly fell over in surprise when his first wife used his signature black and purple flames like they were her own.

"Those are daddy's!" Mira pointed.

"Yes... they are." Abaddon agreed.

The surprises didn't stop coming however and the other three girls soon displayed their gifts as well.

Valerie had gained his ruler of gravity skill.

Bekka demonstrated her use of his ability to create black holes out of thin air.

And Lisa showed off her ability to make sickly green flames that burned souls.

"I want one of daddy's powers too!"

"You already have my eyes, Mira. Don't be greedy."

"I'm a dragon!"

"...Maybe I'm teaching you too much." He grumbled.


Giving his mischievous and crafty daughter a wink, he soon turned back to the rest of his family.

"I'm not even sure how this happened but it's good to know that when I get stronger you all do as well." He said sincerely.

All he wanted was for his women to be able to protect themselves in the event that he wasn't around.

And seeing their excited expressions, he knew they were elated about their new powers as well.

But he couldn't help but notice that one of his wives had a rather adorable pout on her face.

"Hmph, I could've been connected to you too if you'd just fu-"

With the impressive speed of lightning, Lisa placed her hand over Audrina's mouth before she could finish that statement.

"Audrina, try to remember our daughters are present." Lisa warned.

The vampire looked down at her two doe eyed daughters and nodded silently, prompting Lisa to uncover her mouth.

"We can connect tonight for as long as you like, my love." Abaddon winked.

The girls all shuddered uncontrollably.

The great thing about being married to the embodiment of desire is that no one has to be left out.

They can all enjoy a night of passion even when they aren't being touched directly.

And when the girls come together to enhance each other's pleasure, there is truly no better way to spend a night or several.

Thea : "...Gross."

Mira : "Yucky."

While the wives all laughed at their daughters' reactions, only Abaddon felt slightly guilty.

Earlier his father had traumatized him and now he was doing the same thing to his children.

"Well, Well! Look who we have here!"

The group turned around to see Mammon approaching with the rest of his army.

He focused his beady yellow eyes on only one person in the group that he hadn't seen so far.

"My nephew didn't tell me he was married to the vampire queen! Your ambition is truly boundless!" Mammon laughed.

"You didn't ask and even if you did it was none of your business." Abaddon said as he possessively pulled Audrina towards him.

"So what? You plan to be the king of both demons and vampires?" He asked jokingly.

That sudden question prompted the two of them to realize they had neglected to talk about an important aspect of their relationship.

"I... was planning on leaving the throne for you. I did not think you cared about being king." Audrina confessed.

Abaddon was utterly floored.

Could a demonic dragon even be king of the vampires?

Even if Audrina tried to turn him, his draconic body would treat the attempted alteration as an infection and purge it from his blood.

There was no way for him to become a vampire and because he knew that, he never thought about being their king.

But he was sure of absolutely one thing.

"I could not ask you to give up your throne for me. The vampires have flourished under your rule."

Audrina prepared to offer a rebuttal but she quickly closed her mouth when she realized they were not alone. "We can continue this later..."

The dragon nodded in agreement and turned back towards his uncle who was giving him a look of pure disbelief.

"You married the vampire queen... Yet you never even considered what that would make you? You are more like your idiot father than I had thought."

The king of greed did not understand.

Was his nephew simply preoccupied with the sight of her breasts?

He seemed so crafty and logical before, yet he could be surprisingly air headed.

Abaddon merely rolled his eyes before asking the all important question.

"My materials. When can I expect them?"

"I'll return with them in a week's time. I am eager to see what you will create with them but I am curious." He added as he recalled the inhabitants of the city. "Demons aren't exactly known for their creations and creativity. Are you certain you have enough capable hands to ensure that they won't be wasted?"

Hearing his question, Valerie proudly stepped forward.

Abaddon took that moment to introduce her. "This is my wife Valerie. She and I will be working together on this project. There are no more capable hands than her own."

Mammon analyzed Valerie very carefully.

"You... You are not a regular hybrid. What are you?" He asked curiously.

Valerie did not look anything like a dwarven hybrid should look.

She was much too tall and she had muscles that were much more pronounced than either members of her race.

Valerie looked uncomfortable with the sudden question about her upbringing and that was all Abaddon needed to see to know it was time for them to go.

"Do not interrogate her. It is time for you to leave my lands."

"Hmph. Damn brat, I am incomparably older than you. Speak to me with more respect!"

"I'll consider it after I've seen what you bring me next time."

Mammon growled and walked past the loving family. "We're moving out!"

The army of greed looked like it was tearing their hearts out to leave this sexy utopia but it was out of their hands.

They all exchanged sad sorrowful glances at the city as they walked away.

Lailah : "They're really easy to read."

Bekka : "They look so broken hearted."

Lisa : "Will everyone act like this in the future?"

Valerie : " Of course they will! Once husband and I replicate things from his old world we'll have beings from all over begging to stay!"

Valerie then turned to her husband and looked him directly in the eyes. "But... there is something I wanted to talk to you about."

Recognizing the seriousness in her voice, Abaddon did not waste any more time and immediately opened a portal home.

These plans for their future could not be jeopardized under any circumstances.

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