The Villain's Story

Chapter 288 [288] You Are A DRAGON!

'You are a dragon.'

'You are a dragon.'

'You are a dragon.'

Those words rang in my mind, The higher I flew the more the words echoed within my mind. Continuously.

I am a dragon, Yet I was afraid of a mere Marquis. A mere Demon Marquis had made me afraid.

Yeah, I guess when you consider it, I am a baby dragon.

'The tongue, the eyes, and the heart.'

I remembered Suleras' words vividly. Those three were the unique gifts of a dragon. Every dragon, Myself included was born with it.

The eyes to see the truth of reality. Dragon Eyes.

The tongue to control the fate of Reality. Dragon Tongue.

And the Heart to believe in your own reality.. The Dragon Heart.

Each dragon had unique eyes, tongues, and hearts. The qualities possessed by them could be similar but never the same.

Aranus...Was the strongest dragon, he faced enemies capable of destroying entire stars in the blink of an eye and yet here I was, in his vessel afraid of a Marquis.

I will complete the quest. No matter what. I am the first Spatial Dragon...Even if this vessel is someone else's. Even if I have no name. I am a Dragon.

"Boss! You're going too fast!"

Kazikato complained. He didn't go into his Draconic form as he thought that things would get difficult when he did. So he had trouble keeping up with me. I disagree with this now. The situation is dire, extremely dire. Twilight has good lawyers so it may be possible to ignore him turning and revealing that he was the Draconian that annihilated in entire guild back in Japan. The White Death.

Besides, Twilight has a large influence. it should work out.

I grabbed his hands and flew with him. And just as I was going to tell him to transform as well...


Unholy screeches were heard as attacks of chaos energy and Projectiles were launched at us from within the districts covered in Barriers. I dodged the fireballs and arrows.

But then, I was hit. By one of the flesh Amalgamations. Who now had wings and were rushing towards us with their shaped limbs flailing around, trying to hit me.

Just as I was about to rain a hell of frost upon them, Kazikato yelled.

"Boss! Just go, Don't waste your mana here and destroy the central barrier."


Kazikato let go of me and brandished his scythe as he used his mana to keep him afloat in the air. He deflected all the attacks that were aimed at me and yelled at me to go ahead.

I stared at his lone figure, fending off all the attacks with Silence. I focused my gaze on the Central barrier.

I soared higher and higher, as high As I could, and finally. I had reached the highest point that could be allowed here in this space.

I stared at the largest beacon, shooting high up in the sky, and approached it.

I went further down and Activated my dragon Eyes, To see the weakness of the barrier.

[Dragon Eyes have been activated.]

My pupils began to glow blue, and the 'truth of the world was displayed in front of me. I could see the souls of the deceased crying and screaming as they traveled up the Beacon, to be consumed. To be used as resources for the descent of the Marquis.

I could hear them crying, I could see their faces twist and turn in agony.

I looked at th barrier, the entire world I saw was illuminated by blue light as my eyes bled.

HAdnt this always happened? My eyes always bled whenever I activated the eyes of a dragon.

Why do you not accept me? Or is it that I am just to weak to bear your full force?

I must be weak...Of course, I am weak. I am not even an ant compared to the beings Aranus faced. Compared to the beings James outwitted. I don't have 'his' Strength. I don't have 'his' wit.

I only have myself.

I stared at the weakness of the barrier, A small point at the top which had a weaker flow of chaos energy and lesser density.

I am not as Strong as Aranus, I am not as smart as James. I am just me.

'...But I am still a dragon.'

I am still part of the species which is at the top of the Universe. I am still part of the species that has beings that can annihilate galaxies...I am still part of the race that birthed the strongest being. I am still a dragon.

So listen to me, My own powers. My eyes, My heart, And My Tongue. Accept me, just this once.

For now. I will show the world, I will show my comrades and the demons who dared attack the place I promised to protect...The power of a Dragon.

Suddenly, All was at peace. There was no pain in my eyes, there was no pain in my head. All was peaceful.

I collected my breath, Everything I had. My chest puffed up with all my might. I gathered all the mana I Could into my mouth.

A blue glow shone in the skies, hiding even me, the creator with its majestic hue.

Behold, A breath unleashed with all of my might. With all of my mana, and my wish to protect this place....Behold.

The Breath of a DRAGON!


[Outside the Spatial Isolation Barrier around Aror.]

Richard stared at the large barrier that Isolated an entire city with a serious gaze.

"What do they say?"

He asked Benson, who had just appeared behind him.

"The experts say that the Barrier cannot be broken from the outside until certain conditions are met. Only someone with SSS rank power can destroy it from the outside by using full force...We...Have...I'm afra-"

"We have no way of getting in huh..."

Richard completed Bensons' statement. He looked at the barrier, and just then A voice was heard.

"Excuse me, Sir Richard. I am from World Awakened news. May I please ask some questions?"


Richard sighed inwardly as the reporter approached him. He had instructed that no one disturb him...But no one knew how these damn reporters still get through security. Each and Every time.

"What are your vies on this incident? The entire world waits for your guild to surpass the barrier."

The reporter asked. Unfortunately, It was a man. If it was a woman maybe Richard could have charmed her and made her go his way but alas, it wouldn't happen now.

"Twilight is currently investigating. However you have no need to worry. The members of the guild Inside are very trustworthy. They will surely solve this crisis with the least amount of casualties."

"Arent the members of Predator inside? Alan Peccator, as well as the new rising star of the twilight guild, Kazikato Shimoshino? How confident are you that they will be enough to solve this crisis?"

"Very confident. Alan and Kazikato are extremely skilled despite their young age. I have full confidence in their abilities. I am sure that they will make the best decision in order to save Aror."

"What are your views on the barrier? What kind of barrier is it according to Twilights...Twilights...experts..."

The eyes of the reporter widened as his gaze turned higher. Richard was confused with his sudden behavioural change...until he saw a Blue light in the Camera lens.

He turned around, to see the origin of the blue light when he saw the barrier. Which was blood red with spatial cracks all around...change to blue... A shade of blue Richard recognized very well. Alan's blue.

Slowly, the entire area outside the barrier became illuminated by the blue glowing barrier and a proud smile appeared on Richards face as he thought.

'Yeah, there's no need to worry because your inside there.'

He had full trust in Alan. The boy had already performed miracles. What was stopping him from performing another one?

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