Chaos' Heir

Chapter 697 Flash

Chapter 697 Flash

Seventy-eight was very close to eighty, but not when it came to the percentage of attunement with mana. Increasing that aspect grew harder with each additional point, and only certain risky methods could shorten the process.

The infusions of synthetic mana were the most approved and accepted method, but the risks weren't negligible. High fevers, rejection of the foreign substance, various illnesses, and more could spur after the act, and those dangers only deepened at the higher levels.

Moreover, the price was so high that only wealthy descendants could afford infusions, and that aspect increased alongside the level. Stronger warriors required better synthetic mana, which was incredibly expensive.

The recovery period was also something to keep in mind. Soldiers didn't only need to absorb the foreign mana for weeks or longer. Their bodies couldn't accept another infusion for quite some time, potentially forever in a few cases.

That being said, the infusions remained the quickest way to increase the attunement with mana. Nothing else could make that aspect spike so sharply. Even Khan's new technique couldn't.

However, Khan's technique had advantages the infusions lacked. It didn't require a recovery period nor posed any real danger to the body. The possibility of rejection was also non-existent, making it more efficient and safer.

Those advantages allowed Khan to repeatedly rely on a superior training method for long periods, surpassing even the infusions' sudden spikes after a few months of continuous training. He never had to stop, so he eventually crossed what could be achieved with synthetic mana.

Also, Khan's technique was a flexible work in progress. He didn't only improve it as time passed. He modified it to his needs, often paying the price with his body.

Jenny's false information bought Khan weeks, but the higher-ups' pressure eventually grew too heavy to bear. After all, he had returned to the Harbor without attending the mandatory briefings. He had also refused a direct summoning from Mister Cirvags, which the public eye didn't miss.

Still, Hyper-Privacy was worth its price. Jenny had her directives and used every trick in the book to fulfill them. She falsified reports, faked visits from reputable doctors for hire, and more to prolong Khan's isolation in the greenhouse.

Those methods were well-known in politics and didn't trick any higher-ups. Yet, Khan's unique position and fame prevented the arrival of countermeasures. Mister Cirvags, Headmistress Holwen, and the other interested superiors understood that Khan truly wanted to be alone since he resorted to such measures.

Nevertheless, the goodwill toward Khan ended once the isolation reached the two-month mark. After all, he wasn't even attending to his duties in the Harbor's offices, which couldn't be ignored since they involved the Thilku. It was time for him to reappear and handle all his skipped meetings.

The order came directly from Headmistress Holwen, pressured by Mister Cirvags' offices. Miss Bevet couldn't prevent soldiers from gaining access to her greenhouses anymore, and Professor Parver's support for Khan didn't help. A team stormed into the underground dome, planning to retrieve Khan, but luck wasn't on their side.

More big news flooded the network before the soldiers could reach Khan's greenhouse. Reports of a troublesome return spread through the Harbor, affecting the ongoing operation. Monica had landed, and bigger players instantly joined the fray.

In a matter of minutes, all the soldiers tasked with retrieving Khan received calls from their superiors, stressing them to abandon the operation. Those orders lacked details, but the entire Harbor learned them in the following days.

Under Monica's directives, the Solodrey family contacted Headmistress Holwen to ensure that Khan would remain isolated. The event was a massive headache for the Headmistress, putting her between wealthy families and the embassy's forces. Still, the regulations favored Khan.

First, the Harbor was very inclined toward pleasing descendants and families. Its ecosystem was too frail to survive the spite of such big organizations, and the engagement had deeply bound Khan to one of them.

Second, the greenhouse was outside the embassy, under Headmistress Holwen's domain. Mister Cirvags could still apply leverage due to Khan's job, but the Headmistress had to give the final authorization, which didn't arrive.

Third, Monica offered to check and report on the situation, basically forcing the Headmistress' hand. Refusing her would be too big of an insult, and her presence also discouraged other higher-ups from interfering. Doubting Hyper-Privacy was one thing, but Monica couldn't receive the same treatment.

Monica's good timing granted Khan three additional weeks of almost undisturbed training, and eventually, the greenhouse opened. Soldiers had been stationed there to keep watch, and the event made them reach for their phones. Yet, their body froze at the dense aura that washed over them.

The intense smell of sweat, blood, and other scents invaded the rising corridor past the greenhouse, enveloping the soldiers in stale air that didn't suit its source. Faint strands of grey smoke also escaped the door, creating an eerie scene that caused many gulps.

Anyone with a decent nose could understand that the greenhouse's insides were dirty beyond reason, which made sense. Khan had isolated himself for almost three months in a place with no shower or cleaning robots, but the smell still felt too intense.

Also, the aura permeating the rising corridor was strange. The soldiers obviously couldn't sense it but still felt threatened by an invisible, thick force. It was as if they were underwater, and the slightest movement could cause a tsunami.

Steps eventually resounded and grew louder. Those sounds belonged to two pairs of feet, but one felt heavier. Hammers hit the soldiers' hearts whenever that noise reached their chests, making them hold their breath.

Two figures soon became visible on the entrance's edge. The soldiers instantly recognized Monica with her perfect curls and tidy military uniform. She was the only one allowed inside the greenhouse, and her frequent visits had made her a common sight.

Yet, Monica's beauty couldn't claim the soldiers' gazes for longer than a second. Khan stood beside her, but his appearance made him hard to recognize. He was only donning his trousers, his skin was oily and dark due to the accumulated dirt, and his hair appeared glued to his forehead for similar reasons.

Those were only superficial features. The more attentive soldiers noticed that Khan's hair didn't lose its bright shades even in that poor state. His chest also carried strange red marks that resembled recently healed injuries. Still, all of that paled compared to his eyes.

Khan ran his gaze across the soldiers, and another series of gasps resounded. That wasn't only the result of the increased pressure the team experienced. Something bright had happened during that short inspection as if a blue light had flashed for an instant before disappearing.

The flash had been so brief that the soldiers began questioning whether it had happened. However, those thoughts were short-lived since Khan's advance caused more reactions in the environment.

The air moved with each of Khan's steps. His feet generated piercing noises when they touched the metal floor. A dangerous halo seemed to surround him, discouraging anyone from standing in his way. The only person allowed at his side was already there, and she showed no fear even during the bold action that followed.

"Let me see," Monica ordered, grabbing Khan's cheeks with one hand to make him face her. She didn't care about the dirt ending on her finger. His eyes claimed her entire attention.

"See," Khan calmly said, looking deep into Monica's eyes. "I'm fine."

"Far from it," Monica snorted, letting go of Khan's face to take his hand.

"It's just a temporary instability," Khan explained. "I wasn't supposed to improve so quickly."

"No one is," Monica complained, accompanying Khan through the corridor. "Your mother will complain if we are seen together while I'm in this state," Khan pointed out.

"Like I care," Monica declared. "Besides, the following news will eclipse any compromising picture."

"I need a bath first," Khan sighed.

"You need to attend to your fiancée first," Monica corrected. "Her patience has long since ended."

Khan smirked but decided to address other matters first. The soldiers were still stunned by a sight they couldn't understand, and the arrival of Khan's gaze sent a chill down their spines.

"I'll see Mister Cirvags first," Khan revealed, "Headmistress Holwen after. Send the details to my flat."

"Don't hurry too much," Monica ordered. "My fiancé is in need of a long scolding."

"You love to give them gossip," Khan chuckled.

"I shall add another one," Monica exclaimed, glaring at one of the soldiers. "Tell everyone that the youngest fourth-level warrior in history has been born."

"You had to spoil the surprise," Khan sighed. "I won't hear the end of it now."

"You won't hear anything," Monica revealed. "I'll be sure to hide your phone for the next hours."

One of the nearby soldiers grunted when he realized what Monica meant, but that reaction didn't go unnoticed. Khan's eyes instantly fell on him, and the man instinctively jumped, ending with his back on the wall.

"You should avoid sudden movements when you don't know what's happening," Khan warned, ignoring the soldier to leave the corridor with Monica.

The soldiers managed to move after Monica and Khan's figures disappeared from their view. Their hands returned to their phones, ready to update their superiors and the world about the recent event. Yet, a whooshing noise distracted them and lifted their eyes.

Every eye in the corridor fell on the soldier who had jumped backward before widening. The man himself also experienced similar amazement as he looked at his torso. Part of his uniform's fabric had ruptured, creating a long cut alongside the buttons that made it slip from his shoulders and fall to the floor.


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