A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 192 - 183

Chapter 192: Chapter 183

POV Lancer of Red (Karna)

"Wonderful!" I exclaimed, clashing with my foe. Her sword was deadly, sharp and precise with each movement.

My spear which stabbed through the air dozens of times in a single breath, was met with a speed that perhaps surpassed mine, and a technique I couldn't help but admire.

My flames clashed with her Lightning at each interval, her Divine Lightning that was so much like my brothers.

"O'Agni." I activated my Mana Burst once again during this fight, only to be met by her own body being enveloped in Lighting to ward me off.

The ground beneath us turned molten, and the air crackled with sharp wisps of lightning, our weapons pushing away each other, neither giving an inch.

I gathered power into my eye, the Authority of the Sun, inherited by my father, and compressed it before firing it off. A beam of pure destruction tore through the surroundings, the very air burning away at the touch.

Unexpectedly, my opponent met it head on. Sword in hand, lighting wreathed around her, she braced herself with her blade and blocked it. The sunlight fighting against her sword, but somehow, she managed to hold strong.

My opponent, the sister of my brother, she stepped forward and cut through my attack. An attack/power I had some manner of confidence in. She didn't stop, didn't relish in her small win, but instead attacked me once again. She was overpowering me in pure strength, breaking my guard. Her sword flashed out, digging into my chest. I reeled back quickly enough, a movement that barely mitigated a deep wound, even with my armor.

Yes, my Armor that should negate roughly 90% of each blow was overcome, ignored for lack of a better term. No that wasn't entirely accurate, my Armor provided resistance, but it was noticably less than it should be. Not to mention that she blocked my attack from before, somehow diffusing the accumulated weight behind the blow. I shouldn't be surprised at this point, she had taken my arm previously.

It did not phase me, neither of us would back down at such wounds like these. I planted my front foot firmly, gathering enough power, and thrusted my spear with the explosive power of my flames behind me. Knowing she couldn't properly evade or block, she instead grabbed hold of the shaft. My spear dug into her stomach, but she resisted the worst of it with a grit of her teeth, her hand burning as she gripped my Divine Spear.

"Hah!" She swung her sword with one hand, discharging her Lightning from above. I decided to take a step back, having won this small exchange.

It was just in time too, as an invisible force rippled across the battlefield. A sonic attack carved out swathes of land in the distance, some even coming our way.

We both noticed the danger, jumping out of the way before the ground we were just standing on had disappeared.

It was a momentary lapse in our battle, both of us looking at the strange creature that could be seen in the distance.

My opponent, even more so, looked at the creature, recognizing the one who fought it.

I could have attacked, in this moment that she let her guard down, but I held my spear back. That was not the win I wished to have.

"Is it wise to ignore me in our battle?" I spoke up, to grab her attention once more. I could see that she was hesitant to ignore what was happening with her master. It spoke of her character that she worried, so I did not fault her on this.

How strange it was to see a Berserker so lucid, to think so rationally. It was.....a small jest that I found amusing. How her Master had gone around calling her 'Saber', so I did not speak up about it. My ability 'Discernment of the Poor' allowed me to view into her true nature and character.

Though, it still did not allow me to fulyl see through her Master, who continued to be an enigma for me. In another time and place, I wish I could have learned more about him. To fight him, not as enemies, but maybe a friendly duel.

"Thank you for waiting." She said quietly, regaining her resolve, her sword brought back up into a proper stance.

"Of course." I smiled lightly, swinging my spear back through my wafting flames.

No more words as the next clash began. She burst out with her Divine Lightning, the lack of obvious drain on her magical reserves just served to emphasized how strong her Master was to support her continued costs. I was vaguely aware of how my own Master was drawing in Magical Energy from an unnatural means, and yet she was keeping up with me in expenditure.


I should have been faster as I was summoned under the Lancer class, yet she was not losing out to me in the slightest, and even stronger than me in other aspects.

I narrowly moved to the side, her blade cutting my cheek, our eyes meeting with my own spear swinging towards her head.

She quickly pivoted, knocking it away with a flick of her wrist and trying to follow up with a downward slash at my neck. I shot my knee up at the wound on her stomach, but she slammed her fist down to meet it. I instead went low, sweeping at her legs, but she instead opted to trade, blade once again aiming for my neck.

Realizing I would lose on this exchange, I had my flames erupt between us, knocking us both back.

"Your martial arts are exemplary." I praised her. "I dare not claim to be your superior in this regard."

"Your technique is one I have not experienced before, but you are among the best I've ever crossed blades with." She returned with her own words.

"I wish I had the opportunity to show my bow skills, but alas." I flipped my spear back towards her. "I am constrained by this class."

She gave a small smile. "I too wish I could compete with you in bow skills."

It was strange, to fight to the death like this yet have no ill will towards her. Even if I kept projecting my half brother upon her, it was not out of spite or anger.

I waived my hand, my Divine Flames condensing and firing out.

She swung her sword, discharging bolts of her Divine Lightning to intercept.

And again, we began another clash.


Wilhelm POV

Achilles and Atalanta had complied with the terms I set out. And they even opted to abandon this fortress and head back to the town we first met. I wanted them to be far away, just in case the priest tried to use them for anything. If he tried to use a Command Seal to teleport them over, I was confidant in being able to disrupt it with my expertise on space manipulation.

I bit my lip, looking in the direction of where Mordred went. I knew she could handle herself fine, but I was oddly finding myself worrying about her. I gave Kairi a few things that should skew any fight int heir favor, but both Lancer of Black and Rider of Black were noticeably absent.

Well, I would trust my new son.

They had a full set of Command Seals as well, that wasn't anything to scoff at.

I only had a rough estimate of how far Raikou and Karna moved away. In usual circumstances, I would need some special calculations to navigate this small world since it was a facet of someone's Noble Phantasm, but since its in such disarray, I didn't feel like I would be hindered, especially if I only had to eyeball everything at this distance.

Gripping Mirage, I slashed my sword through the air. I was about to jump through until I noticed the sky changed colors.

A sense of danger washed over me, and it was coming from the direction of Raikou.

Without a second thought, I quickly went through, the scenery around me changing in an instant. The ground had turned to lava in many places, and there were craters littering the ground.

"Master!?" I heard Raikou's voice not far away.

She did not look in the best of shape, she was even wounded in several places. "Raikou." I said softly. "You're hurt."

"Master, I'm fine." She quickly dismissed me. "Please escape, master." She tried to urge me.

"Master of Minamoto-no-Raikou." Karna's voice boomed. He hovered a little bit infront of my Servant. "You've come." He stated, meeting my gaze. "You have appeared at an opportune moment. Your Servant fought valiantly, but I will end this with my strongest attack." The armor around his body was burned away.

His armor, that I could deduce was Divine in origin, completely disintegrated.

"I shall require a blow that brings complete annihilation." He declared, raising his arms up, and the already strained sky cracked and shattered.

"Master!" Raikou shouted towards me. "Please, flee. I do not know if I can handle this, and I don't wish you to fall because of my ineptitude."

I looked at her, then at Karna who made my hairs stand up on the back of my neck. "Yet, you'll stay here and fight to the end." I shook my head. "I told you before, we're in this together. If you want to fight, I'll support you as your Master."

The conflicted look on her face was hard to see, but I knew this meant a lot for her. "I'm not leaving." I crossed my arms. "So you just have to do your best to protect me."

"Master...." Her eyes softened.

"A Master is part of a Servant's Strength." Karna watched down above us, a surprisingly gentle smile on his face. "I can only blame my misfortune that I do not have one as good as yours, Sister."

The way he called Raikou Sister did make my eyes widened a little, the familiarity and kindness he relayed in that word, it made me question how they truly saw one another.

Was it his way of recognizing Raikou as an equal?

I held out my hand, the Staff of Magnus appearing from my Ring. "Grand Healing." It was one of the strongest Healing spells I learned from Skyrim that I could reasonably cast on another person and Raikou's wounds visibly began to heal.

"Good." Karna seemed pleased. "Let our fight come to its conclusion." He raised his arms aloft, almost lazily, as the very space trembled and ignited.

It was like a second sun descended into this miniature world, and it the seams that held it together began to collapse at the shear 'weight' behind his actions.

A pillar of fire erupted around him, turning the entire ground into molten slag. Rivers of Lava cascading out in every direction.

The fires conglomerated, combined into an appearance of an Eye, one that gazed down upon all living beings and judged them.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it looked like it cast its gaze upon Raikou for just a second longer before exploding into a red hue that overtook the other phenomena that blanketed the fake sky.

The flames and light combined, a weapon descended into Karna's hand.




The feelings that practically screamed in my direction, they all emanated from that spear. It was the same spear he held before, but changed. It looked different, but that was just its physical appearance.

It was 'more'.

[Brat, that this is dangerous.] Ddraig spoke in my mind.

I didn't need to be told that.

"Raikou." I held up the hand that contained the contract between us. "By the power of these two Command Seals." The Magical energy burst out. "Use everything you have and release your Noble Phantasm" I declared.

Her power temporarily expanded immensely. And she raised her sword up. Not only was she pulling as much Magical Energy form me as possible, but the Command Seals elevated her next action up several levels.

"Know the Mercy of the King of gods." Karna stated, his voice vibrating through the air as he held the spear down, pointing at us.

He became a new Sun in the sky.

"Master." She looked over to me. "You willingly accepted a demon like me as your Servant." She said quietly, her face full of resolve. "If you command it so.... I, Raikou, shall become an Oni."

The Divine Lightning around her erupted. Almost like it was challenging the Divine Sun in the sky, daring it to attack. The waves of Purple lightning that arced across the ground with Raikou at the epicenter.

"Come to me, my loyal subjects, my limbs, my arms, and my armor.....the Four Heavenly Kings themselves are as before you!" Several Bolts of lightning tore through the fiery skies, slamming into the ground.

Four more Raikous' appeared at their point of impact. Each of them wielded a different weapon, a Katana different from her own. A Battle Axe that shined gold. A Spear that flowed like water. And a Bow that the wind seemed to coil around.

Reinforced by the power of two Command Seals, this Noble Phantasm was powerful, yet.....

"With this single attack, I shall inflict extinction." Karna was unwavering, and his power still seemed to eclipse Raikou's own. "Be reduced to Cinders." He aimed his spear downwards.

There has been something that made me curious, ever since I acquired the Boosted Gear.

Looking over at Raikou who seemed ready to engage, to meet the attack head on.

"What would happen, if I boosted a Noble Phantasm?" I said quietly, raising my hand towards the clones of my servant.

Ddraig began to cackle like mad.

"Boost, Boost, Boost. Boost. Boost."

I didn't have too many boosts stored at the moment, but I felt like it was just the right amount for a first test. If I wasn't in Balance Breaker, with the means to better control this power, I would have never considered it.


The Clones, the Noble Phantasm of Raikou – the power, their 'existence' enlarged, and their physical 'forms' followed. It wasn't just a matter of increasing the Magical Energy to make it stronger, I was conceptually adding power to the 'weight' of the legend. Almost like a Broken Phantasm, but a different form of application.

Raikou's eyes widened, and even Karna seemed completely stunned, even if neither allowed themselves to be distracted.

"Vasavi Shakti!" Karna's words silenced the world.

Well, except for one other voice.

"Ox-King Storm Call – The inescapable Net of Heaven!" The four giant clones attacked together.

A massive pillar of light came down, a decree to exterminate everything below, a Divine Judgement from a God.

From the Earth, the giant clones of Raikou ascended.

The one wielding the Bow, poured all of its power into a single shot before dispersing. The power of Wind carried it, bringing with it the wrath of a hurricane.

The Clone wielding a Katana shot forth, burning bright for just a moment, swinging the sword and summoning a Fire to contend with the Sun.

The one with the Spear pierced towards the oncoming purge, the decree of annihilation with the force of a Tsunami.

The last one, it wielded a Golden Axe, and with every ounce of power afforded to it, it swung a single time. The golden light gathered at the edge of the Axe and burst out towards the oncoming threat.

The four elemental attacks, enhanced by the power of two Command Seals, then boosted many folds by my own effort.

Raikou raised her blade up high, and all the lightning she gathered crackled around her. That familiar purple lighting that jolted in every direction, pulsing with Divinity. The power gathered was immense, the very air crackled with residual static for hundreds of yards all around.

Seemingly turning into the Divine Lightning, itself, she took hold of it all and shot towards the sky. The Spear that felt like it could fell gods was met in equal footing.

Perhaps it was because Karna could not wield its full potential, or it was because of my interference, but Raikou's lightning tore into the attack the help of her clones.

I had to summon a shield to protect me just from the collision of power and subsequent eruption that was created at the focal point. The two Noble Phantasms stalemated and dispersed one another.

Both Raikou and Karna fell from the sky, slamming into the ground.

Both were looking worse for wear, standing up shakily.

Karna, who was the first to act had placed his hand onto the ground. Thorns of fire burst from the air, filling the space as they jabbed out towards Raikou.

I waived my Staff, shooting off Lightning Arrows to intercept. Raikou glanced back at me for the briefest of moments, before charging at Lancer.

Karna tried to bring up his flames again, but they looked haggard, almost forcibly exerted instead of the ease he manipulated them from before.

Raikou's sword swung through them with ease, the flame dispersing at the touch of her blade.

Karna brought up his spear to block, but it was clear he was on the back foot.

I held the staff up, aiming towards Raikou. "Scatter." I cast the illusion spell I was the most familiar with. Never my area of expertise, but I was decent enough. Not to mention with my nature of Lightning added up, well, the spell meshed with whom I had targeted.

A dozen more Raikou's appeared around her, each one crackled slightly, just as she did. Adding on a spell to obscure vision for just a second to make him question which one was her. Given another few moments, maybe Karna would have been able to discern which was real or not, but in his exhausted state, wounded as he was, it was enough.

He had no choice but to have his flames envelop him and burst out in every direction, a large scale attack as all the clones moved together.

They dispersed but bought the necessary time.

Raikou's sword found its target, slamming through Karna's chest, with no Divine Armor to mitigate the damage.

Karna's body was impaled to the ground, Raikou's sword sticking out, and he didn't fight it. A content smile appeared on his face. "Well done." He instead praised her. "You fought well."

"I only won because I had help." Raikou shook her head.

"A Master is part of your strength, Sister." Karna let out a small, but strained chuckle.

"You know we are not related...."

Karna closed his eyes. "I am aware." He replied. "Consider it me just being selfish." That smile didn't leave his face, even as his began to dissipate. "I wonder.... if we would have gotten along in life."

"I think we would have." Raikou's gentle words took me by surprise. "Goodbye, Brother." She accepted the title, giving him a last farewell.

I gave her a moment to collect herself, watching the remnants of Lancer flow away. There were many thoughts in my mind – would things have been different if Lancer had a proper Master? From what Atalanta said, they were not in contact with theirs, so it was likely Karna was not as well.

Karna, what a scary guy. That spear of his, it was dangerous and it genuinely frightened me to be on the receiving end of. If Raikou didn't have her Mystery Slayer, combined with two command seals, and me boosting her Noble Phantasm....

In any other circumstances, I would have not stood there and watched it buy ran away. But I pushed those thoughts to the side for now.

"Raikou, this place is collapsing, we should move." The sky was crumbling, and fissures were forming in the very space that supported this small world.

"Yes, lets finish this, Master." Raikou nodded.

Yeah, it's time to finish this war.


Few more chapters and this Arc is wrapped up. It's just now finished up fully over on Pat. Now there's only Assassin of Red and Caster of Red remaining as enemy Servants. On a side note, no chapter this upcoming Sunday, going to be busy again.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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