D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 334: Another Succubus?!

Chapter 334: Another Succubus?!

Kat was meditating in bed when she felt herself being pulled into a waking state. It felt urgent, but not like an emergency, so Kat pulled herself together carefully, but without wasting too much time. When her eyes opened and she saw the burning red symbols floating beside her bed she knew it was time to leave.

Carefully removing her arms and tail from around Sylvie wasn't enough, because as she did so, the little girl's eyes opened and look straight into Kat's. "You're going then?" asked Sylvie, her voice even softer than normal.

Kat nodded. "Yes. I'll try and be back soon but… this time I don't really think there will be anything I can do"

Sylvie nodded "I know. Good luck Kat" said Sylvie as she gave Kat a wave.

Kat got up, careful to walk around the portal, to pick up her fans, before remembering they were still on her. Patting the spot where they were hidden in her sash, Kat stepped into the fire and said, "I'm ready"

The transfer was fast. Not instant, but much faster than normal. Flames of all colours rushed past her eyes for barely five seconds when Kat found herself back on solid ground. Before she could even really look around, she heard a voice. "New arrival, straight through the door and line up!"

Kat looked around stunned. She was in a small, undecorated room. It didn't seem to have anything in it at all, and there was only just enough space for her when taking her wings and horns into account. Heading for the door as she'd been told, Kat found herself walking into an auditorium.

Really, it was just a big room with an exceptionally high ceiling, but it was slowly filling up. Lining the wall Kat had just came from was a number of other doors of various sizes, with a similar set on the opposite side. In the middle of the room, a bit further to the left and facing the raised section, was a crowd of demons.

Kat started heading towards them, even as she examined the rest of the room. Other than the one large door behind the podium, and the podium itself just as bare as the one she'd left, with the only variance of course being the large number of demons. Each demon looked rather drastically different from each other, though some shared at least a few similarities.

Kat recognised a beholder, or more accurately, she recognised that one of them was a beholder, instead of just an unknown type of demon like the others. There was one off to the side, near that beholder that had a long snake tail and snake hair, which made Kat think they must have been a medusa, having remembered a bit from Kara.

The other demons were less easy to guess the species of. There were what looked to be living shadows, with little pinpricks of light for eyes. A mass of tentacles that, at first glance looked similar to a beholder, but closer inspection revealed a complete lack of eyes. A seemingly normal looking goat that's only questionable feature was the fact that its beard was on fire. A group of three demons that looked to be pumpkin heads with cloaks. They weren't really wearing the cloaks, because Kat could see their heads bobbing, and they lacked any limbs, having only a pair of gloves and a pair of shoes for them.

Kat settled into the back of the line, as she looked over the sheer variety of demons around her. Kat found herself next to a very solidly built demon that looked a lot like a tiger that had been squeezed into a suit. Unlike the pumpkins though, they actually looked to be wearing it instead… but it just seemed so out of place Kat wasn't willing to actually bet on that.

"Hi there!" said a peppy voice from beside her. Kat turned, to the voice and found herself faced with what, in her mind, had to be a succubus. She looked similar to Kat in some ways, and very different in a few others, but to be accurate she looked like this…

Instead of Kat's deep red hair, the girl, no woman, seemed to have almost neon pink hair, that was tied up into a bun on either side of her head. Each bun seemed to surround a horn that just barely poked out of her hair. What little of the horns Kat could see, made it seem like they were made of the same smooth black material her own was.

The woman's face was heart shaped, that seemed to defy attempts to identify the owner's age. She had a sharp chin, and jawline, but, what Kat had to assume, were very squishable cheeks, and even Kat was finding it hard to resist pinching them, though she'd never seen something like that done before. Her nose was small, but slightly sharp, and her lips were exceptionally thin, but in a wide smile.

Her eyes though, were her most unique features so far. When someone said 'you have stars in your eyes' it normally wasn't meant so literally. Whoever this woman was, she had stars in all four corners of her iris with a cross shaped pupil in the centre. The colours were also spectacular, with her eyes trending from a similar pink to her hair at the bottom and working their way to a deep blue at the top. The stars were a piercing white, and the cross in the centre was as well.

The woman's ears were a little strange, but compared to the eyes it was nothing much. They were very slightly pointed but that was all, and if Kat wasn't currently taking in so much of this stranger's appearance, she wouldn't have bothered to note it at all.

Her outfit, was where Kat's questions of age resurfaced. It was massive. Now, this girl wasn't terribly short by any measure, just slightly shorter than Kat herself, without including Kat's horns of course. The outfit the woman had though, would have been large on Kat, let alone her. The white top's sleeves were so long that they hung down near the woman's ankles and puffed out significantly making Kat think she could make a full extra dress out of each sleeve individually let alone combined.

At her waist, was a large red bow that also wasn't doing her any favours. At its largest it stretched from her elbows until, two thirds of the way to her knees. It seemed to be part of the whole outfit, with the rest of the red material running around her waist.

Finally, the skirt, which was really the only reasonably sized part of the outfit, just barely managed to cover her feet. She wasn't likely to tread on the ends as she walked, but they hid whatever footwear she was wearing underneath.

At her back were wings, though they weren't really anything like Kat's own. Instead of Kat's own massive wings that took up most of her back and could easily extend out past her arms, the woman's wings were really tiny and positioned slightly lower down her back. They were pure black similar to Kat's but there was not even a touch of other colours.

Her tail was the only thing that Kat could say was almost the same as her own. It was a little bit shorter than Kat's but, that was likely due to the woman's slightly shorter stature rather than anything else. "Um… hi?" said Kat confused. Nobody else was talking at this point and she wasn't exactly sure if she should be.

"Oh, it's so nice to see another succubus here" said the woman throwing herself at Kat and hugging her. Kat could've dodged, but was unwilling to fight the bright smile on the woman's face.

As she collided with Kat, she felt a noticeably squishy sensation that revealed that the woman in question possessed somewhat sizeable assets that had been hidden by just how oversized her outfit was… and perhaps a little bit of the bow as well. What was weird for Kat, was that the woman's tail hadn't been included in the hug, and Kat was unsure how she wanted to deal with that, returning the hug but also not moving her tail.

*I wonder why that is? Is it not a thing most succubi do? Does it perhaps have a special meaning? Is it rude maybe? I just don't know… seeing how… 'enthusiastic' this girl seems I really can't be sure.*

"Yeah… I guess so? Um… are you a full succubus? Is that rude to ask?" asked Kat

The woman separated herself from Kat and pouted. "Well, it isn't that rude I suppose, but you didn't even ask for my name"

Kat winced, embarrassed at that fact, and at the fact that she'd needed that pointed out to her. "I'm so sorry about that. My name's Kat, what's yours?"


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