Chaos' Heir

Chapter 698 Danger

Chapter 698 Danger

The network had never been silent about Khan while he was isolated, but the news had begun to quiet down after Monica's arrival. It remained a famous topic, but the lack of interesting developments made most talks superfluous.

However, everything changed when Khan finally showed his face to the Harbor again, and things worsened once the soldiers before the greenhouse shared their reports. Each new rumor set the network aflame, but answers failed to arrive since Khan remained unreachable for many hours.

"I can hear my phone buzzing from here," Khan commented while warm water fell on his head before flowing into the bathtub below.

"Go deaf then," Monica snorted, slamming a sponge on Khan's back before rubbing it across his skin. "How could you get so dirty?"

"I didn't shower for two months," Khan calmly replied as a smirk took over his face.

"Almost three months," Monica corrected. "How could you go three months without a shower?"

"You should have seen me in the Slums," Khan laughed, lifting his arms to make Monica's job easier.

"I wish I did," Monica sighed, suddenly pulling Khan backward to immerse his head in the bathtub's water.

Monica couldn't overpower Khan, but he let her do as she wished. He felt a bit apologetic for ignoring her during most of his training, but the desire to tease her remained stronger.

Khan remained underwater, uncaring of the passage of time. A smirk was still plastered on his face, but the dirt leaving his skin hid it from Monica. Yet, she could somehow sense it, and another snort escaped her mouth as she pulled him up.

"Do you think drowning yourself will make me feel better?!" Monica screamed while Khan's laugh invaded her ears.

"If that's what it takes," Khan continued to laugh and turned to face Monica. His hands instinctively went on her naked waist, but her pissed expression didn't flinch.

Khan had every intention to tease Monica a bit longer, but the scene quelled that desire. The drops of water falling from her curls and ending on her bare skin captivated his attention, making him follow each of their trails as they descended to reunite with the water below.

The urge to gulp invaded Khan as some drops flowed over Monica's curves. The lust accumulated during their separation and isolation revealed its presence, and his grip on her waist tightened as he pulled her closer.

Monica shared Khan's lust, and his current expression probably was her greatest weakness. Yet, she slammed a hand on his chest to stop the pull while the other grabbed his cheeks.

"It happened again," Monica announced, looking deep into Khan's eyes.

"I told you what it is," Khan stated, aware of what Monica was talking about. He didn't only sense it. He had also seen it in the water's reflection.

"It's like you are turning into your ex-girlfriend's species," Monica commented.

"It will pass," Khan reassured. "It's just a temporary instability."

"You don't know that!" Monica shouted. "You just don't!"

Monica wasn't angry. Her mana carried nothing but worry, and Khan couldn't blame her. His eyes occasionally flashed with blue light now. That was far from normal.

"You are right," Khan admitted, "But I can't stop this process."

"Maybe you could have avoided it with normal training," Monica scoffed, "Or by training at a normal pace."

"You know-" Khan began to say.

"Yes, I know," Monica interrupted. "I'm just mad."

Khan had explained Xiotov's events to Monica so she understood why he had resorted to that period of isolation. Yet, her worry wasn't rational.

"It happens only when I feel something intense," Khan reassured, wearing his smirk again. "Guess what I'm feeling now."

"I could have guessed it even without your eyes acting as street lamps," Monica snorted. "What if you get angry during a meeting? How would you hide that?"

"I have no intentions of hiding it," Khan explained. "It's one of the reasons I did this."

Monica's worry didn't fade in the slightest, but it was clear she couldn't win there. As reckless as Khan had been, he had still made the best decision for his situation and position.

"Fourth-level warrior," Monica sighed, giving up as her hand slipped from Khan's face to join the other on his chest. "You aren't even twenty-one."

"I will be in less than two months," Khan stated. "We'll also celebrate our second anniversary soon."

"Don't change the topic," Monica scolded.

"Come on," Khan said, pulling Monica again. "I thought you'd love me even if I grew a third arm."

Monica let herself be pulled now, and her legs also spread to wrap themselves around Khan's waist. She could feel his passion, but her face went for his neck.

"I would," Monica declared. "I'm just worried about my fiancé. I need to since you don't."

"Just focus on the good side," Khan whispered, digging a hand into Monica's wet curls to make her leave his neck.

"Khan," Monica softly called when her face became visible, "Don't grow a third arm."

"I won't," Khan chuckled, and the couple finally fell into a kiss.

While the couple had much catching up to do, impending business awaited Khan. He had ruffled too many feathers with his trip to Xiotov and following isolation. It was time to handle the higher-ups, who wouldn't wait for Khan and Monica to exhaust their passion.

Due to Monica's announcement, the higher-ups felt forced to think about how to handle the matter instead of directly abusing their authority. Sure, Khan was guilty of many things, but his fame would skyrocket once again if the news turned out to be genuine.

Jenny handled all the requests coming for Khan while he was unreachable, and by the time he finally picked up his phone, a schedule had formed. He had initially asked to meet Mister Cirvags first, but the leaders had different plans.

A cab picked up Khan and flew toward the embassy's district, landing on the familiar roof beside the Headmistress' office. Soldiers welcomed and led him inside the room, revealing three figures ready to greet him.

Mister Cirvags and Headmistress Holwen were sitting on opposite sides of the interactive desk while a middle-aged woman stood in the middle of the office. The latter was wielding a scanner usually found in medical bays, and its purpose was no mystery for Khan.

"Come in, Captain," The Headmistress ordered. "You won't mind if the doctor checks you, will you?"

Khan didn't reply and stepped into the office, letting the door close behind him. He headed for the doctor, but his eyes scanned the higher-ups. He wanted to gauge the level of trouble he was in, but his opponents weren't easy to read.

Headmistress Holwen had her usual cold demeanor and mana, but something about her felt odd. She appeared conflicted, and Mister Cirvags' presence was partly to blame.

Mister Cirvags looked as uncaring as always. He even held a drink in his hand while his eyes inspected Khan. Still, the chair turned toward the entrance betrayed his interest.

Khan had to turn when he reached the doctor, but no anxiety arrived when she pointed the scanner at his nape. She wanted to confirm that Khan had truly become a fourth-level warrior, but Monica had already handled that part inside the greenhouse.

The doctor's inspection was obviously more thorough than Monica's. The woman didn't stop at Khan's nape and circled him multiple times without turning the scanner off. She wanted to be sure of the results given by the machine, but the outcome didn't falter even once.

"Miss Solodrey spoke the truth," The doctor announced, retracting the scanner and straightening her back. "Captain Khan's attunement with mana did indeed reach eighty percent."

Khan expected a wave of surprise to spread through the symphony, but Headmistress Holwen and Mister Cirvags didn't flinch. Even their mana remained stable. The only notable reaction came from the doctor, but Khan didn't care about her.

"Leave us," Headmistress Holwen ordered, eyeing the doctor.

The doctor performed a military salute before hurrying outside the office. Khan glanced at her before shooting a meaningful look at the Headmistress. Everyone knew what would happen once official news hit the network, so letting the woman leave so soon didn't sound wise.

Still, the Headmistress didn't seem to care about those consequences and kept staring at Khan. Mister Cirvags imitated her, but neither spoke, creating a strange silence that Khan couldn't affect.

"Start with Xiotov," Mister Cirvags broke the silence. "What prolonged your stay?"

"Lord Rsi offered me a deal," Khan revealed, "Of a personal nature."

"Did you fulfill your end?" Mister Cirvags asked.

"As long as it benefited me," Khan stated.

"Will it hurt humankind?" Mister Cirvags questioned.

"No," Khan firmly stated.

Mister Cirvags took a sip from his drink while inspecting Khan but found no lies in his eyes, so he moved to a different topic. "You ignored your office's duties for three months. Both the Global Army and the Empire aren't happy."

Khan didn't care about the Global Army, but keeping the Empire happy was a priority. After all, he had gotten his current job thanks to Lord Exr.

"I already dealt with the most imminent tasks," Khan exclaimed. "My presence in the office was unnecessary."

That was true, but both Khan and Mister Cirvags knew the bigger issue. Khan had much catching up to do, and his recent training period had put him further behind.

However, Mister Cirvags didn't mention the issue. It seemed that he wouldn't resort to punishments as long as Khan didn't commit actual mistakes. "I expect you to return to your office immediately," Mister Cirvags eventually stated.

"It wouldn't be wise," Khan objected, an azure glow flashing in his eyes. "I'm not exactly stable."

Mister Cirvags remained impassible at the odd event, but Headmistress Holwen's expression finally changed. Strange darkness invaded her face, and Khan smelled a tinge of sadness in it.

"Will one week be enough?" Mister Cirvags wondered.

"It should," Khan said. He didn't actually know how long it would take him to stabilize, but Mister Cirvags' question resembled a silent order.

"I also expect a report of your trip on Xiotov," Mister Cirvags added. "I'm done."

Mister Cirvags lowered his eyes and focused on his drink, which made Khan glance at the Headmistress. It was her turn for questions now, and she appeared hesitant to ask them.

"It's safe to assume your quick growth comes from alien techniques," Headmistress Holwen announced. "Right?"

"That's correct," Khan confirmed.

"The Global Army wants them," Headmistress Holwen went straight to the point.

Khan glanced at Mister Cirvags, but the man had no interest in joining the conversation. According to Raymond, Mister Cirvags had protected that aspect of Khan, but his recent growth seemed to have changed many minds.

"Is that an order?" Khan asked.

"Not yet," Headmistress Holwen revealed, "But it will be, and you'd earn more points by offering them on your own."

"More points than this?" Khan questioned, and Headmistress Holwen knew exactly what he meant. He was the youngest fourth-level warrior in history and Monica's fiancé. He had attended a noble wedding. Khan was overflowing with points.

"Captain," Headmistress Holwen called, but Khan interrupted her.

"Not for long," Khan announced, "If I'd have to guess."

Headmistress Holwen fell silent for a few seconds, but a straightforward question eventually followed. "Is that the path you want to take?"

"Headmistress, send them to me," Khan exclaimed.

"Who?" Headmistress Holwen asked.

"Those pressuring you into obtaining this information from me," Khan explained. "Maybe giving them some ideas of the complexity of the field will make them stop."

"It won't," Headmistress Holwen declared. "We are talking about something that might replace infusions. They would gladly make you waste a few years of your life to translate your alien techniques."

"And those in charge of the infusions' business will try to take my life in those years," Khan continued. "If I have to be in danger anyway, I'd rather keep my secrets."

Headmistress Holwen couldn't argue against that, but the decision wasn't hers to make. If the order ever arrived, she would act accordingly. At that point, it would be up to the Solodrey family to help Khan.

"I suppose my promotion is set in stone," Khan uttered, changing the topic.

"It was considered," Headmistress Holwen confirmed. "It will be considered even more now. As for you, go rest. You are a danger to everyone outside."

Khan nodded and approached the exit before an idea popped into his mind. He turned, looking past his shoulder to address one last matter.

"Promote me before my birthday," Khan said. "I'd like to become a Major while I'm still twenty."

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