First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 151 Abaddon Evolves!

Chapter 151 Abaddon Evolves!

"Look at those human's faces!"

"Demon king Abaddon has all of those bastards shaking in their boots!"

"That power was incredible!"

The demon onlookers were all terribly entertained.

The newest demon king had terrified all of the invaders with what was no more than a single greeting.

'I am not so easily impressed, Abaddon.' Mammon snorted inwardly.

From his point of view what his nephew had done was no more than a fancy mana domination.

However, if Mammon thought that was all Abaddon had to show, he was about to be in for the rudest awakening possible.

Abaddon held out his palm, as if he was extending an invitation.


Commander 1 : "What?

"That is the number of you that have to die today. The rest of you need only lay down your weapons and get on your knees."

Commander 2 : "HA! Do you think that we will so easily bend to your-




The three commanders turned around in shock to see that about 500 of the soldiers had already dropped their weapons and were kneeling with their hands in the air.

Commander 3: "You spineless sacks of shit!"

'Less than I thought... I thought I had them sufficiently frightened.' Abaddon thought.


A column of dark energy erupted from Abaddon's body.

The pressure being released was so utterly horrifying that the wyverns went from trembling to fiercely trying to shake off their riders and fly away.

Commander 1 : "Settle down, you!"

Commander 2 : " Obey me, you beast!"

Commander 3 : "We do not flee!"

As the column of black energy was dispersed, Abaddon was revealed in his new demonic transformation.

Four muscular arms covered with glistening black scales, three imposing horns that seemed to pierce the sky and that strange third eye in the center of his forehead.

The bright red armor he'd worn previously disappeared and was replaced with black hakama pants with a blood red cloth down the middle.

At his new height of 7'2, the humans that were previously hesitating began to reconsider.

"You... What are you?"

"He's a m-monster!"

"D-Does his offer still apply?!"

If Mammon was bored at best before, his nephew now had his uninvited attention.

"He.. Can already use that?" The demon asked shakily.

"Pretty surprising, huh?" Asmodeus said proudly. "He can't stay in that form as long as he wants like the rest of you but that doesn't make it any less impressive."

While Mammon and Asmodeus were overwhelmingly impressed, the rest of Abaddon's family were not so enthusiastic.

The glares he was receiving from his wives and even his daughters would have been enough to frighten even the rowdiest demon.

"Calm down, girls. He'll be okay this time." Audrina said.

"...How can you be so sure?" Bekka asked as she tried to maintain her composure by rubbing her cheeks against Thea's.

"Well for one, these men aren't Seras. The energy he'll expend fighting them is nothing compared to last time." She noted.

"He also isn't drawing energy into himself quite as fast as last time. Our husband is indeed being considerate of our feelings." Audrina added with a smile.

The girls gradually lost their scowls as they stared in a mixture of anticipation and admiration at Abaddon's back.

Back on the battlefield, more soldiers were dropping their weapons.

Unfortunately, the three commanders at the front were not among them.

They were not fazed by he or his flashy transformation and they even seemed to be enraged that so many of their soldiers had fallen for his intimidation.

Commander 1 : "Demons and their tricks! This weakness we feel is your doing, correct?"

Commander 2 : "If you are a true man, fight us at our best!"

Commander 3 : "I would wager you would dare not face us alone then!"

Abaddon weighed their words in his heart.

While their words held some merit, they no longer mattered.

Not with the time clock he had hanging over his head.

He no longer had the luxury of fighting honorably or without using everything he had.

"It is true that I am responsible. And once upon a time, I might have fallen for your provocations and fought you equally... "


Abaddon shot forward like a bullet, his new massive frame moving even faster than his old one.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the enemy commanders.

"But that time has long since passed."

His multiple arms immediately displayed their use as he unleashed a shower of decimating blows upon their bodies.

Controlling his power so as not to blow their now weak bodies somewhere far away, each punch that connected blew a hole in their body.

In no more than half a second, the humans resembled pieces of swiss cheese as they fell over dead.

[ Progress towards understanding of your demonic martial arts is at 22%.

Ignoring the message from the system, Abaddon instead carried out his onslaught on the rest of the human soldiers that had yet to surrender.

It seemed as though their natural fight or flight instinct had suddenly kicked in as there were suddenly two groups, those that tried to run, and those that tried to fight.

Both were equally foolish.

[Skill : Ruler of Gravity, activated.

Suddenly, the gravity increased horribly on the bodies of those who were attempting to flee.

In the next second, the loudest, wettest, squelching sound possible was heard as hundreds of soldiers were immediately reduced to a meaty paste.

However, Abaddn's control over gravity is not something that is that crude.

While smashing the cowards who had attempted to flee, he was also lessening the gravity on his own body so that he was moving even faster than before!

In one moment he was in the center of the army, in the next there was a bloody mess in the area and he would be on the other side of the battle field in an instant!

The only thing the onlookers could see was a large black blur wreaking unparalleled devastation.


"Lord Abaddon is ruthless!"

"Does anyone else have a craving for spaghetti?"

"HaHaHa! This place is incredible!"


[x3,012 unevolved humans killed.

-150,600 SC gained.

[x408 1st Stage humans killed.

- 302,000 SC gained.

[x11 2nd Stage humans killed.

- 52,000 SC gained.

[x3 3rd stage humans killed.

-70,000 SC gained.

As Abaddon punched through the head of another soldier, he finally paused to look at the devastated battlefield he had created.

It was truly a sight to see. The demon lord had expertly avoided any of the 1,500 humans who'd initially surrendered.

Other than being covered in the guts of their fallen comrades, they were untouched.

They were a little traumatized, but still fine.

This feeling of being so close to death was one that they would remember for the rest of their lives.

"Will you relinquish your lives to me?" He asked, imbuing his voice with seducers hymn so that he could still be heard by the ones with broken minds.

All of the 1,500 human survivors prostrated, placing their heads on the blood soaked ground.

"My generals."

In a flash, Hakon, Absalom and Stheno appeared before him on one knee.

"""We heed the master's call."""

Abaddon's body began to shrink down until he was retuned to his original appearance, albeit much more bloody.

"Take them to the fountain and have them drink. You're free to eat those who do not survive."

With the rabisu generals carrying out their master's latest orders, that left Abaddon to enjoy his spoils.

The demon lord held out his hand and his prizes soon came flying towards him.

Hearts from every being that died today and was higher than stage one.

His wives and children on top of the wall could not suppress their bright smiles.They knew exactly how much this moment meant for he and their family.

Wasting no time, Abaddon reached out and devoured the hearts, not wasting a single drop of blood or tissue.

Almost immediately after swallowing, a bright arc of black and golden energy shot from his body and pierced the heavens.


Nexus of Creation, Tree of Life

"My dear... are you certain there is no cause for concern?" Asherah asked.

Her mesmerizingly beautiful face was slightly wrinkled with worry.

On the other hand, her husband did not seem to be worried at all.

Even though he had long since sealed his power of omnipotence, his eyes still seemed to hold a firm believe that the future would be fine.

He simply offered his wife a warm smile and clasped her hand in his.

Seeing that he was still slashing her that very same unbelievably calm smile, Asherah smiled helplessly and elected to relax.

'So... the primordial dragon will rise again.'


Avernus, Lucifer's palace.

The king of hell was on the edge of his seat.

After watching his grandson's riveting battle, he was more than a little excited to see what would become of his first evolution.

Unfortunately, he received nothing instead when his connection was inadvertently severed.


The purest most raw form of anger began to flow off of the fallen archangel in waves.

He only new of two beings able to interfere with his powers like this, and he did not enjoy being made a fool of time and time again.

The king of hell vanished from his throne and appeared outside.

He never thought he'd do this but his rage had reached point of no return.

Just because he could not leave hell, did not mean he couldn't call someone down.

And there was only one person he could call that would have the answers he sought.


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