A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 235: Interlude 10

Chapter 235: Interlude 10

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?Topic: Godzilla in America?

In: Boards ? News ? Events ? International News

Just_A_Muffin (Original Poster) (Verified Muffin) (Veteran Member)

Posted on April 3, 2009:

Holy shit.

So, my last big post basically started the same way, but here we go again. Basically.....and I can't believe I'm typing this out...Godzilla appeared in America? I just don't even know anymore. So, people know, I got my sources. And they're all saying, that yes, something resembling Godzilla appeared in off the coast of New York very visible to the normal people out there.

Got lots of pics to share

[Link][Link] [Link][Link] [Link][Link] [Link][Link] [Link][Link] [Link][Link]

There are obviously more, considering.....you know, giant monster, but these are the best I found.

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? FBI_Secret_Wizard

Replied on April 3, 2009:

So, most of us ran for the hills when that thing came stomping over. We Americans over here have seen enough Japanese monster movies to know where this was going. Though I did see one guy take out his pistol and go try to square off against it. Not idea if he actually did, must have taken him too long to move over there with the massive balls he was dragging.

But in all honesty, what the actual fuck? Still kind of in the dark after what happened.

? Human_Magician24 (Verified Magician)

Replied on April 3, 2009:

Alright, so it apparently could breath fire? Turned a block into molten slag after getting pissed off at something. It was big enough that everyone and anyone took some pot shots at it when they could. It came stomping in down town and causing A LOT of damage in its wake. I fired a few spells at it, but it just kinda ignored me. When it kicked over a 5 story building like some discount Legos, I knew It was time to skedaddle.

? ArcaneToilet (Verified Magician)

Replied on April 3, 2009:

Anyone else notice the idiots videotaping thinking it was a movie? And I'm talking about the obvious non-humans who just stood there and stared like idiots.

WTF people.....

Y'all fucking grew up with this shit happening all the time, you seriously think the massive stomping lizard thing is...fake?

Fucking Darwin awards up in here. Fucking ironic too considering they're not human....

? I_Read_Backwords

Replied on April 3, 2009:

And there goes my shitty house...thank God for Insurance....do you think I'm covered for Godzilla attacks?

? Fountain_of_Middleage

Replied on April 3, 2009:

And here comes the giant robot.....and no I'm not kidding. In all seriousness, I'm super fucking glad that the government here actually keeps on top of this shit. They got some really cool toys for things like this.

? Orange_Pinapple (Verified Pineapple)

Replied on April 3, 2009:

@ Fountain_of_Middleage

Our tax dollars hard at work.

And seriously, I'll gladly pay my taxes if it means we get Giant Robots when shit like this happens.

? Crustacean_from_Mars

Replied on April 3, 2009:


? Little_Straw_Big_Cup

Replied on April 3, 2009:


Oh you sweet summer child. Do you think this is the weirdest thing we've seen here? Hell, this isn't even the first giant monster attack I've seen...this year.

? Pirate_of_the_Moon (Verified Pirate)

Replied on April 3, 2009:

@ Crustacean_from_Mars

There's a reason most supernatural powers pretend we don't exist. Think about it, you got the crazies that made their way into myth and legend. The really fucking weird shit, I'm talking Zeus and his fetish for being a swan. Now, I want you to understand, NO ONE wants to deal with us.

Should tell you something.

I'm not really privy to the higher ups and their back door deals, but it's pretty common knowledge that there's an agreement to sort of....babysit us when we cause a mess for the rest of the world.

I wouldn't be surprised if a few Gods drop by with some Angel backup to smooth over everything once the fires go out.

About to get MIB up in here. If you don't got decent mind-protections, better hide in yo closet.

? Half_A_Centaur

Replied on April 3, 2009:

Holy shit, did anyone see what just happened?!




Some dude with red hair came flying over and punched the Godzilla in the face then some chick cloaked in shadows made a giant shadowy hand and slapped it across the face!

I think it fucking just stood there, having no idea how to respond.


You can literally see the moment where it goes 'what the fuck?' and just stands there like an idiot.

? Immortal_Penguin (Verified Banned from Club Penguin)

Replied on April 3, 2009:

Uh....He looks kinda familiar? Wasn't there a lot of talk about Lucifer Junior over in Japan? I read a few threads on it before.

? Interstellar_Taco

Replied on April 3, 2009:


Holy shit you're right!

Hope the Angels that inevitably show up don't go all...smitey. (Is that a word?). Would be fucking weird if the war got kick started in full due to Godzilla of all things. How would we even tell our grandkids that story?

Little Taco: Granddaddy, can you tell me how the war started?

Grandpappy Taco: Well, little Taco, it all started when Godzilla attacked.

? Dragons_are_sexy

Replied on April 3, 2009:

So....uh....do you think that thing is draconic in nature?

Asking for a friend.....

? Spellslinger4hire

Replied on April 3, 2009:


Are you fucking serious? I can handle the morbid humor in the situation but this is crossing the line.....

? Dragons_are_sexy (Temp Banned)

Replied on April 3, 2009:


She_Who_Invites: I agree with the person above, you've crossed a line. This is no place for posting your VERY inappropriate fanfiction. Enjoy your two-week ban.

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? Hooded_One (Verified Pervert)

Replied on April 3, 2009:

I was wondering who was throwing around Divine Power. Ohoh, I'd recognize those hips and angry 'I'm going to step on you' looks anywhere.

Izanami, what are you doing in the states?

? DeeeeeeepState

Replied on April 3, 2009


Uh...as in Japan's creation Goddess?

? WestSideBestSide24

Replied on April 3, 2009:


Stop trolling, why the hell would a Goddess from Japan come here to....fight Godzilla?

On a more important note, looks like we got a live stream going on – [Link]

? Hooded_One (Verified Pervert)

Replied on April 3, 2009:


She_Who_Invites: This is your only warning, old man.

? Hooded_One (Temp Banned)

Replied on April 3, 2009:


She_Who_Invites: And here's another two week ban, you old bastard.

? 21_And_Still_Hits

Replied on April 3, 2009:

Uh.....Anyone notice on the live stream how the woman just stopped multiple times and visibly took out a phone, then moments later, She_Who_Invites responds to someone who claims to recognize her as a Goddess?

? She_Who_Invites (Moderator) (Verified Not Izanami)

Replied on April 3, 2009:


You got something to say?

? 21_And_Still_Hits

Replied on March 18, 2009:

I saw absolutely nothing.

On a completely unrelated topic, I bow to our Not-Goddess-Moderator overlady?

? Express_Canoe (Verified Boat)

Replied on April 3, 2009:

I didn't see anything.

Praise be.

? Keyboard_With_A_Sword

Replied on April 3, 2009:

Praise Be.

? I_Read_Backwords

Replied on April 3, 2009:

Praise Be.

Does this mean I can claim my house being destroyed as an act of God? Fuck it, I'm doing it anyways.

Also, anyone else see Lucifer Junior try to sneak away with the giant severed arm of the robot? Then proceed to beat Godzilla-lite over the head with it after getting discovered.

? Secret_MagicalGirl

Replied on April 3, 2009:

I was too busy watching definitely-not-Izanami rip out the spikes on the monster's back and make it cry.....am I allowed to feel sorry for the giant monster?

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?Topic: Yasaka has a new lover?

In: Boards ? News ? Events ? Kyoto ? General ? Yasaka Fan Club

Just_A_Muffin (Original Poster) (Verified Muffin) (Veteran Member)

Posted on April 28, 2009:

First again, better luck next time everyone (:

Okay, for real though. So, as you all know, our faction is led by the wonderful and beautiful Lady Yasaka. The Nine-Tailed Fox that stole the hearts of many young (And old) men and women.

Just stop by the NSFW sections and you can see how.....loved she is.

Well, looks like some of you are going to have a bad day today. Our lovely leader found herself a new lover!


Believe me when I say, these are just the tip of the iceberg. And this one is my personal favorite – [Link]

For those of you who can't access the links atm, it shows our beloved Foxy Momma with her Tail wrapped around the waste of a young man while they hold hands, walking down the street. So, I'll be honest and say that this isn't exactly news, but it hasn't been so publicly confirmed until this point.

Obviously, lots of people have been in denial and I have....sources, that have told me a bit more information.

Kunou, our cute little Princess, she even calls him 'Daddy'. Not to mention, the Guards around the manor where they live refer to him as 'Young Lord'.

So, who's our mystery man? Who is the one that swayed the heart of our beloved Foxy Momma. Why, it's none other than Lucifer Junior (Yes, we know his name at this point, I just think this nickname is funny).

And my super duper secret source confirms, he spent the night at her place rather recently. Obviously, no personal leaks of any kind are going to be spoken from my lips – hands – as I do honestly respect Lady Yasaka form the bottom of my heart.

That being said, let the whining commence!

Edit: Who gave everyone the Simp tags, lol?

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? Fluffy_Tail_Fan (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009



? Nothing_Personal_Kid (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


...If he didn't do it, I would have.

? SFW_Nudes (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:

Pitchforks here, get your pitchforks!

? YasakaLover278 (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:

If you can't tell by my username....which now has 'Simp' next to it, which only pops up in this forum. And I can't even say it's inaccurate.

Well, there goes my dream. I guess I'll go back to simping for Gabriel, since I know that's never going to go away.

? Broccoli_Cannon (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


Greetings to you, my good sir. Do you also happen to sell Torches?

? Regal_Fox24 (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:

Amaterasu above, you all are disgusting! I remember when this forum was actually respectful. It used to be about how wonderful Lady Yasaka was, now it's just you boys talking about her boobs or something else perverted. Just yesterday, I saw someone posting pictures of her feet!

What's wrong with you all!?

? Dark_Idiot_God (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


Don't kink shame.

? Banana_Bandana (Verified Simp) (Verified Guard)

Replied on April 28, 2009:

So, just felt like I should post here. It's nice to see the Princess running around so happily again. Not to mention many of us catch Lady Yasaka with a smile more often as well. The Young Lord has been nothing but polite to us and even takes to chatting when he has some time. I admit I don't particularly like Devils, but I have no complaints about him.

It's common knowledge now that he helped when the fighting took place not that long ago. And I'm sure most people have heard the rumors about him helping to rescue the little Princess. From what I've heard he also brought along some friends to help out with some issues that have sprung up since we've been short staffed.

Honestly, everyone up here likes him and we're happy that Lady Yasaka found a good partner.

? Young_Master_Snake (Verified Simp) (Verified Dumbass)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


How despicable! You're supposed to be one of Lady Yasaka's illustrious guards, yet you aren't even removing such an eyesore from her presence! Like anyone would actually believe this trite, I bet you're not even really one of her guards.

A Devil with Lady Yasaka? Ridiculous.

I've sent her no less than 5 letters and invitations to procure an alliance with my Noble Lineage through marriage, and I have been turned down every time. There's no way that some.....bat could win her heart when even I was rejected.

I suspect foul play, and I will be sending a letter in protest. And I will also be contacting my Grandfather to officially declare ourselves opposed to this relationship of theirs!

? Bag_on_my_head (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:

Yasaka, nooooooo!

? Dark_Idiot_God (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


If you really want to win her heart, you need to show her your not willing to give up. Get some flowers, some chocolate, go to her manor, shout for all to hear about your feelings and how you're meant to be. If that despicable devil shows up, challenge him to a duel!

You're one of our most Noble Lineages, there's no way some backwater creature like him could ever hope to match you!

Once Lady Yasaka sees such a valorous battle on your part, she'll fall for you immediately.

? Young_Master_Snake (Verified Simp) (Verified Dumbass)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


I misunderstood you, my friend. I saw your previous comment and thought you the mindless rabble that was not worth my time. This Young Lord admits his mistake, your words have resonated with my heart. I will take your advice and prepare to fight for my rightful place!

? TheMadLad (verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


So, just pinged him, he went offline.

Didn't Lucifer Junior fight Godzilla in America a few weeks ago? Like, literally punch a gigantic monster it in the face and even fought Okita Souji?

? Dark_Idiot_God (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:



? TheMadLad (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:

And now I have a smile on my face. Almost makes it worth it for Yasaka to be off the market.

? Dark_Idiot_God (Verified Simp)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


Hey, aren't you that popular artist that draws Yasaka Nudes in the NSFW section?"

? TheMadLad (Temp Banned)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


She_Who_Invites: Do I really have to say this? Don't post and try to sell your Nude Artwork outside of the NSFW section! I swear I've told you this 10 times already. Two Day bad since you're usually very polite about it. Don't do it again.

? Dark_Idiot_God (Temp Banned)

Replied on April 28, 2009:


She_Who_Invites: I am aware that 'feet' aren't technically NSFW. Regardless, stop trying to solicit porn from him in this forum! I would ban you for three days for being cheeky, but I'll remove time for your earlier public service a few posts up. One Day ban, stop being a pervert in public.

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?Topic: Fighting off the coast of Japan?

In: Boards ? News ? Events ? Kyoto ? Breaking News

? Just_A_Muffin (Original Poster) (Verified Muffin) (Veteran Member)

Posted on April 30, 2009:

First on the scene, reporter Muffin here, and we got another doozy!

Large waves rising of the coast of Japan, very public, and lots of normal people asking questions. Atleast when Godzilla attacked American, they had contingencies for that kind of thing. But a storm suddenly forming and raining lightning over here? Shit be going down.

Honestly, I'm not privy to many details here. This happened like 20 minutes ago, and my people are running around themselves, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

All we know for sure is that some people (Maybe Multiple?) are fighting off the coast of Japan right now.

I guess we should be thankful they aren't on land?

Thought, information, anything useful to add?

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? Beach_Junkie (Verified Surfer)

Posted on April 30, 2009:

Yo, beach bum here. I'm a Aquatic Youkai, don't want to give away too much information. As some may not know, we have a sort of instinctual sense of the water. And right now I'm fucking terrified of even being near the ocean. Don't know what's going on, but it feels like if I tried to go out, I'd die.

Take that for what you will.

? I_Like_Swords

Posted on April 30, 2009:

I'm sort of locked up in my quarters right now. I'm working under some....important people and don't have anything else to do. I'd just like to say that my.....boss is a bit worried, so I suggest everyone get somewhere safe?

? Abracadabra

Posted on April 30, 2009:

Some massive storms started rolling in, this is getting freaky. I think I saw a massive gyser shoot towards the sky on the horizon.

? NotAKoala (Veteran Member)

Replied on April 30, 2009:

So, don't know if this is related or not. But I was at a....particular establishment in a 'adult' part of town. And word on the street was that Susanoo-no-Mikoto was also in the building. There's a commotion down stairs, I peek and see a redhead start throwing hands with the supposed Storm God and they disappear into a portal.

? Beauty_Is_Hard

Replied on April 30, 2009:


I'll confirm this. I work at that place as a waitress. Scared a lot of us when he came in, demanded everything, the best we had. Most of us tried to run away into the back until he left.

What are you supposed to do when a God comes knocking?

? No_Pain_No_Fame

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Holy Fuck, a massive wave just crashed against the beach! There's a bunch of people there stopping the waves from doing any real damage. Magic being thrown, and I think I saw some Touki user punch a big hole in the wave.

Fucking crazy.

? Rewind_My_Mind (Verified Magician)

Replied on April 30, 2009:

I'm part of a small Magician's Circle that lives in Kyoto. For those of you who don't quite understand, we didn't want to live under the thumb of the big organizations, so Kyoto was kind enough to house us. Basically, we tried to get a birds-eye view of the battle, my master is what you would call 'High-Class', so he's quite strong and knowledgeable. We were able to see a few images before his spell fizzled out at the sheer power being thrown around.

My Master said that a God is definitely involved.

? SwordMage41

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Saw some pictures in other places. Guess who fucking popped up again? If you guessed Lucifer Junior, you win a prize.

So, two plus two equals Lucifer Junior and Lord Susanoo duking it out over the ocean?

I'm confused.

? Mika_10

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Tried my own spell to see what was going on since some of my divinations were getting thrown off due to the influx of power. Saw a Devil and a God fighting, so I guess that also confirms some suspicions?


PM your Circle's details, I'm actually looking for a casual tower to set up in. If you're accepting, I have my resume ready to go.

? XxVoid_SamuraixX

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Did you all see those lights!? It's aliens, I knew it! Lord Susanoo is fighting off the Alien invasion, we need to go help him!

? KimchiLover

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Really void? Are you off your meds again?

Seriously though, the fuck is going on? I've had this tense feeling since a bit ago, and it won't go away.

? Contract_With_A_Devil

Replied on April 30, 2009:

How interesting. I was able to procure a visual with a few spells that seems to withstand the power being thrown around. Some things aren't so clear, and it's a bit difficult to see from the distance I had to set up, but beggars cannot be choosers, I suppose.

If anyone wishes to watch with me – [Link].

Quality as you might expect is lacking due to recording a magical projection through my phone.

But, it is a wonderful distraction if nothing else.

? Rewind_My_Mind

Replied on April 30, 2009:


How did you stabilize your scrying spell? My Master said that the Divine Power being released was enough to shatter his own spell sequence from just the residual pulsing of it. I can't fathom the amount of power you would need to sustain such a thing, and you are much closer than my Master was able to get.

? Contract_With_A_Devil

Replied on April 30, 2009:


I've had many centuries to master my art, young man. I do so love your inquisitive mind though, feel free to message me, I wouldn't mind answering a few magic-based questions.

? Small_Giant

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Damn, each of their punches is creating a shockwave that send a small tsunami in every direction. And all that Lightning, I can barely make out their figures, but the red Hair on the Devil makes it a little bit easier to see. He's tanking a lot of it and keeps going.


Thanks for the stream!

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? Red_Princess

Replied on April 30, 2009:


And I'm telling you, that he doesn't have the Power of Destruction!

? Holy_Justice_Knight

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Like anyone would believe a devil. Hell spawn will spout lies to distort all truths. I only pray that the Heretics kill each other and accept the True Lord's mercy on their souls.

? Sword_Maker_Devil

Replied on April 30, 2009:


That is an interesting theory. And did you see what he did with his swords and those portals? It gave me some ideas to work with myself. I feel like I've been hampering my own skill by thinking so straight forward.

? I_Like_Swords

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Yes, it's always beneficial to view how others wield the same weapons as oneself. If nothing else, it can become inspiration on how to better your own techniques.

? Susanoo_Worshipper47

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Devil Scum! Lord Susanoo will wipe your kind from existence! We await your order, my Lord. Our swords are ready to follow your lead and strike down this creatures and cast them from our lands!

? Yolfon

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Seriously, stop making alt accounts, everyone knows you're the same person. There's no 'legion' waiting for him after the fight.

Back on topic.

Does anyone know what spell he's using to make those portals? It doesn't match any I know of, the sheer stability of them is in itself impressive when a God is right next to them and they never once waver in their stabilization.

? Enthusiastic_Melon

Replied on April 30, 2009:


I have been wondering this myself. I witnessed his magic used some weeks ago during the mess that happened in Kyoto. My Calculations are coming up.....strange to say the least. At this point, I'm open to any theories, perhaps it will give me inspiration for a different approach. They couldn't possibly be worse than my last attempt sprouting an apple tree that somehow grew watermelons.

? Secret_MagicalGirl

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Aren't you supposed to be working right now, hmm?

? Enthusiastic_Melon

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Aren't you?

? Secret_MagicalGirl

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Touché. Lets not tell Red about this.

? Snowy_Rainforest

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Sweet Christ vacationing in Valhalla. Is anyone watching what the fuck is happening!? Did Susanoo just grow like a hundred meters tall!?

? Red_Princess

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Is this what happens when a God gets serious!?

How is Wilhelm able to fight something like this? How did he get so strong, he's not even that old!

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? Red_Princess

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Does anyone know what happened? He Just.....summoned another sword or something and everything stopped? I could barely see it, that massive giant just fell over after he point his sword at him.

? Orange27

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Been reading several pages now, anyone notice that red thing on his arm? Too burry to make out, but it was taking hits from Susanoo. Maybe a Sacred Gear of some kind?

? XxVoid_SamuraixX

Replied on April 30, 2009:


I've been saying this all along, he's an alien! He's not from this universe, so obviously he has powers from other worlds. He probably used something we don't understand to seal away Lord Susanoo's godly power.

? Red_Princess

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Would you stop already! I'm looking for serious answers, go troll somewhere else!


He doesn't have a Sacred Gear, he was checked when he was younger.

? Llama_King (Verified Royalty)

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Ignore Void, he's famous around here for saying crazy things. He usually gets banned by now, but no idea where the moderators are.

? Hooded_One

Replied on April 30, 2009:

That sword gives me a strange feeling. I tried to take a look at it with a divination, but something repulsed me. Whatever it is, it's dangerous enough that the Storm-Kiddo was completely neutered at a gesture.

? Light_of_Ireland

Replied on April 30, 2009:


If you are who I think you are, then that is an ominous statement. Should we look into it more?

? Hooded_One

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Bah, you can if you don't care about that old hag getting in your way. I like my balls where they are, thank you very much. Though I suspect some of the 'others' won't take heed. Those old fashioned foggies don't even keep up with modern technology, so they probably have no idea what's going on, hah!

? A_White_Dragon

Replied on April 30, 2009:


I think I know what that is....

Now to book a flight over to Japan.

? Fists_Over_Bloodline

Replied on April 30, 2009:

So manly, he withdrew his sword and started fighting with his fists! They just keep trading blows and wait until the other falls!

? SmallMountain

Replied on April 30, 2009:

How the fuck did we go from fuck-off big Susanoo made of lightning and divine power, throwing fuck-off mountain busting attacks, to them just beating the shit out of each other?

I mean, not that it's not fucking awesome to watch a God and a Devil just duke it out. But I can barely see what's going on...and I'm confused, and still a bit scared.

And are going to talk about the fact that there's apparently ANOTHER devil capable of fighting gods?

How many more of those are there?

? Once_You_Go_Black

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Yeah, no. Your accounts are frozen, you aren't going anywhere. Stay here, things are already crazy, I don't want to throw you into the mix.

? Devil_Destroyer

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Sorta known now that he's the bastard of Lucifer and hasn't actually ever been seen with our faction in any way. So...not part of us I guess? Don't know who dropped the ball there, or why he doesn't seem to want to be around us. But we apparently missed out on THIS.

Well, I can't really blame him. Half-Devils are looked down on. If I was in his shoes and that strong, why would I bother with our faction when he can basically do whatever he wants?

? The_Green_Pencil

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Fucking damn, how long have they been throwing punches? I know it's been mentioned, but wow, Devil here taking hits from the God Susanoo, can we please acknowledge how fucking metal that is? And it looks like he's getting as good as he's giving.

I'm rooting for you, Devil Dude!

? Holy_Avenger

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Are we just going to ignore another abomination getting this strong? What are the Angels doing, strike down this devil while he's weakened! We don't' need another monster like Lucifer taking power!

? The_Green_Pecil

Replied on April 30, 2009:


Fuck off with this crap. If you want him to die so much, why don't you go over there and challenge him yourself, coward.

? Secret_MagicalGirl

Replied on April 30, 2009:

Well.....looks like everything ended. I think that's Izanami breaking up the fight.

This has been....eye opening to say the least. Now comes the headache of the paperwork detailing everything that happened. Going to have to listen to a bunch of old guys argue back and forth about this mess for the next few days.

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As promised another interlude with this format. Sorry for late chapter, the one I did tonight took me a long while.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead visit my /astoryforone

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