D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1005 - 1005 Chapter 1005 Late Night Pranks

1005 Chapter 1005 Late Night Pranks

When they returned to their lodgings, and Kat stepped out of the carriage, sleeping Sue in hand. She saw Hromdir doing the same thing with a sleeping Bodeir and got a fantastic idea. Walking over to Hromdir she said, “Hey Hromdir… I have an idea that I’d like to run by you. See it’s like this why don’t we put them both in bed, take most of their clothes… and act like we all know they slept together? They’d never admit that they don’t remember it. I bet. Especially if we play them off each other,”

Hromdir listened to the plan, nodding in the appropriate places, a smile growing on his face. “You think that will work?”

“They’d never admit to not remembering what happened, I’m certain it’ll work,” returned Kat.

Hromdir, “Ok, I’m in,” said Hromdir with a nod, and a light chuckle.

With that, they got started on the plan. Kat and Hromdir carried their charges upstairs to the master bedroom and lay them both out. They were stripped down to their underwear and Sue’s hands scrabbled around the bed looking for warmth. Instead of Bodeir though, she found the sheets, wrapping them around herself in a big cocoon. Bodeir was similarly looking for warmth and found his way to Sue’s cocoon with a bit of effort before wedging himself under the side so that he was partially hidden.

“You know what… this is already better then I imagined,” said Kat as she looked at the bizarre sight. “Did you want to take a picture of this or something? Not sure if that’s something you guys can do,”

Hromdir paused mid laugh. “Hmm… on the one hand, that’s awfully disrespectful to my lord. Pranking him is one thing, especially something harmless like this that will not effect his public reputation, and might can be funny for all involved. Gathering evidence might be a step too far…

“On the other hand though,” Hromdir grinned as he continued, “I’ve known Bodeir Jr since he was a bay, and Bodeir Sr would pay handsomely for an information jade with this image stamped on it. I might even be able to use it to reduce some of Bodeir Jr’s harsher punishments. It could be argued, that by using the picture as a preventative measure from the consequences of Bodeir Jr’s actions, I am in fact doing him a favour by making copies. Do you want one?”

Kat shrugged and said, “I’ve got perfect recall. It takes a bit to find information sometimes, but it’s always there so I won’t be forgetting this scene… ever. So I don’t really need one… then again it might be nice,” Kat paused. “Hang on… do I need qi for it to work though?” Hromdir nodded, “Ok, never mind it then, I wouldn’t be able to use it. None of my good friends likely can either,”


Hromdir shrugged and pulled a small white rock from his sleeve. It didn’t look like he was doing anything, but a moment later he nodded and then made to leave the room. Kat just shrugged and followed him out. Before pausing, “Wait… where should we leave the clothes?”

Hromdir just kept walking as he spoke, “They shall be washed as is proper. Even if they were left on the floor of the bed in fits of passion as we are trying to imply they still need to be washed and Bodeir has a full team of servants. The only difference is that I personally would not have come to collect them,”

“Oh… right…” mumbled Kat, realising it was a bit of a silly point. Nothing stayed dirty or untidy here for long. Bodeir DID have a lot of servants. The idea to leave the clothes strewn on the floor or something similar didn’t take into account the realities of the situation.

The pair walked down the hall, Kat feeling somewhat awkward for her thoughtless comment. This continued until they passed by one of the larger windows and Kat turned to it, opening the window and letting herself out. No better way to escape an uncomfortable situation then to literally leave the situation behind.

Once outside, Kat hopped up onto the roof and made her way to the same spot she’d been in the previous nights… and was able to instantly spot a few people watching the building. None of them were approaching… but it was quite clear that they were watching the mansion. Kat pursed her lips, glaring at two of them but neither reacted to her looks.

*Hmm… I don’t know if I should be scary these people off. They aren’t actually within the property line and they aren’t moving. Do I have jurisdiction here? I don’t think so? Maybe? I can’t say I have much experience with this sort of thing. I’m not the police either… I’m just a bodyguard. I’m like a magical bouncer. I could throw them out of ‘the club’ but if they’re just doing dumb shit across the road? Really not my job. Which… no that’s not the best analogy…

Eh, it’s good enough. Lily would understand. Yup. Totally. Kat sighed. The question is still, what am I supposed to do about it? Do I scare them off a bit? I’m sure if I hurt them without due cause Bodeir’s enemies would use that as a chance to censure me. Perhaps even prevent me from watching over him. That’d be pretty dangerous… and not all that unlikely right? Could I send my fire over them?

Hmm… no, not enough range. Or at least, I wouldn’t have control at that range. I could throw it towards them slowly and it would get there eventually… but I don’t actually want to hit people. Though, it’d be amusing if all the ‘hidden’ watchers were marked with a big floating fireball, announcing their presence for anyone looking. Hmm… but perhaps…*

Kat got to work, summoning up a cluster of flames equal to the number of people and then summoning one more to represent herself, making it about half the size of the others. From there, she started to spread the individual ones out. Flexing her control to make sure they were all accurately placed in comparison to the others. Soon she had a 3D map of the relative positions of all of her watchers.

Said watchers didn’t seem to know what to make of her little fire show. That is, until a new one popped up. Dashing over the rooftops and settling in to watch. Kat summoned up a new bit of demonic energy for them and let move to the correct place. One of the watchers, a woman, went wide eyed at the sight and moved spots slowly. Kat of course, moved the relevant bit of fire as she did so.

The woman glared at Kat before using the map Kat had supplied to find one of the other watchers, taking them out. Kat raised an eyebrow in surprise and dropped the flame representing the now unconscious watcher and decided to have a little fun. She fluffed up the size of the fire representing the aggressive watcher, who noticed this and made rude gesture in Kat’s direction.

This was when laughter started to break out. A different watcher, a man this time, was sitting on one of the roofs laughing. When he saw Kat glance over, he smiled. Then, in a flash he’d changed from a full black bodysuit into a casual shirt and pants. Though he kept the mask. Next, he summoned up a few planks of wood. Kat looked at him confused, until he started to construct some kind of platform using the gutters to brace the support pillars, and letting it lean against the roof at an angle.

After checking the platform was stable, he then pulled out a small table and a lounge chair, a number of finger foods, and a book. Kat’s jaw dropped as he relaxed into the chair and grabbed a handful of what looked to be salted nuts of some kind. He then sent a thumbs up in Kat’s direction and cracked open his book. Kat shot a grin and her own thumbs up back. Why not?

*That man has too much chill.* Kat glanced around slowly, taking in the scene. Despite the distraction the relaxed watcher provided, it looked like nobody had used it to get any closer. *Hmm… could’ve sworn that was supposed to be a distraction.* Little did Kat know that the watcher in question had used a rather powerful illusion to try and disguise his activities. Kat’s complete disregard of them let him know with certainty that she could see through them. Nobody else even realised he was doing anything strange, a tribute to his skill.

While Kat was looking for people abusing the lapse in attention the man provided, the rest were trying to work out why Kat was suddenly on high alert. Assuming that somebody had tried to sneak in or made some aggressive movements. Most still not realising that Kat was pointing them all out to their competitors.

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