A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 237 - 226

Chapter 237: Chapter 226

Getting up from bed without Artoria in my arms made it a sad morning. I was groggy when she got up a couple hours ago by herself, wanting an early start to attempt her own crossroads with Mordred. Something I could not at all find issue with as it was a great step forward for both of them.

I looked at the clock in my room, only sighing when I realized I could sleep for another few hours. However, I just couldn't bring myself to put my head back down. I was in that awkward state where I was now fully awake, even if I was still a bit tired and knew I couldn't fall back asleep for any meaningful time.

Oh well.

Thankfully I had a few spare outfits readily available, though I felt the need to place some more orders. I really need to find some sterner materials for Medea so I stopped losing outfits. Hell, maybe I should extend my wardrobe a bit? I wonder if Yasaka would enjoy it if I wore a Yukata – or rather a Kimono, to be more traditional.

Something to look into.

Regardless, I hurriedly got ready with a quick shower and hastily dressed because there was something I wanted to do now that I had some hours before heading over to Yasaka's home. After making sure I felt I was presentable, I popped on over to find my Jinn, buried in my workshop doing who knows what.

The startled girl practically jumped when I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Will!?" She squeaked out, looking a cute combination of annoyed and happy to see me.

"Jinn." I smiled, wrapping her up immediately.

"Mou~" She whined. "Don't startle me like that." She let out a cute huff, accepting my hug almost eagerly. "Did Artoria leave already?"

"Hmm, she did, but did you not see her leave?"

"I've been caught up in some things." She gestured to many different items, books and assortment of materials laid about.

"Is this related to the super secret thing you wanted to show me?' I questioned.

"Nu huh, that's over in the Library. I already finished, but I'll show it to you later when we have time." She smiled brightly.

I gently swayed back and forth, enjoying the feeling of her touch. "How you been?"

"I've been well." She said immediately. "No, I should say I'm doing great. I've been having a lot of fun doing almost anything I want!" She exclaimed. "It's almost overwhelming to have so much to do at my finger tips and know that I have all the time in the world." She leaned into me just a bit more. "However, I feel like I should be asking you that question. Mr. Gets into fights with Gods." She puffed up.

"Hey I'm good." I replied. "Look, no wounds, no lasting damage. And everything turned out well in the end."

"Mhmm." She huffed. "Still don't like it." She added on quietly.

"I said I would take care of you, yes?" I whispered. "That means making sure I'm strong enough to do so."

"...being sweet like that is cheating." She huffed again.

"Well, I'm a cheating cheater who cheats." I kissed her cheek. "I heard you're going to be doing some teaching on Magic. You excited?"

"Yes!" She perked up. "I could never be able to teach like this on Remnant with my....restrictions. But I can share knowledge that I learned outside of that place as much as I want!" She excitedly replied. "I've discovered that if I 're-learned' things that coincide with knowledge from Remnant, things that might not be common knowledge, I can then speak of them freely."

"Oh, that's interesting." I mulled that over as it made sense based on what I knew. "How you given any thought on Meridia's offer to alter the Lamp?"

"I...it scares me." She said quietly. "I know Meridia wouldn't harm me, but the idea of being changed....."

"Hey, I understand. There's no push, no expectation." I brushed some hair out of her eyes. "My Jinn is perfect by just being herself."

Happy Jinn noises ensued, and it was just as cute as I would imagine.

I've said it before, but seeing any of them happy really brought a smile to my face. "Did you sort the materials around? I need some stuff and don't want to mess up anything you did." I booped on her the nose.

"Un." She nodded. "I have almost everything sorted appropriately." She tilted her head, silent for a moment. "However, maybe it would be easier if you told me what you need and what you're doing? If you need any help I'd love to be of assistance."

"I would absolutely love it if you helped me." I said with all sincerity. One of Jinn's 'things' was that she apparently wanted to be 'helpful'. I don't' know if that's just a hold over from the many years she spent in her lamp. The ideas and concepts engraved into her creation, or if she simply had that kind of personality. "Let me show you what I wanted to make." I began to explain my intent to her.


"Good morning, my Student." Scáthach looked up at me from the table. She had made herself what appeared to be a cup of coffee and was reading a newspaper.

"Scáthach." I smiled. I still felt my heart flutter, just seeing her in my life even doing the most mundane of things. Her simply being her again, it made me feel at peace. "I didn't realize that they had a News Paper in Kyoto..." I mean it made sense, but it's just one of those things you don't really consider.

"Mmm, I happened upon it by chance. After your latest escapade, I wished to keep up to date on any news." She calmy sipped her drink, almost unconcerned about the whole thing. Though from what Artoria told me, she looked just as concerned as the rest of them last night.

"Good morning Scáthach~" Jinn walked right behind me.

"Hello Jinn." Scáthach smiled humoredly towards the Artifact Spirit. "You're looking very energetic this morning. Did he finally make you a proper woman?" She teased.

I just sighed. Honestly, I don't know what I expected.

"Nope, he still hasn't bent me over and taken me yet." Jinn replied without hesitation.

Scáthach paused, blinking at her. I suppose she wasn't used to the bluntness that Jinn was willing to use. Though her expression quickly morphed into a grin. "Fufu, what a boldness you have."

Jinn shot her a smirk but didn't respond.

"You're terrible." I said dryly, giving Scáthach a kiss on her cheek.

"My, and you made this terrible woman yours. What does that make you, hmm?" Scáthach laughed.

"I never said I don't make foolish decisions." I shot back, stealing her coffee and taking a drink.

She raised an eyebrow as I locked eyes with her. "Just remember, we will be sparring at some point for you to hone your new abilities." She said calmly.

"That's future me's problem." I laughed, setting her cup back down.

Would I regret it later? Definitely. But for the current me, it was too fun to see her reactions.

"Anything interesting in the news?" I asked, going to the coffee pot, a little impressed that Scáthach figured out how to use the coffee machine properly.

"About what I had expected." Scáthach. "I do like the idea of a centralized relay of important information like this. However.....it seems they are speculating quite a bit based on few facts. There seems to be a consensus that you fought Susanoo because he made a move on Yasaka." She looked mildly amused by that piece of information.

"Huh." I blinked again. "I mean....I would? But that's pretty far from the truth." I shrugged. "Well, it's common to make sensational stories and as long as they're 'technically' true or rather you can't say they lied or something." I waived it off. "Well, it doesn't matter. Besides, I doubt Izzy would want her personal matters blasted for the world to see and I'm sure Yasaka is going to enjoy teasing me later."

Jinn sat down with Scáthach. "I can imagine that quite easily."

"Yes, that fox of yours seems quite prone to being mischievous." Scáthach added.

"That she is." I had no argument to the opposite. "How was your 'mission'?" I asked.

"Oh, it went quite well." Scáthach perked up. "It felt like the old days when I traveled the lands and sought out challenges." She had a nostalgic look on her face.

"You know, you're allowed to do that now." I pointed out. "I'm not forcing you to stay here, by my side. You can go out, explore, have fun etc."

She gave a gentle smile. "I am aware. I know you would not restrict me if I desired to embark on any adventure. Perhaps I may in the future, but for now, I merely wish to remain by your side."

And it's moments like this that I have to force myself from not blushing. I took a sip to hide my growing embarrassment at her statement. I don't know why she can get to me so easily. "Was the Mountain God a good opponent?"

"It was....not weak, I suppose." She replied. "It's different than our own world, I knew that but to see it obviously so." She paused, shaking her head. "Such a thing should have been a Terminal of the World, or maybe a Nature Spirit if not a true Divine Spirit. Yet, while it could be called a 'God' by the strictest definition, it was lacking in many respects."

"A disappointment?" I asked.

"No....I did not expect much, but my previous experience had caused me some manner of regret that it was not the same. I am merely being wistful about the past. It possessed an impressive brute strength, but it lacked any real finesse. I do not believe it had truly fought in more than a handful of fights."

"Ah, lots of power, no idea how to utilize it?"

"It is as you say." She nodded.

"I noticed that with Susanoo." I stated. "Not the lack of experience, mind you. But more the large amounts of just pure 'power' but not really the more....conceptual means of using it. Honestly, based on how the 'fight' went....I think in pure strength the Susanoo here is a couple levels above the Susanoo back in the other world. Yet, I question if this one could match the previous one in a fight to the death."

My Sword certainly countered almost anything of substance for this Susanoo. But that's not really fair with how absurdly it can just shuts off anything substantial he can do. I'm probably his perfect counter, conceptually aligned to defeating the being known as 'Susanoo'.

"An interesting thought, one I had not fully considered." Her interest clearly looked piqued. "I will examine this theory more closely when I go and spend time with Yasaka's warriors and see their skills."

"Please don't kill any of them."

"I will consider it." She grinned, clearly in jest.

"So, what exactly made the Mountain God get all upset?"

Her smile quickly turned to a scowl. "I believe I had a run in with those 'Evil Pieces' you had mentioned."

"Did someone try to force one into you?" I said calmly, but I felt my anger start boiling up at the idea.

"No." She denied. "But Yasaka called the creature Raikou and I killed a 'Stray Devil'." She snorted. "It was a druid."

"A druid?" Jinn was the one who spoke up, having been listening quietly before. "I believe I read about them. Their magic is intertwined with the natural world. A manipulation of nature different than most Mages."

"Yes, I could recognize the art it used from my homeland. It also took a lot of effort to converse with it after turning into that.....abomination."

"Can you explain it fully?" I asked.

Scáthach let out a long breath. "The Creature had mindlessly been eating away at the Mountain God's domain, enraging the Mountain God. Due to its magics, it was able to somewhat corrupt the area. After subduing the Mountain God, we learned of this 'corruption' and sought out the source and we found this.....Devil. I recognized the magics it used immediately. They are something revered and almost sacred back home. They have long since been used for fighting and warfare, but their essence stems from harmonizing with the world. Druids are a profession to be respected." She said firmly.

"Druidism is almost antithetical to the nature of Devils. Why was he turned?"

"He was forced." Her scowl deepened. "Even with my Magics, engraving a Primordial Rune onto his soul to push away the mental pollution, he could only relay minimal thoughts before his body broke down. He was obviously not in his correct mind when he did what he did. But he spoke that a Devil forced the 'Evil Piece' into him at some point. The Druid had escaped and over time, slowly morphed into the creature we had fought."

I let out a sigh, running a hand down my face. "I'm sorry you had to experience that. I know those 'Evil Pieces' had been abused in the past and they're certainly going to continue to be abused. I have no love for them myself."

Mimicking me, Scáthach let out her own sigh, dropping the scowl. "If I see such an act happening infront of me, I do believe I will be removing the heads of those responsible. I have no issue with the idea of intent behind them from what has been explained to me. If someone wishes to change themselves, it is not my place to voice my opinion. However, I vehemently despise what has happened here."

"If you want to hunt down Devils who abuse them, by all means." I had no complaints. "I'll pull up a chair and watch as you tear them apart."

"Fuu." She let out a small laugh. "You know the right things to say to me~"

Bloodthirsty Scáthach is just as cute as bashful Scáthach.

"So where did Raikou go?" I finally asked, noticing she wasn't around.

"She volunteered to look after Kunou for the day at her school. As I offered to begin training Yasaka's people, some of which took to guarding the school her daughter went to. Since it was the first lesson, we came to the conclusion that having them all present would be most beneficial. Thus, Raikou suggested she take their duties over for the time being"

"That was really sweet of her." I couldn't help but comment. "And it's sort of ironic that Raikou, known for slaying many Youkai in her life, is guarding a school of Youkai children." Yeah, Raikou would probably be a better guard than the contingent of Youkai that Yasaka had over there.

"She actually looked really happy to do so." Jinn stated. "I think she wants to spend time with Kunou."

"Well, I can't fault her on that."

"She's just too cute!" Jinn cooed.

I laughed, patting Jinn's head. "Oh." I paused for a moment. "I almost forget." I rummaged through my ring, turning back to Scáthach. "I wanted to give you something."

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow as I presented a bracelet to her. "It's beautiful." She muttered, taking it into her hand.

"I matched the color scheme to your hair." I smiled.

"Thank you, Wilhelm." She said softly, looking it over. "And it isn't just a piece of Jewelry."

"Nope." I grinned. "It's like my ring, having its own folded space attached to it. But it's also linked up with the house. Jinn helped me finesse it a bit, you should be able to grab anything in the storage room. Of which I was going to make sure is stocked with anything we might need."

She carefully put it around her wrist, holding it help to the light. "I love it." She said again.

"He made one for all of us." Jinn said happily, holding up a similar, but slightly different variation.

"Fufu, no wonder you were so happy." She smiled towards the Genie. "I can see where you found such feelings from." She got up from her seat, and walked over to me. "You are a very sweet man." She placed a quick kiss on my lips. "Shall we head out?" She asked.

"Sure, I'm about ready. What about you, Jinn?"

"I'm good to go." She hopped up.

I nodded, waiving my hand and creating a portal over to Yasaka's compound.


"Well, talk about perfect timing, they just got here as well." Yasaka's voice reached my ears. She stood there speaking to Artoria and Mordred.

"Yo." I waived to both of them.

"Sup." Mordred said evenly. And I noticed a very familiar sword in her hand.

"Hello, Wilhelm." Artoria smiled.

Huh, they looked rather comfortable in each other's presence, atleast on the surface. I'll have to ask her how her morning went with Mordred.

"Hello!" Jinn stepped up. "You must be Artoria's Son, I'm Jinn!" She happily greeted the Knight.

"Y-yes." Mordred blinked at the sudden acknowledgement. I guess not many people are so blunt with her 'parentage'. "I'm Mordred Pendragon." She said with clear pride in her voice.

I could see the little smile make its way onto Artoria's face.

"So, weren't you both supposed to be here like.....a couple hours ago?" I questioned.

"We...were sidetracked." Artoria coughed.

"Uh huh." I gave her a dry look. "Let me guess, you stopped for breakfast or something similar?"

"I-I do not know what you speak about." Artoria looked away.

Mordred seemed surprised by her bashfulness. It was probably a side of Artoria she wasn't used to seeing or hadn't seen before.

"Yes, I'm thoroughly convinced." I deadpanned. "Have you met Arthur yet?"

"Nah, just got here." Mordred spoke up, playing with the hilt of her sword.

"Well, he's probably going to get upset when he sees you with Caliburn." I laughed.

The corners of Mordred's lips curled up. "Well, if he has a problem with it, he can try to take it from me" She gave a toothy grin.

"Well, you're going to need a place to keep it." I flipped my hand over, holding out a Bracelet I made specifically for her.

"What's this?" She looked at it, taking it from my hand.

It wasn't quite jewelry, more a strap for around her wrist, if a little more elegant than that. I wanted to make sure it matched her personality. "Storage bracelet, you know how to manipulate your Magical Energy, yeah? Use it to feel around the thing, it shouldn't be difficult to use."

Mordred looked at it, I felt her Magical Energy slowly feed into it as her eyes perked up. She then looked at her sword then back to her Bracelet, and the sword then disappeared. "Fucking awesome. Thanks."

"No problem. Wanted it to be easier for you to keep your stuff." I smiled, turning towards the others. "And don't think I forgot you two."

"Wilhelm, you didn't have to." Artoria said, but she exuberated happiness. "I do not believe I've ever received Jewelry before." She said quietly. It was inlaid with the same green that matched her eyes. She quickly put it on, staring at it around her wrist.

"Oh, this is lovely." Yasaka also spoke up. "And you say it has a pocket space attached to it?"

"Yup, wanted to make it function as well." I chuckled.

"Oh my, this is simply wonderful. Thank you, Wilhelm." Yasaka admired hers as well.

Well, I'm glad they like them. Still had to give the others theirs. I'd probably go see Meridia after I's done here, and spend a bit of time with her.

"First you protect me from that vicious God, and now this." Yasaka gave me that look, the one I knew when she was teasing.

"Pardon?" Artoria tilt her head.

I let out a sigh. "It's the current speculation, that apparently, I was defending Yasaka's honor because Susanoo was being aggressive with her."

"It's better than people knowing you got into a brawl with a God because he wouldn't see his mother." Scáthach snorted.

"....I can't argue with that."

"Was he strong?" Mordred asked.

"Yup." I replied. "Pretty damn strong, though we weren't really trying to.....kill each other. Atleast, I don't think he went all out or whatever."

"Lady Yasaka." A new voice resounded, one I recognized.

"Soma." Yasaka greeted him.

"I have brought him as requested." He bowed as someone walked into the courtyard behind him.

Arthur Pendragon looked a bit better since the last time I saw him. Like he had a bit more life behind those eyes of his. He carried himself well, not cowering even as all our eyes landed upon him.

He glanced at us, especially Artoria, and even Mordred. It was clear he had questions, but he held it in. He kneeled before Yasaka. "Lady Yasaka." He respectfully greeted.

"Arthur." Yasaka said curtly. She was obviously still upset with him, and no one could blame her. "You have proved a valuable asset, completing every assignment I gave to you to satisfaction."

"I thank you for your praise." He bowed his head.

"Mmm, I am relinquishing you to Artoria for a bit. You will listen to her orders." Yasaka turned away after giving her blunt orders. "Jinn, Scáthach, why don't I show you both where the training area is?"

It was an obvious cue that she wished to step away. Scáthach and Jinn nodded to her as they followed behind. I decided to stay back and see how this played out.

Arthur blinked. "Did she say Scath –"

The sound of steel meeting steel screeched throughout the area. Arthur held a blade aloft, holding back Mordred who casual waved Caliburn at him.

Interesting, Arthur had a way to keep a sword stored away. I felt the spatial fluctuation, and I's a little interested.

"Who – " Arthur couldn't speak again as Mordred pushed away his blade, knocking Arthur back.

"Not bad, I guess." Mordred snorted. "If he didn't have a good instinct, his head would have been rolling on the ground."

"Indeed, his skills are admirable for his age." Artoria nodded.

Arthur stood back up, shaking off the sudden blow. "Who are you, why can you wield Caliburn? That blade doesn't accept wielders so easily..."

Mordred snorted, slamming the tip of Caliburn into the ground. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? Who the fuck you think you are? Using my Father's name like it belongs to you?"

Arthur blinked. "Father?"

"You don't deserve to face this sword." She let go, letting it stand there, upright for everyone to see. Her red lightning crackled around her hand as Clarent was summoned. "Let's see if you're worthy to call yourself his descendant."

"W-wait!" Arthur called out, only to go flying back blocking a blow from Mordred's Clarent.

"You call yourself a knight?" Mordred scoffed. "Does any prissy noble these days get to claim that title? Did you find some lord to pay for it? Are you even a real knight?" Mordred walked towards him.

Arthur stood back up, dirt covering his face. He seemed to start taking this seriously, his Magical Power swirled around him, condensing into a form of Reinforcement I was unfamiliar with. He held his sword up in a stance, and I noticed a small crack in the blade.

"Hoh, you got some bite to you? Did I piss you off? Why don't you try to take Caliburn back from me?" Mordred laughed.

I glanced at Artoria who just calmly looked on, so I wasn't too worried.

Arthur moved much faster, his swing sharp as he attacked Mordred this time.

Artoria's Knight looked pleased that he took the initiative, but she still had a ruthless smile on her face. She held a single arm out to block his full powered strike, the shockwave pushing back the surrounding dirt.

He followed up with a flurry of attacks as Mordred parried or blocked each other.

"His skill isn't half bad." I commented. "You were definitely right there. He's reacting well, and even getting used to her speed and movements as this goes on."

Honestly, he probably relied heavily on his weapons in the past. I wouldn't be surprised if it had stunted his growth a bit.

"Yes, though he lacks power behind each blow, he knows how and when to attack." Artoria nodded. "He has a very solid foundation, though it could use some refinement. I believe he lacks battle with opponents stronger than him who he has to struggle with. Perhaps used to fights he could 'win' easily, or trainers who did not push him far enough. I feel his blade has been a mite sharper since last time, though."

He was quick to jump into the fight when his 'faction' attacked. Honestly, he didn't even try to gauge our powers even after showing that we easily dealt with his 'comrades'. Maybe he was a bit inexperienced. If so, then she would be correct, his time doing 'jobs' for Yasaka probably filled out some missing gaps in his abilities.

"To be honest, I don't know much about the Pendragon family. Are they something you're interested in checking out?"

"I admit I feel a certain responsibility. I remember the words he spoke about his family before and it does not fill me with joy that my name would be carried on in such a way. I will speak with him more to further understand the details. If need be.....I will take a trip there myself and show them the error of their ways." Artoria said resolutely.

"Well, you wouldn't be alone." I smiled towards her. "I'll definitely be there with you, and Mordred would refuse to stay away."

Artoria let out a small laugh. "Yes, Mordred would assuredly show them his displeasure."

"Is that all you got!?" Mordred roared, kicking Arthur across the courtyard. "If that's it, you'll never be worthy of that name!"

Arthur scrambled back to his feet, but Mordred gathered her Lightning and stomped on the ground, sending a wave of it towards him.

He slammed his sword down, trying to shield himself as it washed over him, crackling across his skin as he let out a shout. He growled standing back up, glaring at Mordred's casual stance. With another roar, he charged at Mordred, gathering a lot of his Magical Energy onto his sword, slamming it down overhead.

Mordred blinked, bring up Clarent to blow with both hands. "Actually felt that one." She smirked, both swords struggling against one another. She let out her own shout, swinging Clarent and shattered his already diminished blade.

Arthur stepped back, staring at his destroyed weapon. "That was a Magic Sword created by a famous blacksmith...." He let out a sigh as the naked hilt fell to the ground.

"Pfft." Mordred snorted. "Like that cheap thing could stand up to my Clarent." She swung her blade onto her shoulder.

Arthur looked.....defeated. I don't doubt he could still keep going for a while, with much more to show for his efforts, but his heart simply didn't seem in it right now. "Who are you?"

She grinned. "I'm Mordred Pendragon, true Heir to Camelot." She declared without a hint of hesitation. "And you – " She leveled her blade with him once more. "Are going to earn the right to call yourself that name, even if I have to beat it into your body."

I turned towards Artoria again who let out a sigh, though that little smile never left her face.


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