D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1004 - 1004 Chapter 1004 Bringin’ Down the Mood

1004 Chapter 1004 Bringin’ Down the Mood

KAT! Yes, that’s right! We’re back to our main characters perspective! Still party night, but it’s mostly over.

Kat had to grab Sue from her conversation with Bing when Bodeir indicated his desire to leave. It was already quite late, so Kat simply nodded and grabbed Sue before they left the venue as a group. Lily was asleep in Kat’s backpack, having been that way since shortly after they found that hidden blow dart in the tree. She’d been a lovely help. Making sure to watch over Kat’s shoulder when the situation called for it… but staying alert for so long was apparently a bit much if Lily stuck to her Memphis form.

Bodeir once again took the cabin at the front of the carriage and Sue collapsed bonelesly into her seat. “Are you alright Sue? You seem practically exhausted…” asked Kat.

Sue waved Kat’s concern off. “It’s just been a long day. I tried and failed at a number of social interactions, did a great deal self-reflection was attacked, learnt more about ice-cream manufacturing then I ever wanted to know and finally, I got dragged into a surprisingly interesting conversation with Bing that might have just be an elaborate way to drag information out of me and I didn’t notice until you grabbed me just now,”

“Oh… um… well… how big of a concern is that last point?” asked Kat.

Sue groaned while letting her head loll back, “That’s the worst part. I don’t know. I was talking about a lot of stuff really. About me, about you, not about Lily thankfully, Bing didn’t even think to ask that. Which… I’d like to say I’d have known to keep that a secret considering the effort you’ve both used to ensure they don’t realise what’s going on there… but frankly? I don’t know if I would’ve. At least, not the general stuff you’d normally admit to if asked, but considering how low key you’ve tried to keep things? I’m pretty sure I’d have let something slip if she asked the right questions…”

“That’s fine Sue, it’s not that big of a deal,” said Kat. And she meant it too. *Sure it wouldn’t be ideal if things got out about Lily but that was mostly just a first line of defence for her. From the sound of things, Sue didn’t say anything. As worried as she seems to be of what she MIGHT have done, she doesn’t have any tangible transgressions to be sorry for. I’m not the thought police.*

“Yes it IS,” insisted Sue, despite Kat’s words. “Not only are you my friend, certainly more of my friend then Bing is, I thought I was good at this social game. It turns out, not only am I a bit of a shitty friend, I am also horrendous at proper social interaction after interacting exclusively with people dominated by envy, jealousy and lust. I think my social skills have atrophied in a massive way, and I should know BETTER,”


“Sue, you’re clearly a bit worn down after tonight, but I don’t think you’re a bad friend at all,” said Kat softly, trying to reassure her friend. Because that’s what Sue was. Her FRIEND. A bit sex crazed, and prone to teasing everyone, but certainly a friend.

“Bah, you’re too nice. I nearly gave the game away because I was able to have an enjoyable conversation tonight. If that’s all it takes for me to spill the beans, I should’ve just spent the night chatting to you. I got SOME info about Bodeir’s competitors but nothing useful. Heck, I’m lucky I don’t really know anything about how Bodeir fights because I’d probably have handed that over in a heartbeat.

“I know Bodeir Sr really wasn’t looking for that kind of ‘defence’ from me, but I shouldn’t be such a liability. Honestly, I don’t know why I’m on this mission. I’m only Rank 1 and I’m not that good a fighter. Bodeir Jr could beat me in a fight, and nobody really approached Bodeir tonight. There was like, one maybe two girls who thought to try until I stared them down but that was easy. If they could be scared off by a bit of a sour look from me, they weren’t going to actually approach Bodeir with proper romantic intentions,” grumbled Sue.

*Is Sue drunk or something? I feel like wrapping her up in blankets and giving her a hug. Wait… can demons even get drunk considering how we eat? Wait, scratch that, how would she be drunk, Lily and I watched her most of the night and she didn’t really drink much of anything. Unless it was in the ice cream or something? Hmm… I mean… it could happen I guess?

But I ate the food, and even shared some with Lily and I’m perfectly fine. Then again my regeneration would probably counter anything… but it would still work on Lily right? But she seemed fine. Definitely not drunk or depressed before she went so sleep. Is it just timed delayed?

Or am I just paranoid? I’m guessing Sue is normally sent on easier missions when she’s all by herself. Missions are tailored to the demon’s skill level after all. The fact that I am here might be really skewing the perceived difficulty with her. I mean, even though she hasn’t done much, her words not mine, Bodeir isn’t coming home with a random girl on his arm so she succeeded in her part of this Contract.

I could also probably bring up the fact that she gets to sleep with Bodeir now maybe? Would that cheer her up? I mean… it was her idea to wait this long though… and she seems tired. Is she too tired for sex? I don’t really have any idea of how awake someone should be for something like that, and Lily would be too embarrassed to tell me if she did know… but she probably doesn’t either truth be told.

So would bringing that up be good? I certainly don’t want to… and if Sue really is too tired perhaps it’s best not to bring that fact up to her? Honestly I have no clue how to deal with this at all. I’m used to literal children, and terribly insecure teenagers. I have no idea how to deal with a normally confident person in their twenties. I mean… granted, I tend to forget about that part fairly often, but it’s a great excuse here!*

“Sue… just because you’re worried about things you MIGHT do doesn’t make you a bad friend,” said Kat going for the easier topics to disprove. “I can’t hear your thoughts and I don’t expect you to be perfect all the time. We’re friends Sue not… well I don’t even expect that level of care in Lily, and I CAN hear her thoughts. I don’t know why you’re letting this worry you,”

Kat could see that her words weren’t really getting through so she considered what other angles she could use. A recent, and particularly powerful example came to mind, “What about the day we spent together before the Contract huh? You went out of your way to help find my little sister a good present. You haven’t even met her before, and you weren’t even invited to the party. Granted, it would’ve been hard to have you on Earth, and you’re certainly more my friend then here’s, but you helped me with that no questions asked! Is that something a bad friend would do?”

“But it’s not like I had anything else to do that day!” retorted Sue trying to downplay her assistance with that matter. “I was just going to laze around doing nothing, maybe look at some porn if I could be bothered to do anything noteworthy at all! Spending time with friends isn’t something I should be praised for!”

Kat carefully massaged her temples. *Why is it so hard to convince Sue she’s not suddenly some horrible person. Does she think I didn’t know what she was like when we starting being friends? And it’s not like any of her questionable traits were even on proper display today! Heck, she woke me up so that I could cuddle with Lily in my sleep! Why is she making this so difficult! I just want you not to be sad Sue. Is that something that’s hard to comprehend?*

“What do you want me to do Sue? I literally can’t lie and all I’ve been doing is giving you my opinions. You are not a bad friend. Full stop. See, I can say it. It wasn’t hard. I’ll say it again. You are a good friend. Is that enough proof that it’s the truth? I can repeat it a few times if you want,” said Kat, perhaps a little heatedly.

“Bah, it just means you THINK it’s the truth. I can say I’m a bad friend. See, I’ve countered your point. I said it. I’m a bad friend!” ‘affirmed’ Sue.

Kat rolled her eyes. “Ok, I think you’re just really tired at this point and are saying things you don’t mind. Plus, isn’t it my opinion as your friend that matters more when it comes to considering if you are a good friend or not?”

“Bah, don’t bring logic into this!” insisted Sue.

“Sue, I brought logic into this a long time ago. You are a good friend and I don’t like the fact that you are so down on yourself for seemingly no reason. Maybe you should avoid sleeping with Bodeir tonight and get some real rest,” said Kat without thinking too much. It’s what she wanted to say… probably.

“Cutting me off from sex? Shame on you! I’m perfectly coherent. How could you even suggest such a cruel thing? I must be a bad friend if that’s your solution! I’m not tired at all” said Sue with such grand conviction Kat was almost willing to believe it. Well… until…

Sue promptly fell face first into Kat’s legs and started snoring.

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