Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1963: Conditions

Chapter 1963: Conditions

Gu Yuena was silent for a moment before harrumphing coldly, "If it's a negotiation you want, then a negotiation you'll have. If you can fulfill the conditions I raise, then we won't unleash this beast tide."

Both Da Ming and Er Ming were quite relieved to hear this, but an urgent look immediately appeared on Di Tian's face.

However, just as he was about to say something, a burst of fearsome divine sense descended upon him, forcing him to swallow his words.

"Why don't we take a seat first before we begin?" Mo Lan hurriedly suggested.

"Alright, but I want to speak to only you and no one else," Gu Yuena replied.

Mo Lan turned to look up at Tang Wulin, and the latter gave her a quick nod.

Even though they were standing on opposing sides, Tang Wulin trusted Gu Yuena enough to not take advantage of this opportunity to harm Mo Lan.

Thus, under Mo Lan's instructions, the armored vehicle that she was situated in began to drive toward the army of soul beasts. Behind her stood the human army, while the formidable soul beast army was up ahead.

In spite of the daunting situation, Mo Lan was as calm as ever, standing like an immovable mountain and displaying no fear or hesitation.

The entire population of the continent could see her through satellite broadcast, and a sense of calmness was instilled into their hearts.

The outcome of the negotiation was undoubtedly extremely important, but just as important was the courage that Mo Lan was displaying, and she was winning even more support for herself with her courageous display.

It was no exaggeration to say that Mo Lan was currently the most supported president in the history of the Douluo Federation.

Her courage and leadership were incredibly inspiring.

The armored vehicle drove all the way to the central point of the space between the two camps before finally stopping, and Mo Lan emerged from the vehicle alone.

She had agreed to speak with Gu Yuena on her own, and she was displaying her sincerity through her actions.

"No one is allowed to do anything without my instructions," Gu Yuena said, and she took a cold glance at Di Tian as she did so.

Di Tian's heart jolted slightly upon hearing this.

He had indeed just considered ordering the soul beasts directly under his control to launch a surprise attack to kill this human president.

After all, she was only an ordinary person, and once she died, a war would be inevitable.

However, in the wake of Gu Yuena's parting glance, he didn't dare to consider this plan any further. He could sense that Gu Yuena harbored some dissatisfaction toward him, and the soul beasts still held the absolute advantage here, so there was no need to do anything rash.

All of the Great Beasts bowed toward Gu Yuena in unison, and their eyes were full of determination.

They had waited for so many years, and the opportunity had finally arrived; they couldn't afford to let this chance slip.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Yuena appeared before Mo Lan amid a flash of silver light.

Mo Lan had seen Gu Yuena on more than one occasion, but each time she saw Gu Yuena, the latter seemed to be a little different from last time. The impression that Mo Lan had of Gu Yuena was that she was a quiet girl of very few words, and only she was a match for Tang Wulin.

Thinking of Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena's past history, Mo Lan couldn't help but lament, "Why must fate be so cruel!"

Gu Yuena's eyes remained calm as she said, "Let's begin. I have some conditions, and if you can accept the conditions on behalf of the Douluo Federation and execute them with immediate effect, this war can be avoided."

Mo Lan's heart jolted slightly upon hearing this, and she immediately prompted, "Go ahead."

"Firstly, there must be a habitat for us soul beasts on the Douluo Continent. This habitat will include but will not be limited to the Great Star Dou Forest. The human race must help us revitalize the Great Star Dou Forest, and it must be rebuilt to a scale that's larger than it's ever been. Also, once rebuilt, the new Great Star Dou Forest will be a restricted area to humans, and no human may enter it without first securing permission."

Mo Lan nodded, and said, "Please continue."

"Secondly, the Douluo Federation must convince the Star Luo Empire and Dou Spirit Empire to each construct a soul beast habitat no smaller than the new Great Star Dou Forest; everything else from the first condition applies here as well."

Mo Lan nodded in response. "Is there anything else?"

Gu Yuena continued, "Thirdly, all human technology must be destroyed, particularly all soul weapons and information pertaining to them; human society must revert back to the state it was in during ancient times."

"We can't do that!" Mo Lan exclaimed.

The first two conditions were just about feasible, but this condition was definitely not something that the human race could agree to.

If they were to enact this third condition, then human society would be set back tens of thousands of years. Setting aside whether it was even achievable in the first place, there was definitely going to be severe resistance from the general public.

However, Gu Yuena merely ignored her protests, and continued, "Fourthly, all human Soul Masters must be executed, and no further Soul Masters can arise in the future. Without any Soul Masters, there would be no one to hunt soul beasts."

Mo Lan raised an eyebrow upon hearing this. "So you want the human race to return to the era where we were nothing but prey for you soul beasts."

Gu Yuena countered, "All we want is for humans to no longer pose a threat to us. Fifthly, all human technology in the area of space exploration must be handed over to us, and the human race must become absolutely obedient to the soul beasts. As long as you remain obedient, you can send a group of human scientists to continue their research under our supervision. From now on, soul beasts must reign supreme across all three continents of the Douluo Star. Those are our five conditions; if you can accept them, then this war would be avoided, and more humans would be able to survive. If you refuse, then we'll just have to force you to accept."

"Don't you think you're going too far?" Mo Lan asked, "If we were to destroy all soul technology, over half of the Douluo Continent's human population would starve to death! Without soul technology, all large-scale agriculture and manufacturing would be gone, and we won't be able to produce enough to feed the current population. The current human race is no longer the same human race from ancient times; with the rapid increase in population, technology is required to support everyone's basic needs."

"That's your problem; it has nothing to do with me. I have these five conditions, and they're non-negotiable," Gu Yuena replied in a calm voice.

They had made no effort to keep their voices down, and Mo Lan was carrying a communicator, so the entire human army could hear the contents of their conversation, including Gu Yuena's five conditions.

Mo Lan took a deep breath to calm herself down as much as possible, then said, "This is an extremely important matter, and I can't make the decision on my own; can you give me some time to discuss it with my people?"

Gu Yuena replied in a cold voice, "I've already given you five days. If you can't represent the human race, then there's no reason for me to talk to you. I'll give you one more hour; if you still haven't made a decision by then, then we go war."

After that, she vanished amid a flash of silver light, not allowing a chance for Mo Lan to respond.

Mo Lan had intended to buy some time through this negotiation, but it was clear that Gu Yuena wasn't going to allow that.

Thus, she quickly returned to her armored vehicle, which drove back to the human camp.

Tang Wulin and the four Limit Douluos descended in front of Mo Lan, and she said with tightly furrowed brows, "You heard the conditions; those are impossible to fulfill."

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