The Villain's Story

Chapter 292 [292] Against The Swift Leopard And Cunning Fox!

The battle had begun. Sabrina had stayed behind to care for the Guildmaster of the Lightning Leopard Guild. Claire Firk. At the same time, Lucas was taking care of the owner of the Black Market, Laura.

The District was engulfed in the flames of battle. On one side, deeper in was the battle between the Alliance members, The Demonic Humans, and flesh amalgamations. On the other hand, Sabrina and Claire's battle shook the ground and laid waste t many structures...But nothing was as destructive as the battle between Lucas And Laura in the district.

And it wasn't just the Lightning Leopard District. The Water Buffalo, Golden Lion, Silver Wolf, and White Tiger districts were all under attack.

Henry and Elaine were taking care of the water Buffalo District, Elijah had charged head first into the Golden Lion District and the SilverWolf District was being taken care of By Kazikato alone. Alan was in the heart of it all, the very center. The White Tiger district.

The world outside was watching them, Eagerly waiting for something, Just Something!

Various figures of the Human world, Each possessing formidable strength were located just outside the barrier in case something terrible happened. All they could do was...Hope.

Hope that they did not lose.


[Sabrina and Claire.]

Hundreds of Dark Arrows and Lightning bolts ran around the place, each and every one of them under Sabrina's masterful control, All of them trying to catch Claire Firk. who was leaping all around the area, trying to find a gap in Sabrina's defenses?

"You think your little skills are fast enough?!"

Her voice was heard from Multiple Directions. Just How fast was she going for that to happen?


Sabrina didn't respond to her provocation and continued to focus, her Staff was planted firmly on the ground, And her eyes were closed as she used Mana's sense to attack Claire.

Yes, Mana Sense. An extremely rare and powerful skill. A skill that allowed one to replicate the effects of a DOMAIN, albeit only a little part of it. A skill that allowed one to master the area they spread their Mana in.

Sabrina is truly a Genius, No A Complete Monster on, or even beyond Alan. To master such a skill without any special given abilities.

"You think you're all that?!"


Lightning crackled all around the Leopard, Her lightning attacked Sabrina's attacks together and dispelled most of them.

"You rich folk! Who considers everyone below them like trash!"


She rambled on and on as she avoided Sabrina's attacks. Sabrina's concentration however was not broken.

Her entire focus was on Claire. She tracked the swift leopard that was busy running in circles.


Suddenly, She appeared out of nowhere and attacked Sabrina. Sabrina however had already cast a Barrier. Claire, if she kept attacking could have broken the barrier but if she stayed...Sabrina's controlled Lightning bolts and Dark Arrows were right behind her!

She jumped back and avoided them, but they changed direction and went right back at her.


Claire cursed in her mind. Her anger was palpable. She couldn't even get close to Sabrina! Sabrina had erected an Unpenetrable defense.

'...Do I need to do it right now...?'

She thought...maybe using her final form, the Full Lightning Leo was enough to take Sabrina down...

Claire had long since hit her limit, but her most beloved 'master' had given her the great bloodline of the Lightning Leo, A beast that was feared in entire systems.

She will not lose to some rich brat! Never! Her pride, her reason, and her will to live would never allow her to do so! She had a reason to live...

The same reason that made her trump all others! The one objective of her life which gave her enough strength to live!


Not to some rich, pampered brat who had never seen war, hunger, thirst, or death!




The sky rumbled, An immense amount of Lightning energy left Claire's body!

A shockwave that broke Sabirna's barriers. Each and every barrier Sabrina had erected was broken. Sabrina was shocked and sent flying! She crashed into a building and coughed up blood.

She couldn't breathe...It felt like her lungs had been crushed by the shockwave. She stumbled to her knees and coughed up blood onto the ground...But that wasn't the end.


A Massive Purple lightning bolt had struck the ground, Right where Claire was...

A Large cloud of purple smoke appeared...and Sabrina felt her body shiver...

"...oh no..."

She saw the shadow of a Leopard as big as a bus...A Lightning Leo. It stepped out... She remembered reading about such a monster...

'The Lightning Leo is a majestic and fearsome mythical creature that roams the dark and stormy forests of legends. It is as tall as a bus, and it is covered in dark, purple fur that resembles jagged, electrified lightning bolts.

Its massive head is crowned by sharp, curved horns that curve backward, framing its wild and furious-looking eyes. The eyes are glowing with a bright purple light that matches the color of its fur.

The creature has a long, muscular body that is covered in dense, wiry fur, representing deep purple and black colors. The fur's texture is rough and spiky, almost like a bed of thorns, which is visible from a distance.

The Lightning Leo has four powerful legs, each ending in razor-sharp claws that can rip apart trees. Its claws are hooked in a way that's designed to fasten and climb the sides of rocks and trees. The creature's fur continues to spread into feather-like tendrils that connect the creature's body on the upper side of its legs.

As it moves, its muscular, lightning-striped fur ripples in waves, and the electrical bursts that surge vibrantly through it are visible. The creature moves with lightning-like speed and agility, making it difficult to track and capture.

When the Lightning Leo roars, a loud thunder-like sound resonates throughout the area, filling its prey with terror and panic. Its roar is so loud and disturbing that it can cause nearby trees and rocks to shake and even crumble.

The Lightning Leo is a powerful and terrifying monster to behold, with its lightning-like appearance and thunderous roars. It's a creature that demands respect and admiration from those who witness it, for it is as dangerous as it is beautiful.'

And that monster...was now in front of her.

She stood up, as Claire, now in her full form! Using the full power of her Bloodline...A Lightning Leo! was weaker.

She didnt know why... But it didnt feel as Majestic as she had imagined it to be...

She prepared even more spells to attack with. Dozens of dark spears appeared around her...all waiting for the Lightning Leo to make a move...

And it did, Leo ran toward her, and just as Sabrina was about to fire her Dark Spears at Leo...A Fox fell from the sky. A fox of a similar size, with Four tails.

It collided with the Leo, causing it to crash into the ground as well.


Sabrina heard crazy laughter from above, And a Complete Psycho came to her aid. A Psycho she didnt like very much. Lucas, Clad in his Chains surrounded by his green aura, and His entire figure surrounded by blue lightning emerged from above.

'...Why wasn't it Alan...'

She wished it was her bodyguard. But alas...At least someone came to help.

Sabrina put aside her past differences and helped. She fired off dozens of Dark spears, attempting to aid Lucas.

She didnt know why and how he was here...But at least he was here to help.

Although she still was salty the 'Knight in Shining armour' wasn't 'someone' else.

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