D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 336: You can do What?

Chapter 336: You can do What?

Seeing Kamiko finally slowing down a little, Kat knew it was her chance to jump in again. *But what should I mention? What's actually standard here? We both have the dirt repelling skin but she said the poison nails were really common.

Do I talk about my enhanced speed and better sense? Or are they just default when you rank up? I think they have to be… but I also think I might be ahead of the pack… um… Oh I know.* "I have True Sight" said Kat

Kamiko's jaw dropped. "You have TRUE SIGHT? Like real honest to god TRUE SIGHT? Not that cheap knockoff stuff… um… what was it called… I think it was something like illusion breaker? No not that that's another one… um… truthful sight? No… I mean yes I think that might be one but not that…."

"It's real True Sight" said Kat "The system was pretty clear on that one. I haven't really seen the limits of it but… it's been useful a few times"

Kamiko nodded repeatedly, and Kat got a little worried that Kamiko's neck was about to give up. "That's AWESOME. People just don't have that anymore Kat. I mean, I guess they do because obviously you have it but… you have no idea how rare something like that is do you?

"I hardly even hear about people with some minor illusion breaking sight, or area of effect abilities. I don't even know anyone with the more basic forms of that ability. I'm not sure anyone in the whole HUB has real True Sight. I mean sure, some people will say it because true sight and True Sight, aren't quite the same thing…

"But if it is real… my god. We learn about that in textbooks about rare abilities. It's not the rarest of course, but practically nobody gets it at all. I mean… when you get to higher levels of power and climb the ranks it becomes less important because they can still see through illusions but…

"True Sight is automatic. It takes a completely ridiculous amount of power to trick someone with True Sight. You have to be… like… thousands of time stronger. It isn't even remotely close. You have to waste sooo much energy to get them to believe in the flimsiest illusion. Also, also, apparently it does some things later on.

"Like… apparently once you get more powerful you can tell when people are lying. And you can just… see where you are supposed to go. Well, I'm not too sure about that second one, but I've heard it said. We don't really, or I guess just I don't really know how true that is because it really is that rare!" finished Kamiko, finally looking slightly out of breath.

"She is right you know" said a deep voice from Kat's other side. Turning to see the lion suited demon, he continued. "Sorry for overhearing but your… friend? Isn't exactly quiet. Still, it is a truly rare thing. I'd recommend not telling too many people about it. The biggest shame is that it's somewhat hard to disguise. You start seeing through old illusions and everyone will know"

"Um thanks?" said Kat

The lion man shrugged and said "No problem" before turning back away from Kat and Kamiko, clearly not all that interested in the pair of them.

Kamiko, looked suitably chastised, staring down at her feet and kicking at the ground uselessly. This lasted all of five seconds before a bright smile returned and she continued. "Um, so… I only really have one more ability and that is that I can teleport short distances. When I say short… I mean really really short. Like…? you can probably run faster than I can teleport because I have to stop completely for it to work.

"I'm… not really all that proud of that one. I know it can get better but it's kinda just dead weight at the moment. I do have it though, and that's really all that matters." Said Kamiko, slightly diminished, but not really. It was clear she was still very happy with the ability whatever her words said.

"I have high level succubus regeneration." Said Kat "Just to add on, I also have enhanced physique, but I'm not sure how standard that is compared to everyone else"

Kamiko shrugged "Yeah, everyone has that to some extent. Some people are stronger than others so that one is sort of hard to tell without testing it. I mean, I got stronger when I went up a rank. Honestly it was at least double my strength and it was a huge improvement, but from nothing to Rank 1 was basically no change.

"Regeneration though, that's really cool. It's not super flashy but I'd love to pick it up. Um… what makes it succubus regeneration though?" asked Kamiko

"No scars" said Kat

Kamiko's eyes bulged in their sockets "No scars? Like… none what so ever? Not even if you were to lose an arm or something?"

Kat shook her head. "Nope not even then. Well, I'd need to get the arm back apparently, but it would reconnect and there would be no scars after I did that"

Kamiko gulped. "I know I talked up True Sight but… if I'm jealous of anything you've got it has to be that regeneration. I mean… it isn't SUPER rare, and if you have the smooth skin like we do, it's harder to scare a succubus… but it isn't impossible, especially if the scar is meaningful"

Kat tilted her head "What do you mean?"

"Um… so… I guess you won't have to worry with regeneration like that but… do you know what the difference between a scar and a Scar is? You can hear the difference right" Kat nodded "Good. So, normal scars are just things you pick up over time. One large nick here, a deeper gash there. Just damage over time. A succubus won't really pick stuff like that up. Our skin just sort of… smooths over it"

"It's… we're not really sure because it doesn't seem at first to be a property of that ability, because some other succubus seem to have it as well but EVERYONE with the ability doesn't get scars. Callouses especially, they behave the weirdest.

"Your skin… it just sort of knows? It stays smooth but it will let your grip weapons properly. Really weird stuff. Anyway, Scars, are more emotional things. Things that even with perfect healing or a skin graft or regeneration tend to stick around.

"Like… losing your arm would leave a Scar even if you put it back, or… something extreme like getting stabbed in the heart, or like… if your best friend gave you a slight cut on the face. That wouldn't heal. You however, can shrug it all off."

Kat nodded "Yeah. I'm certainly glad for that. I did not enjoy getting stabbed through the heart… twice."


Kat winced at Kamiko's shout but, to her surprise, most demons nearby didn't even blink at the noise. "Yes… it's… a bit of a story but I was stabbed through the heart when I was weakened the first time. And the second, I let it happen to hold him there for someone else to attack."

Kamiko shivered. "That sounds really dangerous Kat. Maybe I am glad I don't have regeneration. How far apart did that happen?"

"Like… ten minutes maybe? Twenty tops" said Kat

Kamiko winced visibly. "I… I don't know how you could just… do that. I mean… regeneration doesn't stop the pain right?"

Kat shook her head. "No it doesn't. Well… it does once the nerves have been destroyed. Though it comes back with a vengeance once they get repaired. And that time pushing gravel out of my throat was NOT fun"

Kamiko shivered again and said. "Let's… let's not talk about that if you don't mind… I mean… I'm sure it was cool but… I don't think I want to picture someone as nice as you going through something like that."

"You think I'm nice?" said Kat with the tilt of her head.

"Of course. I mean, you were willing to let me ramble, and it's clear that you're actually listening to me. I mean… not even my family does that a lot of the time. They just abuse how well they know me to guess what the topic is and pretend. I… I don't point out that I know about it though… they all have a tell. Mum's eyes dim noticeably, Sis starts to tap her foot, and dad… his is really weird, but he starts to breathe through his mouth instead of his nose like normal. Took me forever to figure that one out, but when he grew his moustache a bit more, I finally caught notice."

Kat sighed and patted Kamiko on the head, making sure to be careful of the girl's horns. *Why do I get the strange feeling that I've adopted this girl? I just listened to her talk for a bit right?* A picture of a pouting Sylvie came to mind. *Shit. I'm being double teamed by my own mind!*

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