The Villain's Story

Chapter 289 [289] All Cower, In Front Of A Dragon.

"I can feel it...The power..."

Adam muttered. He was ecstatic as he felt the immense power surging within him.

From the moment he activated the ritual, he felt immense power. A power that was growing by the second.

This feeling...was unique to him Who had reached his limit long ago. This was amazing!

He felt alive! He felt powerful!

Adam looked at the Magic circle that was the source of the beacon with delight.

He got down on his knees and prayed. I prayed to the being that had made this possible. To the Marquis!

The generous marquis that had given him the Bloodline of the White Tiger. That gave his comrades, who had also reached their limits another chance by bestowing them with a bloodline.

Ahh..this is all because of the Marquis.

Soon...Soon his lord will descend into the Earthly realm and spread his teachings. Soon...The sacrifices of the ignorant will be enough and he will descend.

His face was full of pride and fanaticism. He clasped his hands tightly and prayed as blood rained down on him.

It was like this for a while. The beacon got redder and redder as it consumed the souls of the Non-believers and the ignorant.

He was finally done praying. He stared at the Altar with reverence before leaving the room and going outside to watch the scene of his lord's descent.

He observed the Flesh Amalgamations, his own guildmembers infused with demonic energy rampaging across the district. They reaped life after life of the ignorant who lived here.

"Tsk...What a shame."

He commented. it was quite a shame that Twilight had appeared. if not for them, they would have completed this sooner and his lord would already be in the Mortal world. IF only the sector they controlled was in their grasp...This would already have been over.

He gazed at the souls of the ignorant being devoured with fervor. The Flesh Amalgamations ran rampant around the District...Killing all the non-awakened and awakened that were not allied with the Beast guilds. The Beast Guild members had a special mark on their bodies which allowed them to use Chaos Energy. This also served as a sign of Allie's to the Flesh Amalgamations.

"ahh...Soon this world...This entire world will know of my Lord's greatness."

Adam talked to himself as he stood on the top of the White Tiger guild's base. He observed the scene of havoc and chaos happily. To him it was heaven.


Suddenly, he felt a hot energy beside him. He immediately caught a Firebolt that was thrown at him.

He looked towards the source...and Found an Angry Friend of his, A sworn brother of his charging at him with all his might. Although now they were enemies.

The Father of the Hero himself, Micheal Ardor rushed at Adam with all his might, Holding a Large burning hammer.


He yelled at Adam. Adam, on the other hand calmly stated.

"Get him."

A dozen flesh amalgamations rushed to attack Micheal as soon as Adam ordered them too. Micheal fought and fought, His flames burned off a few but more took their place. But he was still putting up a good fight. Suddenly, Adam fired a wind blade at Him and hit Micheal in the chest. And then rushed at Micheal.

He dodged all of Micheal's attacks easily and Slashed his face with his transformed limb. Micheal was quickly overwhelmed.


Flesh Amalgamations swarmed him and were about to end him when Adam said.

"Wait, Hold him down."

They did as ordered and pushed Micheal down. They restrained him with their grotesque limbs.

"You bastard! How could you form a contract with a DEMON?"

"Watch your tongue, Micheal."

Adam warned Micheal, He bent down and grabbed Micheal's head and looked him dead in the eyes, and said.

"You could have been my ally. You could have embraced my lord...But you chose to stay ignorant."

"Wake up Adam! This isn't you! That demon is just controlling you! That thing will get rid of you wh-"

"Shut the fuck up."

Adam kicked Micheal in the face. he broke Micheal's jaw and sent a few teeth flying with his kick.

"Didnt I tell you? You would regret this!"

Adam laughed crazily as he watched Micheal squirm and try to get free. But unfortunately, The Flesh amalgamations were too strong.

"Watch Micheal! This is the world of my lord! This is his Utopia! The Utopia that he will build on Earth and get rid of the ignorant! This is Paradise!"

" sick fuck."

"Tsk, tsk. You still don't get it to do you? The ignorant are a handful...."

Adam sighed. He displayed a malicious smile as he held Micheal close by his hair.

"Mary, Maria, Elijah, and Elton. Those are the names of your Will you believe me once I rip their limbs apart in front of your very eyes?"

The temperature around the area rose, Micheal was using every last bit of his strength to break free and kill Adam...

Adam sighed...and the a wind current passed by the area. The wind was laced with the power of chaos and it overpowered Micheals mana.


Micheal tried and tried but could not overpower Adam...His eyes bled due to his rage but even then it was all for naught.

"Poor Micheal...I gave you the chance didn't I? But you thr-?!"

Adam suddenly turned around as he felt an odd feeling. He looked at the skies, and his eyes widened in shock.

He felt a strong power from whatever that white monster was soaring high up in the sky.


He yelled with all his might. Wehn he saw that thing...whatever it was he felt fear. Fear that his plans would be thwarted.

Dozens of Flesh Amalgamations rushed upwards, And his guildmates as well fired arrows and all sorts of projectiles to stop that thing... But it was all for naught.

The Reaper, Kazikato Shimoshino thwarted all attempts to disturb the White Monster's Rise...and soon it was above the Barrier, just near the beacon.

A large amount of mana was felt from the White monster...And Adam feared the worst.


He gathred all his power and threw a spear made of roaring wind to kill the White Monster...and just then it happened.

He didnt even see what...all he saw was a blue light blinding his vision. A Blue light that dyed all of Aror blue, erasing the colour of red that had haunted the city before.

Adam felt an Immense power from whatever the blue light was. His own attack had been evaporated into thin air in an instant...And when he finally opened his eyes...

That thing descended. And then...As it descended the temperature went down to freezing cold...and Adam felt his whole body shiver. Not because of the cold...But because of fear.

'...Even after all this? All this power and I am still afraid?'

He thought to himself...he couldn't believe it. He felt afraid as he stared at it's astral blue eyes and knew who it was now. Alan Peccator.


He refused to believe it... He yelled with all his might.


And then Hundreds of Demonic Awakened, along with the extremely strong Flesh Amalgamations rushed towards Alan. Who faced them head on!

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