A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 236 - 225

Chapter 236: Chapter 225

I let out a long sigh as my shoulders slumped. I didn't regret my actions, but damn did I keep doing things that made me so exhausted.

I was healed up after basically having a slug fest with a God.....something I didn't think I would ever consider being a thought that would've crossed my mind several months ago.

Taking out my Kaleidophone, I looked at a missed message from Artoria informing me that they would be waiting at home when I was finished. Well, atleast it didn't have the same undertone as the last 'talk' I had with everyone. No, it came off as more of a habitual worry than anything else.

And honestly, I couldn't really fault them for that. On one hand it's not like I ran off unprepared or with little thought. But at the same time, I would be just as worried if they got up to the same things I did. I was confident in Scáthach when she faced Athena, that didn't mean I didn't have any worry in my heart.

And I just looked a mess. Honestly, the only reason my clothes held up so well was because the Dust that Jinn had originally wove into them. It was basically all used up after the Grail War, but it made my clothes extra sturdy. However, I could see tears at the seams, not to mention scorch marks and rips from just the fight itself.

And now I's just procrastinating. I cast a few spells to clean up most of the blood and made myself presentable before heading off.

I waived my hand, creating a portal right to my living room, and right to the waiting figures of two of my girls.

As always, it's nice to be home. But my attention was grabbed by both Artoria and Raikou waiting for me.

They both gave a warm smile as I walked forward, closing the portal behind me.

"Master." Raikou sounded relieved, even though she knew I had been okay. She immediately got up and pushed my head right between her breasts like she did often. "I am happy that you're safe."

"Well, if I have something like this to come back to, how could I not be?" I felt no shame as I took those massive boobs into my palms, earning a little surprised squeak from her when I squeezed them.

"Master~" Raikou playfully swatted at me with a little red on her cheeks.

I couldn't help but laugh as I relinquished those heavenly mounds. "Artoria." I smiled towards my beautiful knight.

"Wilhelm." Artoria greeted. "I am also very relieved that you are....unharmed." She looked at the sorry state of my current dress.

"Haah." I let out a long breath. "Honestly, it's not as bad as it looks."

"I am aware." She responded.

"Yeah, I –" I paused, blinking for a moment. "What do you mean?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"It is not a surprise you do not know yet. But, you have already become rather famous from your battle with Susanoo." Artoria replied. "I admit to not being too familiar with this era's technology, but from what Yasaka explained you are 'trending'. I believe you should be familiar with the terminology?"

I opened my mouth and closed it again. "Well........fuck." I sighed, understanding what she meant.

"Yasaka showed us how many people were speaking about you. It was quite impressive that so many could speak at such great distances. And there was much praise for you, fighting against Lord Susanoo like you had." Raikou tried to sooth me.

"I will always accept my ego being stroked." I snorted. "But there goes my anonymity, and by extension, you all will probably be dragged into the spotlight."

Had someone been scrying us? I doubted a God or the equivalent would have posted or 'streamed' our fight. So it had to be a 'mortal' magic user of some power and renown. I was understandably distracted, so it's possible it may have slipped past my detection. Or rather, perhaps it was far enough away that it didn't get picked up by my senses?

Well, I can't claim to be omnipotent, I'm sure there are plenty of scrying methods I'm unaware of in this world. I should investigate the magics here to at the very least inform myself of anything that might be important.

I would investigate the extent of everything available later.

"I am unafraid of being known." Artoria stated. "I was a King, Wilhelm. I do quite enjoy this life I have built, but I am not fazed by the masses looking upon me."

"She speaks the truth for me as well. I was quite famous as well, I had many admirers and many who looked up to me and my Heavenly Kings." Raikou sounded rather proud of herself.

"I just...didn't want to drag you all into my messes." I slumped my shoulders.

"If I did not wish to get 'dragged into your messes' as you say, then we would not be in a relationship." Artoria lightly chided. "We are together, Wilhelm. I have my own situation that has caused you unneeded burdens, how could I fault you for doing the same?"

Was she talking about Mordred?

Raikou draped herself onto of me. "I am your Servant." She said firmly. "I am your Mother, and your woman." She poked my cheek. "Do not forget any of these, for each one of them would mean I stand by your side regardless of the situation."

I took her hand and squeezed it with a smile. "Well, all's well that ends well I suppose." I sighed. "Atleast this time I'm not getting a talking to." I gave a wry smile.

"This time you took the appropriate actions." Artoria huffed. "You informed Raikou, and Yasaka before you went off. You spoke with Yasaka about the ramifications of your actions and made a plan to reduce any potential liabilities. I find no fault in how you handled yourself."

Good, so I wasn't in the dog house.

"Who knew that acting mature would be so beneficial?" I said dryly. "Granted, I say that after I decided to fist fight a God."

"And it somehow worked out." Raikou sounded amused. "I would have been more worried had Lady Izanami not dragged you both off at the end."

"Oh joy, so everyone even saw that." I face palmed. "And you feel better about Izzy now?"

"Mmm, I am willing to admit if my thoughts are wrong. I held a certain prejudice before and I have been since talked away from it. I will form my own opinion, but I do not think it will differ than the one both you and Artoria hold."

That's good, Izzy needs more friends. And I bet Raikou could do with more friends too. Actually, Raikou would love another 'mom' friend outside of Yasaka.

"Now that I have seen you back safely, I shall retire for the night." She leaned down, kissing me on the cheek.

I also didn't miss the wink she sent towards Artoria before she disappeared upstairs.\

I raised an eyebrow at the bashful looking Artoria. "So....what was that about?" While Raikou wasn't as...possessive anymore, she certainly would not miss out on an opportunity to be affectionate.

"Nothing." She denied, very poorly.

"Mhmm." I nodded, making me way over to the couch. "I assume you wanted some time alone?"

She shifted her eyes to the side, looking even more embarrassed. "I requested to have you to myself this evening." She admitted, walking over. She tucked her hair behind her ear, giving a cute smile as she slowly slid into my lap, our faces barely a few inches apart.

"It's been tough on you these past few days." I wrapped my arms around her. I could understand it, with the confrontation with Mordred happening, her emotions were still probably all over the place.

She happily laid her head on my chest. "Yes.....but there is also a freeing feeling that came with it." She let out a long breath. "I wished to have some time with my....boyfriend and the others agreed. Though, you should be prepared for them taking their own time." She giggled.

"That's fine, I didn't plan on doing anything big anytime soon. This whole things with Susanoo.....it was not something I intended."

"I am aware." She stated. "We all are. Yasaka explained to us when she came over."

"All of you were gathered?" I asked.

"Meridia was unable to come over, she had something keeping her attention." Artoria shook her head. "But I was keeping her abreast of the situation. Yasaka had come over with Kunou after picking her up from school, only leaving when we saw that you were safe with Izanami afterwards. Rin had quickly went to bed after that, Scáthach as well as she said it was 'expected of her student'."

"Heh, yeah that sounds just like her." I shook my head with a laugh.

"Jinn too was worried, but she calmed down once Kunou came running over." Artoria smiled. "She is quite the energetic child."

"It's a shame Meridia didn't get to meet Kunou yet, but at the same time, I really want to be there when it happens."

"Do you think Meridia will...be as warm towards her as you think?" Artoria questioned.

"I can see your thoughts. She is aloof and appears rather cold or indifferent, but honestly, she's a big softie at heart." I laughed.

"Yes, I have seen her fa?ade break sometimes when you tease her." Artoria quirked a smile.

I couldn't resist anymore, I leaned in and placed a light kiss on her lips. "Have I ever mentioned how adorable your smile is?"

"Mayhaps once or twice." She giggled, before taking a quick kiss herself. "Before we indulge...." She quickly broke it with a whisper. "I have a question I wish to hear your opinion on."


"Mmm." She looked...unsure? "I have the desire to.... bond with Mordred."

"Taking the first steps are always the hardest."

"Yes....I have raised an idea to the others, but I do not know if I am taking advantage of, well...." She went quiet.

"Hey, no judgement here. I'm in your corner and I'll do my best to support you."

"Yes." She gave a small smile in thanks. "I wish to bring Mordred over and meet Arthur." She said plainly.

"That's.....not a horrible idea now that I put some thought into it." I gave myself a moment to think it through.

"I believe I have been neglecting Arthur and have merely dropped him into Yasaka's lap. I took responsibility and I wish to make sure it is settled to a satisfactory end. He had spoken of a Sister and a 'Pendragon Family', something I desire to acquire more information about." She bit her lip. "And I am nervous about being alone with Mordred thus far. I believe that Arthur would do well enough as a distraction that I may not make a fool of myself."

"Oh Artoria." I cupped her cheek. "I don't think you're doing anything wrong. And besides, does Mordred also not have a link to Arthur just as much as you? Honestly, I think it would do Mordred good to see him, and it's a good opportunity for you both to spend time together without any awkward feelings being prevalent."

It's a good distraction while also being a good idea regardless. And the Pendragon Family is an interesting topic to pursue. I honestly don't know much about them outside of the 'common knowledge'.

Didn't that kid say his...girlfriend or lover or something was being held to keep him in line.

Oh yeah, he fell for his maid. I guess I'll let Artoria handle things on that front, she wanted to shoulder the responsibility herself it seemed.

"The others said much of the same thing. I suppose I am once again over thinking things."

"It seems we both do that." I grinned.

"It is not just Mordred and Arthur." Artoria continued. "While everyone was gathered, we had spoken on many different topics."

"Oh? Things other than your super secret girl talk?" I laughed.

"Yes." She nodded. "Yasaka is still in need of help so we all wished to lend her aid. Things had been.....pushed back slightly due to abrupt circumstances."

"So I messed things up." I sighed.

"Cease." She poked me. "Yasaka was not upset, so you will not make yourself take any perceived blame." She gave a stern look that didn't allow rebuttal.

"Alright, alright." I held my hands up in surrender. "I won't act all depressed, your highness."

She pursed her lips. "Good, as you shouldn't. Now, as I was saying, the others will be joining in going over to Yasaka's compound. I bring this up as it will coincide when I wished to bring Mordred to meet Arthur as he stays under her watch."

"Who all is going?" I questioned.

"All but Meridia." Artoria confirmed. "Scáthach said she would spend time with her Guards to help train them."

"I will prepare incense and offerings for their graves." I said without hesitation.

"She is not taking them under her tutelage, merely training them in ways they already know." Artoria explained.

"Okay, so some may survive." I said dryly.

"She is not that bad."

"On a mountain." I replied. "No Magic, magical cold wrapped around me, and a sealed corrupted Divine Spirit underneath." That mountain climbing during my time in the Land of Shadows was certainly not enjoyable!

"....mayhaps we should speak with her so none of them die." She said quietly before continuing. "Jinn offered to teach Magic to any who desired, which was not an inconsequential amount. I believe most of Yasaka's forces were trained in this Touki."

"Makes sense." I rubbed my chin. "And Jinn would make a wonderful teacher. She's probably more knowledgeable about Magic here than I am at this point." Many people would be surprised how many breakthroughs can happen with a few pointers here or there.

It's so easy to get wrapped up in ones own thinking that pointing out a slightly different approach could have amazing reactions.

"Yes, I felt the same way. Her knowledge was already extensive and it's spreading out to cover even more every day."

Is it weird that I love having my girls be praised?

"And Raikou?"

"I am not aware of the specifics, but they spoke of something." Artoria shook her head. "But we all planned on going to Yasaka's compound the coming day. I....we all hope you would come. But if you are unwell or recuperating...."

"I would love to come with you." I wrapped my arms back around her. I knew she wanted more moral support, even if it was specifically from me. "And I'm mostly fine now, just a bit exhausted after everything. Having my Aura dried out just doubles the feeling." Which is probably the only 'downside' to the ability.

"Wonderful, it makes me anticipate tomorrow." Artoria smiled brightly.

"I have some things I want to talk about myself but...I'm honestly too tired to even broach them. So, instead..." I let my hands slide down her back before resting right on that perky butt of hers.

"You and your insistence at holding my posterior." She let out a huff, cheeks reddening. "Does it truly entice you that much?" She muttered.

I raised an eyebrow, giving her a noticeable squeeze.

She let out another huff. "I suppose that was a pointless question."

"If you mind it, I will respect your boundaries."

"We are in private; I do not mind you taking liberties." She looked away. "I....enjoy it when you touch me so desirably."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you know just how much I desire you~" I teased her.

The little sound she made as she buried her face into my chest.....

Way too cute.


Super late chapter because the pat reon chapter for today was over 8k words. So, wrapping up what happened last chapter and moving forward, not much to say.

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