D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 335: Maō Shoujo Kamiko!

Chapter 335: Maō Shoujo Kamiko!

"Hi… Kamiko…" said Kat suddenly feeling really awkward about the question she'd just blurted out. Deciding to change the question and hopefully just forget about the whole thing, Kat continued with. "You seem awfully happy to be here for your punishment"

Kamiko stuck her tongue out at Kat. "Naw, I just don't see any reason to mope about. Besides, this is the kiddy punishment. We basically get the whole sales pitch… er… I mean, we should do… this looks like a lot more people than normal so maybe they will be splitting us up? Hmm… this is for your rank one debt right?"

Kat nodded "Yes. It is…"

"Great!" shouted Kamiko, latching back on to Kat. "We can be partners then. They normally make us pair up anyway and they like partners to be similar races so we should be fine" Kamiko made sure to wiggle her eyes at the end proving she hadn't forgotten about Kat's question, but she didn't seem upset.

So Kat couldn't help but ask. "So… are you a pure succubus then? I know I'm not, but nobody will actually tell me what I am"

"Oh, you poor thing" Kamiko reached up to try and pat Kat on the head, but Kat's horns were in the way and Kamiko's massive sleaves managed to get caught on Kat's wings, so Kamiko aborted the attempt. "Well… I'm not really sure. I mean… in my family we just don't really care?

"I know I'm at least a half. I mean, both my parents are at least halves as well… but I dunno what mix I got from either of them really. I mean, I don't have anyone's horns, these are all mine in the family… then there's the eyes. My mum also has fancy eyes, but not like mine. Sis has similar eyes to me, but still, not quite right. Actually, my eyes are kinda like a combination of mum and Sis, but… obviously that's not the case.

"Everyone has wings like mine though… or well, all of my immediate family. Cousin Hekresh doesn't. but we don't like to talk about him. Inherited a bunch of old recessive traits and suddenly thinks he's too good for us cocky little shit…" Kamiko trailed off, shaking her head as if to clear the bad memories before looking back up at Kat.

"So sorry about that, I mean… I'd love to say that I don't know what came over me, but I do… I'm a bit of a rambler really. It's a real shame you don't know what kind of succubus you are, you have beautiful wings, much nicer than mine. I know I might fly with them one day, but not before Rank 5. You however, they look like the just might be good enough to…

"Oh but you don't have to tell me of course, I mean. I'm sure that's very personal. And of course, your horns." Kamiko shivered in place. "If you have any brothers, you have to send them my way. The colour is just… breathtaking. The power they must be able to help sustain. I bet a Rank 3… no Rank 4 would have a hard time snapping them…

"Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to do that. People say I'm a little full on… but I mean I really see that as a good thing don't you? I get to talk enough for both of us really. I get to chat more, and you get to save yourself the trouble… or just ignore me if I'm being annoying. That way I don't even have to notice!"

"Hey" Kat said softly putting a hand on the, what Kat was starting to consider, young girl. She may look mature, but it was clear her mind was anything but. "It's alright. I don't really mind. It's… well it's a bit different to what I'm used to but I'm listening, and my perfect memory won't let me forget"

"Ooooo" said Kamiko excitedly "You have a perfect memory? That's AWESOME! How functional is it? My father actually has filing recall. It's not the best memory ability, and it takes some real time and effort to get the most out of it but it's still cool! Why…"

Kat jumped in to actually answer the question before Kamiko got on a roll again. "I don't know really. I… I have to sort of know what I'm looking for? It's hard to say exactly but I have it all there in my head, but I have to call it in some way. Either by going through related stuff or just asking for it… oh and if I try to read anything too fast that doesn't interest me it starts to blend into a tangled mess in my mind. The memories aren't… gone per se, but they are so tangled as to be useless"

Kamiko nodded her head vigorously. "That's so cool! I think that might be better than my dad's… though maybe less organised… then again, I guess you can sort of still forget them if you have no reason at all to remember while dad can stroll around looking for stuff when he's board… still that's so cool!

"Hey so, now that we're partners" *When did I agree to that…? Oh whatever she seems nice enough so I won't correct her.* "We can talk about our other abilities! We can go one for one, exchanging as we go, and demonic fire doesn't count cause everyone has that and it's BORING!

"So, first thing's first, I can shoot lasers out of my eyes. They only burn things right now, and are more like a concentrated version of my demonic fire but IT STILL COUNTS! I think I'll get a more options in the future but at the moment that's all the lasers do…

"Though mum is really cool. She actually has healing lasers. And those are like… super rare. She's the only one I know that has it, and I'm pretty sure one of the only people who has something like that in the entire hub and I really really hope I get that ability one day. She won't tell me what rank she got it though… says it should be a surprise…

"But I think that's silly, I want to know so I can try really hard to unlock it myself when I get to that rank. Of course, lots of people say that trying for a certain power doesn't really help, but I mean… it can't hurt right? And mum does have it already so I should be somewhat likely…"

Kat, seeing an opening, decided to jump in. "Yes, that's possible I suppose. I managed to get a dream walking ability when a… summoner? Friend? I dunno, anyway, they needed my help and their grandmother cast a very powerful spell on me during my rank up. It was an emergency beacon, so it just sort of happened… and I got a dream walking ability instead of the spell working. Sure it was never going to work at all because it wasn't designed for demons… but it did its job"

"Woah" mumbled Kamiko, the stars in her eyes, actually twinkling. They moved ever so slightly as she smiled and were emitting light similar to when Kat was particularly emotional or empowering them fully "Dream walking is really rare at a low rank, I never thought I'd hear about someone my rank that has it! Wait you are Rank 2 right?" Kat nodded, but Kamiko was already ploughing forward "Great to hear, that's so cool. I mean, it's a little specific but it's really neat…

"Um, so another one of my abilities… um… well, I bet you have the good skin package right? Dirt just slides off us, which is really nice, especially when you also get it for your hair. Not everyone does you know? I mean, my family was lucky, we all got it but… I've seen things Kat… horrible things… you do NOT want to know what happens when you miss out on that"

Kat actually felt herself swallow unconsciously at the truly haunted look in Kamiko's eyes so she just nodded along. "Ok, yes you do… so that doesn't really count… um… did you get the nail poison? That's pretty standard as well, and everyone except dad has that…" Kat shook her head. "Oh? No nail poison? Huh… that's normally one of the firsts… it's really useful and scales super well as we rank up… you might not get it at all if you don't have it yet. I think rank 3 is your last chance.

"Really it's great. I mean, it's nothing special compared to dream walking but it's a solid ability. It lets you pick from, well, I CAN pick from paralysis, internal bleeding, and one that stops cuts from clotting. You can either have it come straight out of your nails when you strike, or, dragging your nails along a weapon, you can apply the poison to it instead.

"Sis, actually has really neat ones. I mean… she's only Rank 1 and she has more poisons than I do… though she doesn't have the lasers…"

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