A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 234 - 224

Chapter 234: Chapter 224

"Mother, You – "

"Be silent." Izzy snapped at Susanoo, making him shut his mouth tight.

"Izzy –"

"That goes for you as well." She glared my way.

She raised her hand, and shadowy limbs rose from the darkness she seemed to conjure with her presence. Large arms crept up and grabbed us both, hoisting us into the air.

"I am very disappointed in both of you." She crossed her arms. "What were you both thinking!?"

"He – " We both spoke at the same time.

"That was rhetorical!" She cut us off. "Do you have any idea the mess that you have caused? Do you think the mortals aren't going to notice you both waiving around your power in the middle of the ocean?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Susanoo shouted.

Izzy slowly turned to me.

"You punched me through a building." I countered. "I just tried to have a polite conversation."

She then turned back to her son.

"He dared to – " Izzy smacked him upside the head.

I let out a snicker, but Izzy snapped her head back towards me. "Don't you think I don't fault you in this as well, Wilhelm." She snorted. "It takes two to tango, and I am more than aware if your ability to detach yourself from the situation had you wanted to."

"Mom, you know him?" Susanoo look surprised.

"The fuck you think I came looking for you, dumbass." I rolled my eyes. "Did you think I was just annoying you for the sake of it?" I knew he was fucking ignoring me the entire time.

"You dare!?" Susanoo roared as the sky thundered but Izzy pushed his head under the water, only lifting him up after a few moments after it settled once more.

"Susanoo-no-Mikoto." Izzy narrowed her eyes, a sarcastic undertone in her words. "Raise your voice like that once more and I will let everyone currently watching see how I bend you over my knee. I do not care how old you are nor your status, you will be respectful in my presence, are we clear?"

"B-but mother!? This mortal –"

Izzy raised her hand up. "I asked a question."

"....yes." Susanoo shrinked away.

Izzy nodded, content, before she turned back to me and adopted a new frown. "Wilhelm." She punctuated. "Do not call my son a Dumbass.....even if it is well deserved."

"Mother!?" Susanoo looked shocked at her words again.

"Atleast in my presence." She added on.

"Fine." I huffed.

"Good." Izzy nodded once more.

"Mother, how do you know him!? Why are you treating him so well, he's only one of those Devils? I'm your son, a God!" He exclaimed.

"She's my friend." I answered.

"What!?" Susanoo started to raise his voice but glanced at Izzy and lowered his voice back down. "You overstep, my mother would not lower herself –"

"Susanoo, who I am or am not friends with is not for you to decide." Izzy cut in once more. She turned to me with a softening expression. "Wilhelm has been a wonderful addition to my life and I value the relationship we have. Even if I find myself upset with him right now."

"Aww. If I could, I'd hug you right now." I wiggled in the shadowy hand still holding me up.

Susanoo just gaped at our conversation. "I'm going to kill you." He stared at me with a hint of bloodlust in his eyes.

"What was that?" Izzy narrowed her eyes.

"I said I love you?" Susanoo looked at his mom with a scared look.

Hah, no matter their status, moms are scary when they're angry.

"Hmph. Is that why you decided to forget about me?" Izzy snorted.

"I didn't forget....I just got....sidetracked." He coughed. "Besides, it's only a few days, what's the big deal?"

"Just a few days?" Izzy repeated with a blank look.

"You dumbass." I sighed.

"What was that!?" He began to crackle with lightning.

"Why don't you pull out your Authority?" I taunted.

His eye twitched. "I don't know what trick you pulled, mortal. But I shall tear this seal apart and rip you limb from limb when I get my hands on you!"

Honestly, it should be back any moment now. I had more or less shut it off with the help of my sword due to the overlapping nature and the conceptual advantage I had over him.

Izzy huffed, waiving her hand as the familiar entrance to Yomi opened up right on top the water. I honestly thought she had to be in Japan to be capable of this. Then again, the ocean here belonged to Susanoo in a way, and she was his mother.

She didn't speak as she started walking inside, the shadowy hands pulling us along with her.

"How many centuries has it been since my children last visited?" She began to speak. "Then I finally get a response from my youngest." We walked up to her house, and I think Susanoo was surprised to see it right in the middle of this dreary place. She pushed the door open unceremoniously, practically tossing us onto the ground. "Then he just doesn't show up and has the gall to say; 'it's only a few days'." She muttered, walking into the kitchen.

And an awkward silence fell across us, ensued, etc.

Susanoo blinked at that as if he was actually listening to her words. "Mortal..." He finally spoke, turning towards me. "Was my mother truly saddened?"

"Do you think I came and actually tried to bow my head and get an answer because she was happy?" I looked at him incredulously. "I don't give a shit about your status. If it weren't for you being Izzy's son, we would have finished that fight properly."

And at this point, we both know how it would have ended, and it certainly wasn't me opting to just kick his ass like I did.

He opened his mouth and closed it again. "You aren't one of those Satans, who are you?" He finally asked.

"Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg." I waved my hand flippantly. "Half-Devil Bastard, you wouldn't have heard of me."

"You wield Ddraig." He muttered. "Yet no one knows of you. That's....surprising. All of his wielders in the past became known very soon after awakening that blasted thing. Yet, you showed surprising competency that spoke of training and experience. Not to mention that Power of Destruction....I wonder if those Devils know that you're running around outside of their authority."

"Why does it matter? I already said I'm not part of their faction." I snorted. "I've never even been to Hell." Was he trying to make conversation or just satiate his curiosity? It's weird how quickly his tone became less arrogant than before.

Izzy walked back into the room, carrying a tray with tea cups and some wash rags. She quietly set the tea in front of us as she scooted up next to Susanoo.

"Mom....." Susanoo sighed as Izzy started wiping away the dried blood from his face.

"You may heal quickly enough, but you are still a mess." She huffed. "I swear.....I would ask what got into you, but you always get into fights for the simplest of reasons."

Seeing her like that, I felt weirdly jealous. And I missed my mom a lot right now.

"You're next." Izzy stood up, moving towards me. I didn't even fight it as she got next to me and started rubbing away the blood that was still on my face. "I expected you to be the more intelligent one, yet I find you just punching each other in the face in such an idiotic manner."

"Mom!" Susanoo sounded indignant.

She just ignored him, though a little smile made its way to her face.

"How did you know where to find us?" I asked.

"How could I not know?" She deadpanned. "Do you think a God throwing around his power in the Mortal world is something that goes unnoticed? I could immediately tell where to find you two idiots as soon as you came to blows. Not to mention, I have no doubts that my other children are also aware what you've been up to, Susanoo." She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Oh great, I'm never going to hear the end of it from that bi—"

"Excuse me?" Izzy turned to him fully.

Susanoo cleared his throat. "Amaterasu is going to nag me non-stop."

Izzy snorted, turning back towards me. "Lay in the bed you have made, my son."

Susanoo grumbled. "It wasn't my fault. I was minding my own business. When this freak of nature comes and messes with me. Seriously how many more Devils are going to pop up that we have to actually pay attention to? He even looks like that other freak of nature." He jabbed his finger at me.

"Susanoo, mind your tongue." Izzy chided.

"I'm not wrong. What else do you call a Devil capable of fighting a God!? Where did he even get my sword!?" Susanoo threw his hands up. "Is it even my sword, cause it was really different than the last time I saw it, and last I heard, it's broken!"

"Wanna find out?" I smirked.

"Don't goad him." Izzy swatted my shoulder. "And it is not your sword, son. I am aware of its origin."

Susanoo grumbled but seemed to accept that.

Well, she's technically right. Which is the best kind of being right.

"What about his Divinity, it's almost exactly like mine!" He accused.

"Don't be ridiculous. Unless you think he somehow stole some of it from you?" Izzy raised an eyebrow.

Susanoo scoffed. "Of course not, like that could ever happen."

Me and Izzy shared a silent laugh, and I couldn't help but look at that gentle smile on her face.

It was really cute.

"Stop flirting with my mom!" Susanoo shouted angrily.

"What?" I blinked. "How was I flirting?!"

Did her cheeks turn slightly pink....?

"Bastard, like you'd ever be good enough for her. Keep your grubby Devil hands away from her or else." He growled.

"Susanoo." Izzy said evenly.

"But, mom, he's a Devil. No one likes them." It was strange to see this usually arrogant God turn into.....a child infront of his mom. "What would the other pantheons think?"

Izzy let out a long sigh. "Stop making assumptions." She rubbed her forehead.

"We're just friend." I huffed. "Besides, who'd take relationship advice from someone who has to pay for companionship."

"Y-you!" He stood up.

"Do I need to get some burn ointment, my Son?"


"Well perhaps if you kept to your word instead of going out and finding courtesans, then you would not have suffered such verbal jabs." Izzy didn't even bat an eye.


"How did you know...I mean, I did no such thing!" He quickly correctly.

"Do you really think I wouldn't know what you'd been up to after blowing me off?" She harrumphed. "Just because I didn't make my voice heard does not mean I was unhurt by your actions. I had many thoughts about marching right up and dragging you home."

Well, she kinda did in the end....

".....sorry." He said quietly.

How meek he was infront of Izzy, well I couldn't fault him. No matter how strong I get, I'd probably act the same infront of my own mom.

But I digress, it felt like it was going to get heavy soon, so I was probably overstaying my welcome. "I'll get out of your hair, let you spend some time with your son." I gave Izzy a smile.

"I shall walk you out." She stated, standing up with me. That was not-so-subtle que for she wanted to speak with me privately before I left.

"If I see any hands wandering, I'll cut them off!" Susanoo hollered as we walked out the door.

"Susanoo!" Izzy squeaked out turning noticeably red. She quickly slammed the door behind us as we stood on her porch. "That son of mine!" She huffed, throwing her hands up.

Though, it was still pretty cute.

"So, nice weather we're having." I smiled innocently.

"Wilhelm." She crossed her arms, giving me an unamused look.

"Sorry." I slumped my shoulder. "Default reaction to being nervous."

"I'm upset with you right now." She said plainly.

"I.....that's fair, I won't argue anything in my defense."

Izzy looked at me again before letting out a sigh. "I'm conflicted. I am upset, yet at the same time, I have this indescribable warmness in my chest. It's not hard to piece together what happened after you left earlier." She paused briefly. "I...It has been a very long time since someone has gotten angry on my behalf."

"Izzy." I reached out as she accepted being pulled into a hug.

"Don't think that this removes any annoyance I have right now." She said quietly. "Did you think I would be happy that you beat up my son!?" She lightly smacked my chest.

"....If I said yes...."

She puffed up, smacking me again, though she was trying hard to hold back a laugh. "Somehow...it turned out well in the end."

"I take full credit." I said shamelessly.

"And you undoubtedly caused a storm even if you can't yet see it. As I said before, many are aware of what transpired. Not to mention there were many that saw you before you took the fight to the ocean."

".....It was all Susanoo, I'm innocent."

"As I told my son, lay in your bed." She reached up, lightly patting my cheek. "Thank you, Wilhelm. I truly mean it. While I don't agree with the actions you took, I do appreciate the sentiment. I was going to just accept that he would never come and visit. I couldn't find the courage to confront him and thought it better to just let it be. Now...I have my son sitting in my house and he isn't anxious to run away."

"As long as you're happy, it was worth it." I said with sincerity.

She huffed again. "What was going through your head? My Son is a God, you don't go picking a fight with a God just for....this!" She threw her arms up. How easily she shifted gear back to being exasperated. "I know my son's strength, the weight behind his punches aren't anything to scoff at. Are you sure you're okay?" She inspected me.

"It's fine." I waived her off. "Just a bit ruffled. We didn't really go all out and kinda just settled on punching each other."

She crossed her hands, grumbling. "Stupid boys, always doing stupid things. I simply don't understand it, why go through such pain for such an asinine reason."

"Seeing how upset you were, it hurt more to see that look on your face than taking a few punches from him."

She opened her mouth and quickly closed it again. "Foolish." She muttered, looking away. "Leave before I get it in my head to smack you." She shooed me away.

I just smiled, about to walk away until I felt her hand grab my shirt.

She quicky planted a kiss on my cheek before shuffling back into her home.

I was left a bit stunned at what just happened. Only breaking from my thoughts as I heard Izzy start loudly scolding her son again. Though, there was a certain hint of fondness in her tone.

I couldn't up but smile as I opened a portal and headed back.


Late chapter against since I got off work late. PHO Interlude is up next.

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