Chaos' Heir

Chapter 696 Plan

Chapter 696 Plan

It didn't take long to plan the departure. After Khan refused the additional tests, the Thilku couldn't wait to kick him out of the planet, so the authorizations for ships and teleports arrived in a matter of hours.

Khan also didn't delay his stay. As soon as soldiers knocked on his door, he left the room and followed the escort to start the inevitable return.

The abrupt departure didn't give Khan time to study the Empire's records, but he preferred it that way. He needed additional resources and machines to make sense of the new information in his possession. Also, he had something else in mind and couldn't handle it while inside the Empire's territory.

The trips between the two domains were always long. By the time Khan returned to the Global Army's territory, the afternoon had turned into morning, and the voyage had yet to end.

Yet, the absence of Thilku in the environment gave Khan the chance to start his idea. His authority granted him privacy in any human vehicle, and he drew his phone as soon as the soldiers complied with his requests.

"Captain!" Jenny's voice resounded in Khan's ear when the call went through. "I was just about to forward the weekly update."

"Anything noteworthy?" Khan asked.

"The length of your trip attracted some attention, sir," Jenny explained, "But I'm afraid you won't understand the gravity of the situation until you brief your superiors."

"What's the word on the network?" Khan questioned.

"The usual rumors, sir," Jenny revealed. "They are louder on both sides, but that's to be expected after your engagement with Miss Solodrey."

Khan didn't need to ask for more details to understand the situation. As his fame increased, both his fans and detractors would grow louder. That was how the masses worked.

"Should I proceed with the weekly update, sir?" Jenny asked before Khan's silence.

"Yes," Khan confirmed, "Though I have an additional task. Can you set up a private network outside the Global Army's reach?"

"Hyper-Privacy indeed provides that service," Jenny exclaimed, "Especially for high-level clients."

"What are the risks?" Khan wondered.

"We can keep the creation itself quiet," Jenny explained. "However, we can't deny its existence during an official investigation with the required clearance. Still, opening it up would require additional maneuvers and time."

"What would happen in that case?" Khan asked.

"Hyper-Privacy will do anything in its power to abide by the client's directives," Jenny said, remaining vague, "Whichever they might be."

Khan could read between the lines of the vague statement. Jenny couldn't say it on the phone, but Khan felt sure Hyper-Privacy would delete compromising data when necessary. He only had to convey those directives personally.

"Is my fiancée still on Neuria?" Khan questioned.

"Miss Solodrey has yet to return, sir," Jenny announced. "I tried to obtain an accurate ETA, but I apologize for failing."

"It's fine," Khan reassured. "Schedule a private meeting, then. I'll come to your office as soon as I land in the Harbor."

"I'll have everything ready by the time you arrive, sir," Jenny promised.

"Thank you," Khan uttered before closing the call. His free hand instinctively went on the alien device in his pocket, but he left the item there for the time being.

Curiosity was killing Khan, but he couldn't treat the alien device like any other classified information. He had gotten the item through a secret deal by selling aspects of himself the Global Army also wanted. If the news went public, a few higher-ups wouldn't hesitate to admonish him and force his hand.

That was why Jenny's cooperation was essential. She could create a space outside the Global Army's network where Khan could continue his research. His superiors wouldn't learn about his progress and sensitive information in his possession like that.

Moreover, a private network would shield Khan from unwanted eyes. It was one thing for his superiors to learn about his progress, but he couldn't continue letting Raymond be one step ahead of him. Khan knew he would contact him again and wanted the next negotiation to happen on an even field.

Khan's phone eventually rang again. Jenny had forwarded a summary of everything he had missed while on Xiotov, but a quick review revealed the absence of relevant events.

The usual rumors had gotten louder, especially among Khan's detractors. A second review even revealed a pattern in that aspect of the matter, with some articles sharing information the public wouldn't normally be able to obtain.

The strange development immediately gained a name in Khan's mind. Ordinary soldiers couldn't possibly learn about embassy-related trips on their own. Even mentioning Xiotov wouldn't ring any bell, let alone tell them that a prolonged stay on the planet was unusual.

'Ambassador Abores,' Khan sighed in his mind while continuing to review Jenny's report.

Affecting someone's reputation was the most basic and effective form of political warfare. Khan had insulted Ambassador Abores, so the latter was going after his fame. He also was the only one with the knowledge and drive to actuate that plan, so Khan felt sure he was up to something.

'The wolves will soon come out to hunt you,' Khan recalled Raymond's warning before putting away his phone.

Attacking Khan's reputation was only an initial attack. He had gathered too many allies and solidified his position beyond anyone's expectations. He couldn't fall so easily. Multiple cracks in his foundation had to appear before someone could even try to take him down.

Of course, that only applied to enemies close to Khan's level and relevance. Higher-ups and people connected to the nobles could act right away, but Khan was powerless against them, so he didn't bother devising countermeasures. There simply weren't any.

Instead, against people like Ambassador Abores, Khan could launch a counterattack. He obviously didn't have actual offensives in mind, especially since Ambassador Abores perfectly covered his tracks. Still, Khan was far from powerless there. He just had to handle a few issues first.

The long trip eventually ended, bringing Khan to the familiar Harbor's teleports. Soldiers were already waiting for him, but a predictable surprise arrived once he stepped into the nearest hangar.

A military ride had parked right outside the corridor from where Khan and his escort came out. Another team of soldiers was standing before the cab, and military salutes unfolded as soon as they noticed him.

"Captain Khan!" One of the soldiers shouted. "Mister Cirvags requests your presence!"

The soldier's tone lacked the usual respect underlings showed toward Khan, but he still noticed traces of hesitation. The man was only executing direct orders from his superior but wasn't stupid enough to realize the danger he was in.

Khan obviously didn't blame the soldier. Messengers couldn't be guilty of their superiors' intentions. Still, he couldn't do him any favor either since he didn't know when the situation would escalate. Khan had to prioritize himself now.

"I will contact Mister Cirvags myself," Khan announced, "After I take care of some personal business."

"But, sir-" The soldier gasped, but no words followed. His throat had frozen under an invisible pressure.

"Convey my intentions," Khan stated, ignoring the surprised soldiers. "That's an order."

Khan crossed the soldiers, walking past the military ride to reach another cab waiting for him. He didn't hurry, but no one dared to stop him. The team might have received orders from someone far above him but had no authority to try to apprehend him.

The cab let Khan inside and set off almost immediately. Usually, ordinary drivers wouldn't interfere with military issues, but the ride came directly from Hyper-Privacy, which was wealthy enough to ignore such matters.

Khan met with Jenny in a private area of the Hyper-Privacy's building and explained his requirements in great detail. Jenny walked him through the plan's risks and feasibility, eventually reaching a conclusion that satisfied him.

Things didn't end there. Rumors had already spread while Khan was in the meeting. The network had learned that Khan had ignored a direct summoning to prioritize personal matters. A strong response from his superiors might arrive if he hesitated, but he had planned ahead.

Ambassador Abores and the soldiers weren't the only ones who could spread rumors. Under Khan's directives, Jenny leaked false information vaguely hinting at an injury or illness that required isolation and time to fix.

Meanwhile, Khan left the Hyper-Privacy's building to head toward his personal greenhouse. Jenny had already prepared secret rides and contacted the necessary people, so Khan reached his destination without any problems.

Soldiers could try to interfere at that point, but the fake rumor began to spread, stopping any plan to earn merits with their superiors. They needed new orders and authorizations now, but those didn't arrive. The false information had made even the higher-ups hesitate.

'Now,' Khan thought as soon as he sealed the greenhouse. He knew time wasn't on his side, so he had to make the best out of Jenny's interference.

Sadly, no matter how curious Khan was, the Thilku device had to wait. He wasn't strong enough to defend that classified information, especially without involving the Solodrey family. Still, he knew a solution.

'They will be forced to promote me if I become a fourth-level warrior,' Khan considered. 'Luckily, Monica isn't here. I won't hear the end of it otherwise.'

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