The Villain's Story

Chapter 291 [291] Against The Lightning Leopard And Cunning Fox.

"Damn...I guess I underestimated you..."

Claire remarked. She stood on top of a car. Unfazed in front of the entire Team.

Lightning rumbled around her body, Purple Lightning that sent shivers down one's spine. The Chaos energy imbued within her was making it hard for the Awakened.

The Guildmaster and Awakened with Shields put up a barrier in front of Sabrina. She was the most precious member here. They couldn't lose her to Claire. This much was necessary especially since Claire seemed to be of the Assasin type.

"Aww...Cute toys."

"Claire Firk I Suppose?"

Sabrina said as she looked at Claire. Claire was amused.

"Oh, You know me?"

She let out a snicker. Claire was becoming more interested in Sabrina.

"Of course, I would. Claire Firk, the guildmaster of the Lightning Leopard and a slave sold by her parents."

The mana pressure coming from Claire as she heard Sabrina.

Sabrina let out a small smile. Her Taunt worked.

The fact that Claire was a slave. Her parents were slave traders that had sold her for money. That was a fact not well known. Not even Adam knew of it...But Sabrina did.

"The network of the wellingtons is truly something else..."

Remarked Claire, Her eyes contained bloodlust.

She disappeared from her position. She charged at the Barrier erected by the Guild masters and Other Awakened and Ran into it. She Ran into it and didnt use any skill whatsoever.

*BANG* It was like a bullet had been fired. Some Awakened were thrown away and the barrier was cracked. Blood was coming out of the mouths of the rest who remained standing. It was evident they could not hold on longer.

A spear of darkness shot towards Claire, Who dodged it barely. But then the spear chased her.


That caught her off guard.

"All of you, Please go ahead and destroy the Altar. I will take care of her."

Said Sabrina confidently. All looked at her with confusion.


Said Claire as her figure hopped around the various buildings, running away from the dark spear that Sabrina was controlling.

"Please go. I wi-"


Claire interrupted Sabrina.

"Shut up."

Said, Sabrina. Suddenly another Dark Spear appeared in front of Claire. shocked, she tried to dodge it but failed and was hit by both of the spears.

"Keuh...It is hurting me..?"

The awakened group left, and Sabrina was now alone to confront Claire Firk, the Guildmaster of Lightning.

"You all underestimate us Shield Students too much..."

Muttered Sabrina, Claire heard her with her advanced senses. She winced in pain as she tried to heal the corrosion on her body.

"KEUK...Your rank is nothing to me! This is just the element of Darkness at work...I can kill you in an instant! Defile you!"

Sabrina sighed at Claire. She took out a large staff, a staff made with special metal that was great for Mana conductivity...this particular staff of hers was made for the darkness element.

"You seem to forgetting something..."

Muttered Sabrina, Claire looked at her in confusion.

"I am a Wellington. I make up for the difference in rank with my Items!"

[Dark Spear[2] has been activated.]

She displayed a crazy smile as she waved her staff in front of her.

[Item: Adept Staff of Darkness and Lightning.]

[Rank: B+]

[Description: A staff possessing the characteristics of Darkness and Lighting. It has been specially made for Sabrina Wellington. This allows it to be used even if the rank requirements are not met. It has a handle shaped like a lightning bolt with an orb of Darkness at the Main component.

1: Dark Magic Amplification: A staff designed for handling the Element of Darkness should have the ability to amplify the user's dark magic abilities. This amplification would enable the user to cast high-level spells with more power, accuracy, and range. The Adept Staff of Darkness and Lightning was made especially for Sabrina Wellington and can amplify her dark Magic to an extreme Degree.

2:Lightning Magic Amplification: The Staff is also designed to handle the element of Lightning. It can amplify the user's Lightning Magic Abilities. It allows the user to cast High-level Spells and skills with more power, accuracy, and range. The Adept Staff of Darkness and Lightning made especially for Sabrina Wellington can amplify her Lightning magic to an extreme degree.

3:Durability and Resilience: The Adept staff of Darkness and Lightning is manufactured from materials that withstand the rigors of extended use in battle. It is tough enough to withstand the impact of blows from enemy weapons and is resilient enough to bounce back quickly.

4:Dark Resistance: The staff can resist the dark nature of the power it contains. This ability could prevent the staff from becoming corrupt and turning on its user.

5:Stealth and Invisibility: The staff is designed to have stealth and invisibility features that allow the user to move undetected and surprise their enemies. this has limited use.

6:Reliability and Versatility: The Adept staff of Darkness and Lightning must be reliable and can adapt to different situations. The staff can switch between different modes of operation, depending on the situation.]

It must be never forgotten that she was the Princess of the Wellingtons. She may not have the Rank and power...But she had the money to solve that problem for her. She had not used it previously because of...personal issues.

But these issues can be damned for all she cared now.

"Let's go bitch."

She said. Feeling excited. She rarely used to swear.

It felt good. She thought as she fired a dozen dark Arrows at Claire, accompanied by Dozens of Lightning spears.

And thus, the battle between Sabrina Wellington and Claire Firk began.

"I will skin you alive!"

"Try it!"


[Lucas PoV.] it feels so good.

I thought, as I stood up once again, My Bloodline gave me the strength to do so.

I threw a few lightning bolts at the Fox, But she dodged them sadly...

"Why are you running?"

I asked her with a smile on my face. She didn't respond and instead continued attacking.

Very well.

I couldn't check the full capabilities of my bloodline previously because I was in an enclosed area...but here...

" wanna know something?"

I said to her as we exchanged blows.

"I didn't use my full power back then."

I laughed...what is this feeling of ecstasy enveloping me? I wondered.

It was true, I did not use my full power of the bloodline due to being in a cave...but now I could.


The skies rumbled as I awakened my bloodline.

"Face it..."

I said to her...

Face the power of the bloodline of the Thunder Giant at full force!


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