Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1964: Opponents for the First Round

Chapter 1964: Opponents for the First Round

Long Yeyue said in a grim voice, "This is only to be expected. The soul beasts currently hold an absolute advantage, so they're naturally going to state very difficult conditions."

"The problem is that she's not showing any sincerity," Chen Xinjie said, "The first two conditions are somewhat doable, but the rest are completely ludicrous. It looks like war is inevitable; we should prepare for battle."

Chen Xinjie's status in the military was unmatched, and it was a very good thing that he was still around to lead the human army.

However, it was still going to be a very difficult task, given that no one from the Battle God Hall was present, and all of the high-ranking officers of the military had also fallen under Gu Yuena's control.

A wry smile appeared on Mo Lan's face. "Would we really have a chance in a war? Wulin, you should go; you need to survive for the human race to have any hope."

Mo Lan didn't even need to discuss the conditions Gu Yuena had raised with the federal government to know that they definitely couldn't be accepted. If they were to accept those conditions, then the human race would completely be at the mercy of the soul beasts!

Tang Wulin shook his head firmly in response. "How could I flee at a time like this? I've already made up my mind. Sister Mo Lan, please promise me one thing."

"What is it?" Mo Lan asked.

Tang Wulin replied, "Regardless of whether I succeed or fall in battle, do your best to fulfill her first two conditions. Currently, the Douluo Continent already has sufficient life energy, and it would be great if the soul beasts could return. On top of that, rebuilding the Great Star Dou Forest would be a great way for the Douluo Continent to better recover its life energy, and I'm sure that with the recent influx of life energy, we would be able to reconstruct the Great Star Dou Forest. After all, the Great Star Dou Forest is very close to Shrek City and the Eternal Tree, and at the current rate at which plants are growing, the Great Star Dou Forest will be able to return to its former glory within a century."

"What are you going to do?" Mo Lan asked in a wary manner.

She could detect a hint of finality in Tang Wulin's words, as if this were his final request.

A faint smile appeared on Tang Wulin's face, and he replied, "I'm the only one who can resolve the current situation. You're the president now, and I have faith in you, Sister Mo Lan."

After that, Tang Wulin rose up into the air and flew directly toward the soul beast camp.

The four Limit Douluos exchanged a grim glance before following along behind him.

Mo Lan's brows furrowed tightly, and a hint of unease welled up in her heart. She didn't know what Tang Wulin was planning, but it seemed that he was going to make a final stand.

All of the Great Beasts immediately tensed up at the sight of the approaching Tang Wulin, and complex looks also appeared in the eyes of Da Ming and Er Ming.

Da Ming turned to Gu Yuena, and said, "If we're facing Wulin, then Er Ming and I can only remain neutral and refuse to help either side."

Gu Yuena merely nodded in response. "Alright."

The two sides drew closer and closer, and to her surprise, Tang Wulin was currently wearing the suit he had worn on the day of his proposal.

She reflexively looked down at her left hand, and the dark blue ring was still fitted around her ring finger. Ever since she had first put it on, she had never taken it off.

"Stop!" Di Tian yelled, and Tang Wulin obliged.

At this point, he was only around 100 meters away from the soul beast army. Even though they were only a group of five, even someone as powerful as Di Tian was struck by a sense of immense pressure in their presence.

Tang Wulin's gaze roamed over the dazed Soul Masters, then over the Great Beasts before finally settling on Gu Yuena.

"Silver Dragon King, we are the most powerful beings of our respective camps. Even if a battle were to commence, the final outcome would be heavily influenced by the result of our clash. As such, let's save the unnecessary bloodshed and have a battle to decide it all. I hereby issue you a challenge."

Gu Yuena shuddered ever so slightly, but she maintained a frosty facade as she said, "You're challenging me? We hold an absolute advantage here; why should I accept your challenge."

Tang Wulin faltered slightly upon hearing this, clearly not expecting such a response.

However, he then cast a cold gaze toward the Great Beasts, and said, "Even if you don't accept my challenge, I don't think there's anyone here who can stop me from challenging you."

Gu Yuena harrumphed coldly, "Is that so? Then why don't we have a bet?"

"A bet?" Tang Wulin was very much taken aback to hear this.

This was the first time he had heard Gu Yuena utter this word, and in his memory, Gu Yuena was rather averse to gambling.

Gu Yuena continued, "You heard the five conditions I just proposed; I'm giving you an opportunity now. I'll send out three rounds of powerful beings to battle you, and with each round that you win, you'll earn the right to turn down one of my conditions."

Tang Wulin's eyes immediately lit up upon hearing this. Even if Gu Yuena were to feature in the final round, he would at least be able to win two rounds, thereby allowing him to cancel out two of the conditions. In his eyes, no one from the opposing camp aside from Gu Yuena could stop him.

"My Lord, you can't! This..."


Di Tian had only just begun speaking before he was slapped straight out of sight by a silver dragon claw.

"Does anyone else want to raise any objections?" Gu Yuena asked in a cold voice.

At the same time, she released her fearsome divine sense, and aside from Tang Wulin, everyone was forced to plummet down by 10 meters, including even Da Ming and Er Ming.

The two of them exchanged a glance, and both of them could see their own astonishment mirrored in one another's eyes. They were aware that Gu Yuena was extremely powerful, but they didn't think that she would be this powerful.

The divine sense that she was displaying was no longer inferior to that of the Holy Lord, and it was clear that she had most likely already completely awakened as the Silver Dragon King.

Perhaps she would be restricted by this plane to a certain extent, but the restrictions definitely weren't going to be very potent; perhaps she would even be capable of disregarding them altogether.

Mo Lan was the leader of the human race, but she couldn't make all of the human race's decisions. In contrast, Gu Yuena was the god of the soul beasts, and her word was equivalent to holy decree.

Following the multiple objections Di Tian had raised against her in the past, she had finally snapped. As the soul beast who stood at the pinnacle of this plane, Di Tian's powers were most likely superior even to those of Chen Xinjie, but he had been sent flying like in a completely powerless manner by a single slap from Gu Yuena.

In the wake of the example set by Di Tian, who else would dare to raise any objections?

All of the Great Beasts lowered their heads and remained silent. Their god had well and truly returned, and they didn't dare to oppose her.

Tang Wulin's expression remained unchanged as he said, "I accept the three challenges; do we begin now?"

Gu Yuena replied, "Yes. For the first round, your opponents will be..."

She paused here momentarily, and instead of casting her gazed toward the Great Beasts, she turned toward the dazed human Soul Masters under her control.

"Ye Xinglan, Yuanen Yehui, Xie Xie, Xu Lizhi, Yue Zhengyu, Xu Xiaoyan, A'Ruheng, and Sima Jinchi."

Tang Wulin's expression finally changed slightly upon hearing this.

"Gu Yue, you..."

Gu Yuena raised her chin in an arrogant manner. "So? Do you dare to face them?"

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