D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1006 - 1006 Chapter 1006 I am Once Again, Asking for your Support

1006 Chapter 1006 I am Once Again, Asking for your Support

Kat rolled her shoulders as she got ready to leave her position. Nobody tried attacking this night, and shockingly few people realised what she was doing with the flames, but those who did normally used that information in amusing ways. Though the guy with the book was still the most amusing to Kat personally. Kat felt a little worn out, but rather relaxed. Kat was pretty sure she’d be fine for a day or two longer if needed.

Lily was still asleep in the backpack, though it was resting on her stomach instead of hanging from her back. The Memphis didn’t so much as stir throughout the entire night. A bit of a shame, but not a surprise. Kat didn’t get much training in during the night either… but she was worried about her long term stamina if she wasn’t going to sleep at all so the choice not to practice at all was a realistic one.

Kat made her way back inside and decided to have a shower. She didn’t need it, but felt that it might help her relax further. The water here was lukewarm at best at best, at least to her senses, and didn’t help as she’d hoped. Turning the shower off, Kat let the water drop off her as she headed to the dining room.

The servants were moving about, preparing plates for three people and cleaning the room before use. No food was there just yet, but that was fine. Kat simply sat back and let the moments tick by. It was Bodeir that entered the room first, she was expecting Sue to be first, but perhaps that wasn’t a good guess anyway. Bodeir was used to training regularly. Something he was clearly skipping in favour of participating in the tournament later today.

As Bodeir took a seat he said, “Please wait a short time on the meals, if that is possible without damaging the quality. I wish to speak with Kat, and do not wish to be talking during a meal,”

“Of course sir,” said one of the nearby maids who went off to inform the chef. The food prepared for this morning was a porridge that could be left sitting for quite some time without issue.

Once the maid was on her way, Bodeir turned back to Kat. “I’d like to discuss my protection during the tournament today. It is a martial contest, and people get injured. I do not know what my father said to you, but I want no help at all during my matches. The ring will have protections inscribed on it to prevent death, and it has been decades since the last one. I expect you to let me fight, and bring no dishonour to my household,”

*Well Bodeir, I’m afraid I have to disappoint you. Not only is decades a pitiful amount of time for something like this, but your father was pretty clear that I was to prevent any blows that could be deadly. While the rings might be inscribed with all sorts of defences, the whole reason I’m here is because the sect is potentially going to turn from an ally to an enemy and Bodeir Sr wants you to live through any assassination attempts.*

“Bodeir, I hope you realise that regardless of what you may desire I am bound by Contract. We talked about this before on the journey over. I cannot simply change the terms of the Contract, and you cannot either. It is not a matter of money or desire, it is simply not how it works.”


Bodeir tapped his finger on the table a few times before signalling to the servants he wanted the dish brought it. Kat thought it was a rather juvenile way of avoiding the conversation but she didn’t say anything. When the meal came, and Sue had not come down, likely as she was still asleep, Kat remained quiet. Both in her thoughts and her words. There was nothing to say really, and nothing to think.

It was of course, quite clear that Bodeir wanted the chance to fight without having to worry she’d interfere. Kat didn’t know what he expected from her though. She might not think too fondly of Bodeir, but she didn’t hate him, and she at least respected his father. So she would keep him alive, despite any complaints he might level at her. Kat knew she would not regret this course of action, and so did not have any reason to muse on it. Nor did she have much to say about the porridge.

As someone who’d had porridge before, this one was nothing special. There was a hint of cinnamon in it, but that was all they’d used to spice it up. Which was fine, it wasn’t bad… but it was just a competent breakfast porridge. The only noteworthy thing about it really was that if Lily had been awake it would’ve been difficult to let the Memphis eat some without transforming. It would’ve gotten all over her whiskers and maybe face. An amusing thought, perhaps, and that adorable image was what Kat spent her breakfast thinking of.

When the meal was cleared away Kat made to leave when Bodeir spoke again, “Isn’t there anything I can do to convince you? I’m not a child, I can take care of myself. I am entering a series of duals. It IS going to be dangerous, and you can’t stop me,”

Kat sighed and sat back down, “Stopping you isn’t the point Bodeir. I’m not going to be attempting to bring you or your family shame. I am going to be watching for lethal blows, and defending you from them if push comes to shove. I don’t understand why you’re taking this so hard,”

“Because I’ll never live it down,” said Bodeir harshly. “This isn’t just about face, or reputation, even if it is a big part of it. If you save my life, I’ll forever be known as that little kid who needed his dad to hire a bodyguard for him. It will haunt me, possibly for centuries in the wider community and I’ll become a joke to so many people,” Bodeir let out a hiss of air as he slammed his hand into the table. “That’s not even taking into consideration what my father will do.

“My father will take this as justification for every stifling action he’s ever thought up. I’ll exist in a nice bubble of safety protected from the world forever. I’ll have more bodyguards then servants, and I’ll neve go anywhere without at least three teams of spies on the lookout for poison and assassins. I will never be free to live my own dreams. I will be escorted from place to place as my father dictates.

“That’s not even taking into account the political ramifications. If you act, it’ll mean that we didn’t trust the protections the Holy Wind Sect have applied. Not only that, but it will be just as good as declaring the Mountain Shaker sect thinks I was about to be assassinated. Father will have to retaliate in some manner, even if it can be blunted by surviving through it, the horror that would follow is too much,”

When Bodeir finished he was breathing heavily. There was also one thing, that was made clear but not said. This was something Bodeir felt was a major risk of becoming a heart demon. Kat might save his life… but just as easily destroy his future in the same blow.

*I’m surprised Bodeir put this much thought into it… and it seems that his father is worrying a bit much…But I am still bound by Contract. No matter how many good points Bodeir Jr makes I can’t just ignore a threat to his life. I was charged to protect him to the best of my abilities and I can do no less then that. *

Kat sighed once again. “I’m sorry Bodeir, even if you made at least one good point, which I’m still not certain you did, even if it gave me something to think about… I just can’t do anything about it,”

“You said you respect my father,” returned Bodeir, “Why don’t you respect me and my own strength? Respect the fact that I can live through this,”

“Can you though? I’ve seen you act incredibly stubbornly. I don’t know if I could trust you to yield if you’re up against a tough opponent. And that’s what you’d need to do. The instant there is a risk of losing, you’d need to forfeit. That’s the only way I could promise not to interfere. You’d be safe… and likely look like a coward. But perhaps that’s better then me interfering?” offered Kat.

Bodeir grimaced at Kat’s answer and got up, throwing back his chair and stomping out of the room. Kat just sighed, again. *I’ve been doing that a lot this morning. And things had been going so well.* Kat finished off the water in her glass and looked at the mostly eaten porridge. She hadn’t really been hungry she sat down. She certainly wasn’t anymore.

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