A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 191 - 182

Chapter 191: Chapter 182

Mordred POV

I followed the pink fop.

Glancing back in the direction of the Bastard, I grit my teeth, knowing I was going to miss one hell of a fight. As much as I really wanted to lay into that Archer who had been taking shots at me all last night, my sights were focused on this other flying asshole.

This pink-haired Servant really started pissing me off, and I knew it would be much more satisfying to chop him up at the cost of a fight with those other guys.

Besides, I knew the Bastard could handle them.

He was...strong.

Enough that I was surprised to see him really cut loose. His Magecraft was pretty badass, and that armor of his was fucking awesome.

I thought Father had made the wrong choice only a day ago, but if that's who he picked as his Queen, then I guess it wasn't so bad. Atleast it's better than that bitch who cheated on him.

I stomped on the ground, my Mana Burst exploding out as I tried to gain ground. "GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD." I shouted towards the flying Servant.

"Na na na." The Rider servant taunted. "Can't catch me."

"RAAARR!" I swung my sword with all the Mana I gathered, throwing my lighting up into the sky towards him, but the annoying ass swerved out of the way. I tried to do the same as that Bastard and shape my lighting, but Magecraft or anything like that never made sense to me.

It went further and was a bit faster, but that stupid bird-horse of his able to maneuver in the sky much better than its size suggested.

I wasn't stupid, I could tell he was luring me away from the Bastard. It was obvious they cooked up some scheme to deal with us, but the other Bastard probably knew that too, so I didn't say anything.

If only this asshole would properly lead me into the trap already!

"Woohoo!" He cheered, doing flips in the air.

"Rider, time to get serious." I turned my head to see Lancer of Black standing off to the side.

The horse-bird slammed on to the ground right next to him. "I'm always serious~" The pink-haired Servant laughed.

"About damn time." I growled, raising my blade towards them. "I was going to settle for the fop over there, but I wouldn't mind taking you down too."

The Lancer servant ignored my jab, spinning his spear up into a proper grip. "Regulated to mere distraction. How low I have fallen." He sighed. "And I have to fight a brat like this."

{Saber, don't let him rile you up.} Master's voice sounded out over our link.

I gritted my teeth, but took a deep breath and didn't fall for his provocations. "Feel free to run back over to the other fight." I withdrew my helmet so he could see the smirk on my face. "But we both know you're just using this as an excuse to run away."

Lancer's expression turned dark. "Such insolence." He growled. "Why should I be surprised when you allied with 'him'."

I just laughed at his annoyance. "Come on, old man, lets see if you're allowed to call yourself a king infront of me."

"I do not need a child like you to acknowledge my rule." His magical energy surged. "I built my kingdom upon the impaled bodies of my enemies, thousands of my people met their ends at my hands." He waved his hand and Stakes burst out of the ground. "Etch my name into your mind, for who's land you tread upon, and know my legacy." He held both hands out as the Stakes began to increase in number. "I am Vlad, King of Wallachia, the Impaler!"

I gathered my own Magical Energy, my Mana Burst erupted around me with my signature lightning. "I'm Mordred Pendragon, the rightful heir to Camelot." I gripped my sword tight as all the Stakes flew towards me. "And I'll be the one taking your head."

"Rebel!" The King yelled in fury. "A mockery of all who sit on a throne!"

I pushed back into the ground, and burst forward towards the torrent of stakes, their sharp edges splintering on my armor, my Lightning, making me strong enough to withstand the pressure. I swung my sword a few times to disrupt the brunt of the attack, enough that I made it through without suffering any noticeable injury.

Our weapons clashed, he swung his spear with the entire weight of his body behind it. Sparks flew as the blades slid against one another. I pushed him off, following up with another full swing towards his torso, but he blocked it again.

Another downward slash split the air, aiming at his head as he pushed into me to deflect it. I continued my flurry of attacks, each one having the ability to split him in half if he was even a second too slow. Each time we met, ground beneath us shattered and he was forced back a step or two.

"Can't keep up, old man?" I laughed. "Didn't you say something last time about being invincible on your territory!?"

That's right, that Bastard mentioned something about him being stronger while on his land, but I'm not seeing it this time so I guess this fake world was suppressing it.

"Don't get full of yourself." He sneered, jerking his hand full of a baleful aura. Stakes shot out of the ground to the sides.

I quickly spun my body slashing at all of them, the faint sense of danger on the back of my neck as they came towards me.

He dashed to the side, moving around my back, spear piercing through the air towards me. Wide swings of his, aiming towards my lower body.

I slammed my sword into the ground, to block his sweep, Lighting crackled in my hand as I tossed it towards him.

With a burst of speed he dodged it easily, slamming his Spear down atop me as I barely brought Clarent up to block in time.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue in annoyance. He's faster than me, but I'm stronger than him. And he realized it too since he changed his strategy and wasn't meeting me head on anymore.

Slamming my foot on the ground, my gathered Mana Burst erupted out in every direction, knocking him away.

"Rider, stop standing around!" He shouted.

"Righto." That annoying assholes voice reached my ears, his lance aiming at my back.

"Raaa!" I let out a pained shout, his lance tore through my armor on my lower back, digging into my flesh. I swung my sword around in a wide arc to push him away.

"Well done, Rider!" The king was back on me, spear swinging at my shoulder, and more Stakes flying at me.

I ducked to the side, swiping my sword at the annoying stakes that sprung from the ground. Relying on my Mana Burst again, I quickly regained my footing to knock his spear away at full force.

"Mindless Berserker." The Lancer smirked, stepping back.

"Here I come!" The Rider came swooping down on his mount, gathering speed at an astonishing rate, enveloped with the noticeable aura of mana.

Quickly bringing Clarent up, I braced myself for the blow, my feet digging into the ground as his Lance connected. The earth behind me tore apart and I strained all my muscles to remain on my feet. Stakes shot from the ground, piercing my armor and tearing into me before I could destroy them.

{Master, give me your mana!} I shouted through my link.

{I'll use one of those Mana Potions Wilhelm gave me. Go Wild.} He replied, and I couldn't help but smirk. {Saber, by the power of this Command Spell.....}

I felt my body be filled with power, and I knew just how to unleash it.

I withstood the force of the blow, even if I felt the shock through my body and some blood leaked from my mouth. But my aura exploded out, my Lightning went wild and my Mana enveloped me. "My turn!" I shouted, as Clarent's edge was suddenly enveloped with a thick bloodlust that shot towards the sky.

"CLARENT BLOOD ARTHUR!" I swung my Noble Phantasm out, the pillar of energy, of hate and anger chopped down right on top of Rider.

"Oh no, I'm in danger." That stupid smile of his didn't leave his face.

The ground ruptured completely, displacing large swathes of earth as the explosion blew out in every direction.

My head snapped to the side, at the spark of energy that revealed where Rider teleported to.

"That was a clos—" He stopped, looking down at his mount, surprised as he started to lose altitude

And I met his eyes, my empty hand still extended out with Clarent lodged in the neck of his beast.

The body of his mount slammed to the ground, and Rider stumbled to his feet. I erupted in a Mana Burst again, knowing I was probably putting a strain on the Necromancer, but I knew I had to finish this fight.

I swiped my hand through the air, Clarent returning back to me with another burst of lightning, my feet already kicking off the ground towards him, and I swung down at the pink-haired Servant. He tried to dodge out of the way, but my blade slashed down through his chest, blood erupting at the motion.

He dropped his lance, falling to the ground.

"Finally got you." I grinned savagely, Clarent flipped upside down and edge pointing towards his heart.

"Hahah, you sure did." He laughed again. "Well, it was fun while it lasted."

I blinked, confused at his response. "You are a strange person." I muttered, and pushed my blade down.

He split blood from his mouth. "Let's play again sometime." He said cheerfully, despite the fact that my sword was lodged into his heart.

His body began to dissipate, I watched the mana flow up into the sky. "Yeah....it was pretty fun I guess, even if you were kinda annoying."

I turned towards my last opponent, Lancer who walked towards me, blood dripping down his body. He escaped a direct hit from my Noble Phantasm, but it was clear he got caught up in the blast. He looked....upset, but still maintained his dignity, letting out a sigh. "I'm the last one then." He muttered, looking up at the drifting particles of mana that was Rider. "Rebel, what's your wish on the Grail?" He asked.

I thought for a moment before answering. "I want a chance to pull the Sword from the Stone and prove my worthiness."

Lancer, looked at me for a moment before he began to break down into laughter. He threw his had back, his boisterous laugh filling the tense atmosphere. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" His hand gripped his face tight, and I finally realized something was wrong. It was strained, and he looked like he was in pain. "HHHHHAAAAAAAH!" He growled, his eyes changing color. "DARNIC, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He swung his body around crazily.

"The hell.....?" I muttered watching his writhing body.

"I TOLD YOU I WOULD NOT USE THIS NOBLE PHANTASM!" He roared; spear dropping to the side. "I AM A KING, NOT THIS BLOODTHIRST ABOMINATION!" His ears began to elongate, his skin turned a pale color and his mouth filled with fangs.

My knowledge of him entered my mind from the Grail, the Legend associated with Vlad the Impaler, the Vampire Dracula.

"REbeL" His distorted voice reached my ears. "EnD mE!" He shook, hands turning into claws as he clearly fought against the transformation.

His asshole of a master probably used a command Seal.

His new claws dug into his own flesh. "I AM NOT THIS THING I AM NOT...DRACULA!"

I bit my lips, bringing my sword up as I walked over to him. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "This isn't how I wanted it to go." Even if he was my enemy, and I wanted to take his head...but not like this.

It just felt wrong.

"I..." His breathing became erratic. "Am a king! I did what I did and will not say a word to how history judged me." He stood up, legs shaking. "But I will not be turned into this disgusting monster!" His shout distorted the air around me.

His hand reached out, shaking and he had to steady it with his other. It grasped at the edge of my sword, and he ignored it as it cut into his palm, bringing it up to his neck. He looked.....defeated like this. "Grant me a King's Death."

I took a deep breath, putting strength into my arm and brought my sword to press against his flesh. "Yeah, this is how a King should act." I didn't like him, but I couldn't help but respect him like this. "You're Vlad, King of Wallachia, and that's how I'll remember you."

Closing my eyes I swiped my sword.

Hearing the thump of his body falling to the ground, I looked up towards the sky, watching as new motes of mana drifted up into the air. "Why are my wins always so bitter?"


Wilhelm POV.

I'll take your teachings to heart, Chiron.

"Sorry." I said quietly towards Achilles, I didn't even realize I said it until the words left my mouth.

Achilles, despite the atmosphere, just laughed. "Gods, did you just apologize for killing someone who was trying to take your life?" He slapped his forehead, letting out a bellow. "And I could tell you were being sincere." He shook his head, regaining his composure.

"Kind of just slipped out."

A melancholic smile formed on his face. "Don't spit on his memory. You fought and defeated him in a fight, take pride in that."

"Yeah." I regained my wits. "Just got swept up in the moment and remembered how my own teacher died." I smiled bitterly at the memory. "Shall we continue?" My swords hovered around me and I was ready to shift back into battle mode.

"Always." He took a stance, even if that little spark in his eyes was gone.

I paused looking him over, a question came to the forefront of my mind. "Hey, what's your wish?" I asked.

"My wish?" He looked at me confused. "Well, I guess I would say I wanted to live up to the vow I made to my mother." He slammed his closed fist to his chest. "To live like a hero and die like a hero." He declared proudly. "But honestly, I just came to fight." He chuckled.

"What about you, Chaste Huntress?" I turned my head up towards Atalanta who already had arrows pulled against her bow string.

She slowly lowered he weapon, giving me a once over. "I want to bring Salvation to all the children of the world. I want them to all know care and love."

That was....not what I expected. "The Grail can't grant that wish." I replied.

Atalanta, surprisingly, didn't dispute me or get annoyed at my statement.

"She knows." Achilles muttered. "She knows it's an impossible dream, but still fights for it."

There was no way for the Grail to be able to do something about that. What would it do, send all the children without families to single adults? Clones Adults and give them to the children? It would bring havoc to the world.

To be honest, I lost my will to fight them. After killing Chiron, I just kind of.....don't want to kill them anymore?

My desire for the Grail hadn't changed, but maybe there's an alternative?

"Alright, I'm done." I stood up straight, letting go of my sword.

"What?" Achilles looked at me strangely.

"I'm done, I don't want to fight anymore."

"That.....isn't how this work!?" Achilles shouted towards me. "Grab your weapon and fight me! I want a hero's fight, I will live or die like a Hero."

"Okay, then live like one." I countered.

"Listen you –"

"Achilles, hush." Atalanta jumped down. "What are you saying?"

Hmm, she seems more open to persuasion. "In another time, in another place. There was another Grail War and some of the participants stuck around even after the Grail was dismantled."

Atalanta let out a sigh. "The Dead don't belong among the living. We had our time, our era passed."

"Tell that to Medea who's engaged to her Master." I raised an eyebrow.

"W-what!?" Atalanta blurted out after hearing my words.

While my knowledge on their relationship wasn't very detailed, I knew that they certainly shared a bond of some kind.

"It's sweet, I even got myself a wedding invitation." I smiled. "She actually made the clothes I'm wearing, she's very skilled. And she started her own business selling to other people."

"Of course she would abuse her summons like that." Atalanta face palmed. "But still...married?"

"I intend to bring my Servant away, and I already promised Assassin of Black an out. Not to mention my companion fighting over yonder." I jerked my thumb in the direction of Mordred's presence. "So, what's two more?"

"Sis, you really considering this?" Achilles looked towards her.

She admittedly looked a little sheepish. Her ears fell down a little bit under his gaze. "Little Medea getting married...." She said quietly.

"Gods dammit." Achilles muttered. "And what's in it for me, huh?"

"Well, I won't spank you anymore, for one."

"Alright, lets go you asshole!" He flipped me the bird.

"Fine, fine." I rolled my eyes. "Well, there'll be plenty of fights in the future." I offered, and he did perk up a little bit. "Not to mention the other Servants still up and about that wouldn't mind the occasional spar. And did I mention my birth world, the Age of Gods never ended? Lots to do there for someone with your skills." I began my sales pitch. "Is there really a harm in living a second life?"

"Fuck you." Achilles spat out, but it was less anger at my suggestions and more the fact that we both knew I had enticed him. "Sis, what do you think? I'll follow you on this one."

Atalanta looked at him, then back at me. "I haven't heard from my Master since my summoning. I vowed to fight on his behalf, but I don't think he's even alive anymore. The fact that we're having this conversation probably means the priest did something for sure."

"Yeah, me too." Achilles muttered.


"I'm not afraid to fall in battle against an honorable foe, Achilles." She shot him a glance again. "But..."

"Fine." Achilles cut her off, letting out a sigh. "What's the worse that could happen? At the very least, I could get another good fight before fading."

The corners of my lips curled up. "Good, now lets discuss terms."

I would quickly finish this up and go check on Raikou. By the drain on my Magical Energy, I could tell her battle was heating up.


If only Vlad decided to Morb, this war would have been won days ago.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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