Chapter 258 258. ROOMS

Black-haired, adorable-faced, not more than 4ft3 in height, Noah felt amazed to lay eyes on that childish stature. The only thing that felt mature was her tone. Even her voice sounded childlike.

The individual looked like a child in all features, and her oversized attire didn't help. Maybe because of her height. Notwithstanding, the experts couldn't deny the peak middle-stage power brimming from her body.

"Grade three-body!' Many muttered in shock, but her yellow spherical core belonged to something in the middle-stage since the quality of its mana hadn't reached a new overall density. This feature about the power system of that world was the only thing that managed to confuse Noah.

Normally the estimated power of an individual would be calculated by the quality of the person's body and mana core. But it seemed a hidden detail was part. Experts were able to differentiate between a core belonging to the middle-stage or not which was the density of the mana core. Unfortunately, Noah remained unable to sense such differences.

'Probably because of my change in energy,' Noah thought pondering about that matter.

The child-like lady before them had a body that would surpass that of a middle-stage but her strength didn't feel totally out of reach for him. Even if he understood that he would struggle immensely to pierce her body.

'If only our minds radiated some sort of aura. For now, the power scaling system of this world is too messy for me,' Noah thought. There were too many unstated rules and only a few stated ones. Things were better in tier 2 and tier 1. He hoped tier 4 would be less messy.

"I'll be the one leading you to your rooms," the girl announced, but her words didn't manage to sound as serious as she desired to the experts.

'Is she really a child,' Noah wondered gazing intently at the lady donned in a black attire that covered her entire body apart from her hands.

The young lady as Noah would term her in his mind, furrowed her brows when she saw that her audience continued to stare at her without acknowledging her words. A sigh that suggested that she had been through a similar situation escaped her lips, but her aura soon flared up.

"Let me rephrase my words. You are to follow me, now move!" She ordered causing the experts around her to flinch in fear. Many even jumped backward at the feeling of danger.

With her left hand pointed at the exit, the experts quickly began their walk towards the door, while she continued to stare at them.

'She's the one doing the following,' Noah sighed shaking off the bits of fear that had managed to jump into his mind. He felt the need to switch to his emotionless side to avoid cloudy emotions, but the drawback that came with that ability forced him to keep it for later.

The line of experts soon found themselves on the streets of that region with the child-like woman behind them. Once in a while, she would yell at them, telling them which streets to turn to. Needless to say, their situation quickly became embarrassing.

A few minutes had to pass before the experts arrived at an L-shaped building four stories in height. Before actually getting into the building, they had to cross a gate that scanned their bodies to allow them in.

The experts had to do this one at a time, since after each person was scanned a small box floated towards them. Which according to their guide; whom Noah had since confirmed was a fully grown woman, contained their room numbers and keys.

However, unlike traditional keys he was used to, Noah laid eyes on a 6/2 inch rectangular object shining with multiple red-colored inscriptions.

After the gate, the group of 187 experts began their walk into the building. Multiple experts exited and entered the grassy compound in which the building was situated. And all of them bowed at the lady.

A cobble walk path branching towards every major entrance of the building appeared in their sight. The walk paths all converged at the center of the compound, where a fountain stood.

The fountain featured a stone sculpted version of the crest of the guild, and it glowed with a golden light. Illuminating the small fountain pool.

According to the woman, their group occupied the top floor, but with minor separations due to the other experts staying there.

"From today on you should address me as either House-master Uriel or Lady Uriel," the young lady's voice rang out before the experts.

They each stood still in front of different doors limiting themselves to following the lady's back-and-forth movement with their eyes. Due to the tense mood, she had set, most weren't able to properly appreciate the brightly lit hallway adorned with a brown and gold rug that featured many statues.

'So that's why she received so much respect from the experts we encountered,' Noah thought following her movements with his eyes.

"I know you are new here, but let me inform you of the two rules I have. No loitering. I hate it. If you desire to meet each other do it inside your rooms, or outside of the halls," she explained. "Secondly I dislike more than loitering; people who don't know when to stop staring," she declared shooting a glare at the man she stood in front of. Needless to say, the cultivator quickly averted his gaze.

"You can enter your rooms. As lady Yevette said, there are items already prepared for you inside your them. Make sure to understand their functions.," she said waving her hand dismissively.

Noah immediately turned to the red door in front of him, he noticed a hole that fit the shape of the item in the box and quickly inserted it. A clicking sound escaped the door after the rectangular object rotated anti-clockwise.

Noah applied a soft push on the door, and its 4-inch thick frame silently opened to reveal a finely decorated but also simple room.

Shutting the door behind him, Noah heard two clicking sounds before he was allowed to remove the rectangular object.

With his eyes fixed on the room's features, Noah could only nod his head in approval. The room was painted dark purple featuring a golden rug that ran across its length and breadth. Close to the 5/3ft big window was a big bed laid with white sheets. But the items placed on the sheets mostly filled its surface.

Directly across the bed was another door which Noah felt sure led to the bathroom, and finally on the left-hand side of the entrance was a black reading cabinet table and chair featuring a yellow lamp.

The room featured small black boxes attached to its walls that made that cooled the room, but that temperature barely registered in Noah's mind.

There was a mirror close to the table and chair, but Noah cared less about it. All in all the room looked decent and also spacious at about 600sqft. A mildly surprising detail considering the fact that the space inside it hadn't been tampered with since he would have felt a distortion in space upon entry.

Noah moved towards the bed; silently admiring the golden curtain featuring black stripes. He immediately laid eyes on the items displayed on the bed's surface to begin their study.

"What do we have here?" He muttered laying hold of a black book amongst the other items.

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