A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 193 - 184

Chapter 193: Chapter 184

POV Ruler (Jeanne D'Arc)

I wished I did not have to separate from Wilhelm. I didn't want to turn around since I would only feel sad at the goodbye.

For some reason, it felt like a true farewell.

I knew that we would have to separate eventually its just...I've never had many friends. Even when I marched to war in my life, I had admirers, soldiers, and subordinates. I think the only person who I could have called a friend was Gilles.

The time spent was short, but I was happy he called me a friend.

Even if he did tease me relentlessly. And I had to resist the urge to smack him with my flag on many occasions.

It was nice.

I would make sure to properly thank the Lord of giving me such a gift during this fleeting existence.

Not once had I ever regretted my decisions to listen to the Word of God. If presented with the same choice, I would have not wavered in following the same path. But it was pleasant to experience something a little different amongst the fighting that took place.

I sincerely hoped that I would not have to fight him. I would do everything I could to fulfill my duties, but that did not mean I wanted to harm him.

I let the feeling I had in my heart pull me where it wished me to go. The will of God led me through this field of destruction, navigating the pieces of the Noble Phantasm left shattered/broken from Wilhelm's attack.

There were traps that I walked by, noticing the feint pulsing of Magical Energy. It seemed that my faith led me to avoid the worse of them, and the others simply could do nothing when triggered against my innate Magical Resistance.

A few of those Skeleton soldiers sprang up every so often, but they were felled by a sweep of my banner.

Eventually, I came upon a small archway, a half-standing door that seemed to still be active. If not for the guidance I was receiving, I was sure I would have overlooked it as nothing more than rubble.

I stepped through without hesitation, the air infront of me like water as the scenery changed with a single step forward.

I was in a garden, or what was left of one. Many strange, yet beautiful plants were all around me. Lots of which were disturbed, destroyed, or otherwise ripped out of the ground from the destructive fall.

This place was strange, this entire 'structure' was like its own small world. Every doorway, while leading somewhere else, led to its own 'space'.

It amazed me that Wilhelm was able to destroy such a thing with Modern Magecraft.

Then again, he'd been showing some very spectacular things since the start of this war. Being able to fight on par, and even defeat Servants while still being a living being. And seeing his other displays of Magecraft had been enlightening. I barely understood the basics, even with this knowledge the Grail granted me, yet still, I could understand how amazing he was as a Magus.

The further in I moved, the more the whole place looked.....stitched together for lack of a better word. Like a seamstress taking several different articles of clothing, and turned them into something wearable even if it was an awkward sight to behold.

I approached one final door, and the 'feeling' I had intensified several fold, and I knew whatever was behind this door was what I was looking for.

Without hesitation, I pushed it open.

Many eyes turned to face me.

"I told you she would find her way here, Assassin." A gentle voice rang out across this room.

I looked up to see Assassin – Semiramis – sitting upon a decadent throne. It looked.....barely held together and the room itself looked like a patchwork of many different buildings forced to merge.

I didn't see where the voice came from, but I looked around to quickly study the area and search out potential foes just in case.

"And a new actress appears." A man stepped forward giving a bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ruler."

"Caster." I said quietly, meeting his gaze. He was Shakespeare, a famous playwright. My mind was filled with knowledge of him and his abilities as a Servant.

He was....weak in physical means, but he still gave me a dangerous feeling.

"Ridiculous." Assassins spat out angrily. "How did she navigate through what remains of my Gardens? I can barely navigate them as they are, and its MY Noble Phantasm."

"Faith in God will not lead one astray." The voice sounded out again as a new figure walked out from behind the throne.

As soon as I saw him, my mind froze and my eyes widened. "Impossible." I muttered. "You shouldn't be here." I gripped my banner tightly.

"As expect, you too can see through my identity." The man smiled towards me. "As one Ruler to another, it's a pleasure to meet you, Saintess of Orleans."

He's the master of these two Servants, but his true identity – "You're the Ruler from the previous War, how are you still here!?"

"And they finally meet." Shakespeare laughed. "What's in store for our two fellows of God, will they join forces or fight over different ideals!?"

"And you ruined the moment." Assassin deadpanned.

Despite the tone of their words, the atmosphere was tense as if a fight would break out at any moment.

I flipped my banner into a position to better defend. My instincts were telling me that this would end in no other way but a fight.

"Oh well." The other....Ruler, shrugged his shoulders. "I guess you won't even listen to what I have to say." He held his hand out and summoned an armament into it – a Katana of some strength.

"You are breaking the rules, there is nothing else that needs be spoken." I glared.

"I'm trying to save humanity." He countered. "I will use the Grail to make sure no one ever has to die again, no one will ever suffer again. Humanity will be elevated to a higher state."

"That's a foolish sentiment." I retorted. "If you can't see the flaws in your desire, then there is nothing left to be spoken between us." I glanced around the room one last time to get an idea of how I would be attacked. "Hand over the Grail or I will retrieve it by force until the War has ended."

The former Ruler servant shook his head. "I will leave my fate up to God." He took a stance. "If I fall, then my ideals were simply wrong."

He held his blade aloft, eyes full of conviction.

And I knew he would not be persuaded.


Wilhelm POV.

"Mordred, Kairi." I practically slid to a stop infront of them. "We need to get out of here."

"Ya think?" Mordred sassed, gesturing to the literal holes in the sky.

I rolled my eyes, swiping my sword through the air. "Alright, in you lot go." I pushed them through quickly without hearing any back sass. Raikou didn't argue as she hurriedly stepped through as well before I followed.

I let out a breath as I looked up and saw a more sturdy sky above us, even if it was still a fake one. "Should be fine here." I took a moment to catch my breath.

"Good, I just need a second." Mordred found a large piece of rubble and collapsed onto it, sword stabbing into the ground.

Yeah, that sounded good too. I allowed myself to slump down against the same huge chunk of stone. "Everyone good?"

"I'll live." Mordred waived me off. "Tired as fuck, but I managed to take out two." She seemed....proud, but there was a slight melancholic undertone.

"Well done." I gave her praise. She didn't say anything, but she did perk up a little bit.

"Master, you're wounded." Raikou decided to give me a once over. Her eyes trailed down to the hole in my armor where Chiron got me.

"Yeah....." My hand brushed over the spot. "I'm good now, healed it up fine." I replied.

Raikou pursed her lips, clearly 'upset' at my being hurt, but didn't speak again, just continuing to fuss over me. I reached out and took her hand, gaining a bright smile from her. With a thought, I began casting a healing spell. It was much easier to actualize when I was in physical contact with someone than casting from a distance.

"Kairi." I grabbed the other Magi's attention. "You good?" I asked. He didn't look....untouched.

"Yeah, yeah." He nodded taking out a cigarette. "Almost got hit by some stray attacks, but I'm good. You don't' last long in my job without some healing spells under your belt." He grinned. "Those Mana Potions are great though." He shot me a thumbs up. "Any chance you want to sell a few more to me after we're done?"

I snorted. "When we're done, I'll give you a few crates as thanks." I did appreciate the help he was providing and Mana Potions didn't mean much to me as they would another Magus.

The other Master let out a laugh. "I'll hold you to that."

"Master, won't you remove that armor and rest properly for a moment?" Raikou looked towards me sadly.

I let out a sigh. "To be honest, I don't trust my ability to bring it back up if I dismiss it now." With how much I've been using Balance Breaker, I'm probably going to crash once I take it off. The Boosts had pushed past my limits consistently, and my body will have to cope with the strain somehow after its over. "Let's finish this." I stood back up, looking around.

"Lets fucking go." Mordred jumped off her 'seat', shattering the ground. Her armor was not looking good and she had some wounds, but that grin of hers was ever present.

I walked over, putting my hand on her head with a grin.

"The hell are you –" She was about to get annoyed until my hand burst out in a healing light. "....ass.." She muttered, but accepted it.

"Later, tell me how your fight went." I smiled towards her.

"Fine." She grunted, a little happy it seemed.

"So I think that's another doorway over there." I pointed towards a couple arches, barely standing together.

"You sure?" Kairi raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged. "I'm pretty confidant to make sure nothing happens in a spacial transference, so what's the worse that could happen if I'm wrong?"

"Fair." He nodded. "Lead the way then." He gestured.

"Raikou." I turned towards my Servants.

"I'm here, master." She quickly regained her serious face. She was ready for battle. "I am ready for whatever waits for us."

"Good." I punched my fist into my palm. "I want to see that priest again. I have some words for him." Walked up I placed my hand against the 'portal' that seemed to emerge as I touched the arches. "It's steady." I declared before pushing my way through.

The others followed behind immediately, but my focus was taken by the sound of steel meeting in combat.

"Wilhelm?" Jeanne turned towards me in surprise as she deflected a sword being swung at her.

"You've arrived as well." The Priest looked at me, he was trading blows with Ruler. He was trading blows with a Servant.

"Wilhelm, careful! He's the Ruler from the last war." Jeanne quickly relayed just as the other's came as well.

"That explains way too much." I narrowed me eyes.

"So many bugs inside my throne room. " Assassin spoke out, her voice booming over the noise. I looked towards the familiar women who sat upon a throne. The one who hurt Sir Wiggles. "One larger than the others." Her eyes looked at me with a fury behind them.

Surprisingly, she didn't immediately attack, only lazily watching us.


"Caster, it's your turn." She declared as a new person walked out from behind a nearby pillar.

"Ohoh, I'm actually taking the stage, how rare." The man – the Servant spoke. "I've been meaning to meet you for awhile, young Wilhelm."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, even if my focus didn't waver from my surroundings. "I don't suppose you'd like to introduce yourself then?"

"William Shakespeare." He bowed. "At your service."

I blinked at his blatant introduction. "I admit, I didn't think you would actually tell me your name."

Shakespeare let out a laugh. "A playwright must make their name known to the audience." He smiled bright.

"William Shakespeare." I muttered. "I'm a little surprised, but otherwise happy to meet you. I'm a big fan of your work."

The Caster servant blinked. "Truly?"

"Is that so surprising? Your works are one of the cornerstones of literature in the modern era."

"Hah!" He turned, pointing towards Assassin. "See!? My works are famous!"

Assassin scowled. "Stop playing around."

"Hmph." Caster snorted.

"I was actually in Theatre club when in school." I admit, I was a bit....star struck with him. I didn't expect to meet someone like him here. An artist, not a traditional 'warrior'. I let out a sigh. "If I had one of your works on me, I'd ask for an autograph."

That being said, I wasn't exactly letting my guard down. I was scanning the room to look to see if there were any hidden dangers present.

"After having to suffer through the ignorance of my allies, your words bring me such joy." He clutched his heart dramatically. "How I wish I could have spoken with you more." He shook his head. "Alas, the stage does not wait for anymore, even the writer." He grinned, a book appearing in his hand.

I felt a sense of danger, and one of my swords shot out at him, piercing through his body. But.....he didn't budge, that grin of his never faded. His body, the 'wound' didn't bleed, in fact, it looked more like pages being torn from a book than actual flesh.

"I'm afraid, I have no choice in the matter." There was a small bit of sympathy in his voice. "My Noble Phantasm had already been cast before you arrived. You are formable in combat, in magic and martial prowess. I am a weak Servant, only sufficient to wield a pen. But...they say the pen is mightier than the sword. Shall we put those words to the test?"

His arms outstretched, the area around us began to change. His body shifted, turning into pieces of parchment that flew all around me. "Let the curtain rise, and the show begin!"

"Master!" Raikou yelled, but her voice was cut off and she disappeared.

"The applause will shake the earth, the cheers of ten thousand!" Shakespeare's voice echoed all around me even as I lost vision of anything else.

I looked down at my hands, my eyes widened in horror.

My Scale Mail began to disappear from my body.

"Ddraig!?" I blurted out.

There was no response.

The parchment began to conglomerate, turn into a physical form.

"Behold, the Title of my Noble Phantasm – First Folio."

My attention was no longer on the voice of Shakespeare, but on the figure that appeared, manifested from his Noble Phantasm.

Red hair that matched mine.

Eyes that matched mine.

And a voice that made my breathing pick up.

"Hello, son."


And Shakespeare makes his grand entrance. The Weakest servant for the war is oddly one of the worst matchups for Wilhelm. So, fair warning, I've had mixed comments about next chapter. Some liked it, some didn't, so I didn't want to hype it too much.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone.

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