The Villain's Story

Chapter 274 [274] Revelation.

"First of all, How is Samantha's condition?"

Maxwell asked Alice. The rest of Team Predator was also present in the office. Kazikato shockingly wasn't sleeping but active this time, and Sabrina was calmly drinking coffee whilst reading a book about Norse Mythology.

"She's fine. Her condition has stabilized. Her grandmother is nursing her right now. She refuses to even leave her room."

Alice answered Maxwell. She was the only one who kept track of whatever was happening there. except for Maxwell of course but he was too busy with his work.

Twilight had recently signed an alliance with the small-time guilds. These same guilds were extremely weak but they still controlled some areas, so Twilight expanded its influence through them. They just had to become subsidiaries of the Aror Branch. This was easy because they were already struggling. They were being suppressed by the Beast Guild Alliance. The business was hard for them because of it.

So they readily signed an agreement once Maxwell approached them. He promised a lot of why wouldn't they?

"The healers say that it's a miracle. They don't know what it is. But Samantha is brimming with the energy of the Life Element. Her condition has improved greatly and she is even recovering...The only problem is she is still in a coma due to the curse."

"And this happened when Alan left? Do we have video footage?"

Asked Maxwell, curious. Samantha, who was on the verge of death despite multiple efforts to save her. Even pumping top-of-the-line potions into her was useless.

He knew about Alan's sister when the two had started Predator. He knew everything about any relationships members of the team had. Everything. So he was quite surprised.

However...he also knew one more thing. Alan's glaring weakness was his sister and someone managed to attack her.

Was it a coincidence or not? Whatever it was, it was serious. It could be that it was by accident but if someone knew about this and used it just to attack them...Then Maxwell would have to worry. Alan was the ace and leader of the team. He was essential.

"No...The camera's in the room malfunctioned. The last footage we have is of a green light enveloping the room."


Maxwell, hearing Alice's words thought.

'...did Alan do something?'

He questioned in his mind. But left it soon.

"Do we have any information about Alan?"

He asked, but this time the question was not directed at Alice...but at Kazikato and Sabrina.

Although Maxwell didnt point it at Kazikato. He was still unaware that Kazikato could sense Alan because they both were Dragons.

His question was mainly directed at the calm Sabrina, who sipped her coffee elegantly as she read her book.

"Who knows?"

She said, her eyes focused on the book.

"Miss Wellington, Please note that this is a matter of the utmost importance. It would be appreciated if you cooperated."

Advised Maxwell, politely.

"But I am unaware."

Sabrina said calmly.


Maxwell knew she was lying. Sabrina and Alan had to know each other's locations. Although he was unaware of the spatial bond, he was aware of the contract that Sabrina and Alan had signed. The contract which had made Alan Sabrina's bodyguard. The thing was, he knew of it and knew that the contract made it possible for the both of them to view each other's locations. The problem was that Sabrina was keeping her mouth shut for some reason.

"Sabrina, I'm serious. This is important. It would help if you told us where Al-"

"Im telling you Maxwell. I am Unaware. Now don't call for me."

Sabrina interrupted Maxwell and left.


There was silence in the room for a while before it was broken by the sound of teeth being ground. Although Maxwell's face was calm, one could feel that he was livid currently. But it was amazing how there was still a smile on his face.

"...I think we should let this go Max. I'm sure Alan wouldn't do anything that ba-"

"His only family, besides his grandparents. Was brought to a near-death state. Let me remind you, Alice. Nearly every day while he was in Shield he made time for his sister. Even if he didnt get enough sleep he would always be there for her. He requested the guild to make a

special diet for Samantha, to reduce the effects of the curse. He used all his salary, and the earnings from the Spatial ring sales to buy healing items and potions to secretly clothe and feed his sister with. Do you still need more explaining?"


Alice's dejected voice rang out after Maxwell explained to her how much Alan loved his sister.

She lay down on the couch tired.

"...What if Boss found out?"


Suddenly, Kazikato's voice was heard. He had remained quiet all this time. So when he suddenly asked a question, Maxwell didnt hear it quite well.

"What if the boss found out who did it? you know..."

"The entire SilverWolf guild would be dead the next day. Mark my words."


Kazikato shut up after hearing Maxwell.

"Your all dismissed. GO do your work now."

Maxwell dismissed them. And was then left alone.

'...Sabrina won't tell me anything for some reason. And now more problems have arisen.'

Maxwell got to work after they left. He had quite a lot to do.

"...This is still not enough."

He muttered. His eyes were tired and he was lacking sleep. He hadn't slept well for the past week. And now the stress of Alan was added as well.

From the beginning, he had worked for only one goal. He did everything for Twilight and Predator for only one thing, and he would see it done. No matter what.

'The Fall of Titan.'

Just like everyone else, he also had a goal. A goal he would do anything to accomplish.


[Thanks for not saying anything.]

Alan thanked Sabrina through the Spatial bond.

[Are you okay? what are you doing?]

She asked him...but no response was heard after that.


She sighed. The reason she didnt say anything back to Maxwell was because Alan told her not to. Or rather asked her not to.

She checked his status, and when she saw that he was injured, but on the move. her worries increased.

"All this and what? Im being ignored."

She couldn't help it. Alan loved her sister more than anything, She envied that.

She always wondered what having family aside from her parents and Grandfather was like. A family that cared. Since she was the direct heir, everyone was out to find faults with her and on her throat back at the main estate.

Though, the feeling wasn't exactly that foreign to her. She did have a sort of little sister figure that she cared about back at home.

She entered Alan's room and was once again amazed by the markings all around. For a bookworm like her, this was something that increased her curiosity greatly.

She opened up her notebook and took out a pen.

"...Now. Let's see what these four mean."

She said, looking at the four symbols [ᚦ][ᛉ][ᚱ][ᛇ]. These were the symbols which were repeated over and over again and also the ones which were highlighted.

No matter what, she was going to find out what they meant.


Kazikato entered his room, conflicted.

His room was suited to his style, dark and dreary. It was the picture-perfect room of an emo teenager, with skulls and purple candles everywhere. There was only one source of sunlight here, which was coming from the window. There was only a single reason why there was no cover on that window. And that was because a little plant was growing there.

Despite his outward look, due to a certain someone very important in his life, he was fond of it. He was fond of gardening. Although the same could not be said for the other side. Plants hated him. He tried to grow a wide variety of plants but failed. As a death dragon, even if he tried to control it but he failed. He could control it enough so that it didnt affect other people... but Plants were a different story entirely.

It was hard to do so, only a few special plants were unaffected. this was one of them. It was a plant that grew in the dungeon originally and had no way of growing outside since there was no supply of mana. Kazikato changed this and supplied some mana to it. And because of that it could grow. Although the plant did exhibit strange features after absorbing Kazikato's mana. It was ok!

To kazikato at least.

'...Should I tell him?'

Kazikato thought. Should he tell Alan who the major suspect in all this was?

But...Maxwell told him not to. He was in a dilemma. Be loyal to Alan or to Maxwell. Be loyal to the person who saved him or to the smartest one here who cared for him and provided for him and also should know best?

[Primordial dragon of Death Ariel tells you that if you are unsure, go find out yourself.]

Suddenly, an answer came.

"Yeah! lets do that!"

And he made up his mind.

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