Chapter 259 259. RANKS

The black book being only about 150 pages in volume contained essential information about the guild and its way of doing things. It was more like a handbook to give the experts a tad bit above average explanation about the place, as even descriptions of places, items, and facilities were present.

Noah for one found the dueling description in that book quite interesting. According to the book, to engage in a duel, one would have to call out his name and the name of the person they wished to duel with. If the person they wished to duel with accepted, their crests would both glow a deep red shade forming a sort of a pact.

Later on, the duel's rules could be added, like no weapons, no empowerment, no spells, or the first to tap out and anything they wanted. This way if both individuals damaged themselves fatally there would be no repercussions.

That method wasn't only meant for duels. Guildmates could make agreements with it, especially if there were potential gains, and no one wanted to be cheated.

A few things Lady Yevette told them were also described in the book, like the use of the arena which was for big-time events or duels between really powerful experts. Training areas were mostly used as a location for duels that didn't require intense battles. But to even utilize an arena for a battle, you would need to be a Rank C guild member.

At that point in the book, Noah got able to understand the various levels of importance a person could attain in the guild. There were nine existing ranks; ranks F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and Ex. The ranks were majorly based on how important they were in the guild or powerful, while it allowed them to take missions that were graded into those ranks.

The ranks attainable were grouped according to the tiers of power to not give too much to weaker experts. Tier 1's could only attain rank E as their highest. Tier 2's could go as further as rank C. While tier 3's were allowed to attain up rank B. Tier 4's on the other hand could climb as far as rank SS. Any rank above tier 4 could attain rank EX. But apparently, missions at that level were rare; almost nonexistent even. And experts at such levels were rarer.

To advance through ranks; one would have to complete the minimum amount of missions given to them. One would need to complete 5 rank F missions to be promoted to E. Then 10 rank E missions to D rank. 20 rank D missions to be promoted to rank C. However to go from C to B one would need to be successful in 50 rank C missions for rank B.

From B to A, one would need to have succeeded in 100 Rank B missions. However getting into the realm of S rank, all a person needed to do was be successful in one to be classified as someone at that level. Apparently, missions at that level could be dangerous enough to wipe out whole cities and were also really scarce. So being successful in such would mean the individual was capable.

Rank SS and Ex followed the same approach.

After reading all of that; Noah got to the portion of the topic that featured new members, and it didn't matter what level you were, all new members would start from rank F. It then depended on the individual how fast they would achieve higher ranks, since the higher the rank of the missions the better the pay.

This managed to sadden Noah a bit, but he quickly got over it since he understood the Guild's reason for doing so. He planned to advance as fast as he could, but only because he needed to buy beasts for the Dungeon creation function. Speaking of that, Noah recalled spotting an establishment that sold the bodies of magical beasts. Thankfully the guild utilized the same currency system as its nation. He could only hope that he found things at a cheaper price.

Noah read many other basic information new members had to know. A few of them had already been explained by Lady Yevette, while many others were things like moving around the city using its transportation system, one would need money. And to apply for jobs you'll need to inform the individuals behind the guild hall's bar and stuff similar to that.

However, the last information in the book that managed to pique his interest was how they were supposed to leave the island. It was either you possessed or rented a flying beast, or you simply jumped down.

Needless to say, that explanation shocked the hell out of him. However, when he read further he understood why jumping down wouldn't lead to their deaths.

According to the book, the city, although it was floating never actually moved around, simply hovering over one spot, and the area beneath its location was a wasteland. That detail eventually became important the further he read.

Surrounding the city's edges and underside were thousands of inscriptions created by the best inscription master their guild had. Individuals apparently centuries in age. An information Noah wondered why was important.

The inscriptions were meant to defy the laws of gravity, creating a space thousands of feet in length and as wide as the city; where the experts could simply float downwards, towards the surface.

The book even gave a detailed diagram. And Noah found himself inspecting the image of an illusory cylindrical construct emerging from beneath the island's structure, stretching towards the surface far below them.

This reality raised doubt in Noah's mind, which was the safety of the island from the outside world. But the book solved that doubt. According to it, only those bearing the mark of the Guild could utilize it no one else. And a member could use it to return to the island, but their moving speed would determine how fast they returned.

The only downside was the fact that after every successful mission one would need to travel back to that spot to begin their ascension.

But when he read about how even those traversing the skies with flying beasts could not directly fly through the; according to the book; river of clouds. But had to return beneath the city where a runway was. He could only come to terms with his situation.

Another item on the bed was a map of their region, even though some things could be outdated, but important facilities and buildings never changed position. And even if they did, everyone would be notified.

Noah eventually focused on his bed, and his eyes fell on two sets of high quality attires, a featureless white mask, a golden communication amulet and a black orb. He immediately began to look into those items, but his eyes caught sight of something beneath the orb.

Noah found an envelop black in color, and he didn't hesitate to open it.

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