The Villain's Story

Chapter 273 [273] The Revelation.

"He suffered from 17 broken bones, 7 rib fractures, and punctured organs, as well as his skull digging into his brain. Several blood vessels had been torn, as well as a direct blow to the heart. Moreover, the multiple metallic shards we found embedded in his body had caused his muscles to tear apart and they also had a sort of poison in them which acted like a sedative and anesthetic... And his body was also charred. It was like it was struck by lightning.

I don't know how...but he's still alive somehow. Maybe the potion you fed him helped...But it's a literal miracle he is still breathing... I don't even know how he was still fighting after all that. And he also lost about 2 liters of blood...which is just shocking. Even awakened would be dead long ago if they experienced even half his injuries..."

Elijah and Serena listened to the doctor describing Alan's injuries with pure disbelief in his voice. Never in his entire life had he ever dealt with a case as serious as this...And in all honesty, he didnt think that the patient was still alive after seeing him first.

"For the second one...His body is fine. He seems to have a great healing skill that healed his body. Although I do recommend him staying here for a while to get more accurate data."

Fortunately, Lucas's injuries were not that severe as compared to Alan's.

Alan, however...was a walking miracle. it was a wonder how he was Alive!

[Supreme Dragon Of fire Agri says that this is nothing to a Dragon.]


Elijah, stupefied at Agri's remark thought.

'Can I survive that too?'

[Supreme Dragon of Fire Agri advises you to not test it.]


"Why did you have to bring him here? To the Association? Just toss him at Twilight!"

Serena said, evidently angered. She had Beef with Alan. They would always be at each others' throats back at Shield.

"Come on...He needed immediate care. Twilight was far away so forgive me this one time ok?"

Said Elijah as he hugged her from behind.


The Yandere had calmed down, although she still had a bloodthirsty gaze whenever she looked at Alan.

On the other hand, Alan remained calm as he was wrapped in bandages. Still feeling intense amounts of pain.

Only his face was still intact.

"So, mind telling us what happened?"

Elijah asked Alan as he took a seat beside him.


Alan responded.

His voice was calm. He seemed to have regained his composure as he recuperated.

"Oh come on, I find you and Lucas nearly dead and you tell me nothing happened?"

Elijah inquired. He wasn't going anywhere until he had his answers.

Alan on the other hand remained quiet. And because he didnt answer there was steam coming from Serena, who looked like she was going to tear him alive.

"Hey, We nursed you here and took care of you! At least have some fucking decency and tell us what the fuck you were doing which caused this!"

Elijah tried to calm Serena down, but it was futile.

Alan, being on the receiving end of her anger and glare relented. He was too tired and injured to deal with this crap.

"We had a fight."

He answered. Elijah paused as he looked at Alan's injuries. He couldn't believe it.

Lucas caused this? Alan was a dragon, not a drake like him. But a completely evolved dragon!..but when he thought about it. Lucas had awakened the Bloodline of the Thunder Giants...So I guess it was possible to some degree?

But was a little unbelievable. Alan was one of the strongest people he knew...and he didnt think Lucas could beat him.

"Well...I get the general gist of it. You can rest in here for a while until you fully heal. Do you want me to send a message to Twilight?"

Said Elijah, but Alan denied it.


"Okay then."

Elijah then left Alan alone in the room. He had some trouble convincing Serena but it worked out in the end.

Both of them left and Alan was left alone.


Alan took a deep breath, his body was hurting. Even despite all the potions that were being pumped into didnt alleviate the pain. His head was hurting too.

It was uncomfortable. But he dealt with the pain and went to sleep. He was tired as well. he had gone on a rampage and wanted to rest for a while.

But before he could fall asleep...someone entered his room.

The very guy that was responsible for putting him in this state walked in. Covered in bandages as well.

Lucas, as he entered looked at Alan with a glare.

"What the fuck happened? Why did you go into a fucking rampage?"

He questioned as soon as he entered. Alan looked at him with a tired gaze.

"I'm Sorry, I...was out of it."

He apologized. Only when he came to his senses did he realize that he was wrong.

He knew Lucas had changed from an Asshole to a somewhat decent guy, yet in his rage, he regarded him as scum and went all out to deal with him. Even going as far as to kill him.

"Just give me the fucking reason."

He asked...and Alan, being too tired and hurt. Just told him.

" you remember the recent incident on the Aror Mall?"

Lucas nodded.


"Someone important to me was injured severely because of that...So I was enraged and went to get revenge."

"huh? That was a dungeon break. Who were you gonna get revenge on? The dead monsters?"

"Someone caused the dungeon break."

Lucas paused as he heard Alan. He waited for him to continue.

"Think about it, The monster had evolved into a chaotic being. Someone was behind it. Someone using the power of a demon."

Lucas listened to Alan closely.

"So I went for revenge...I wasn't thinking properly. I found traces of chaos and found a hidden operation going on. They were transporting illegal goods and monsters made artificially using Human remains. they were strong. As I was dealing with them the leader told me the Slums had some relation to this. So I came here thinking that the gangs in the slum or the Black market had something to do with it...And in th-"

"I know the rest."

Lucas interrupted, angered.

"You killed multiple of my men. I mean yeah they weren't innocent but we had no such relations with that shipment of yours. It was probably the black Market."

Alan remained quiet...he didnt want to talk anymore. Lucas, taking a seat beside him muttered.

"So...They told me I fought you and made you like that...But I don't remember anything. Care to Elaborate?"

"You unlocked Aura and Ultra Instinct."

There was a jolt in Lucas's body when he heard Alan's statement. it seemed he was aware but just wanted confirmation.

"...You mean I did what Alexander did on the island?"

There was a wide, happy smile on his face as he inquired.



Not even a second later, A wide and boisterous laugh came from Lucas! He was practically dancing around the room as Alan watched him from the bed.

'...did he get taller?' Alan thought as he paid close attention to Lucas, who was dancing with joy.

"So this really was Aura! WOOOO."

He was acting like a child.

'...So I'm the only one left huh? Wait there's Olivia as well.'

Alan wondered as he closed his eyes. Out of the four students of the Sword Saint Arken. Miller... was the only one left among the boys who hadn't unlocked Aura and Ultra Instinct. Alexander had unlocked it during the Island Trial with Hero Academy as he was fighting a demon, Lucas had unlocked it during The fight he had with him...

Alan, however...had not unlocked it all.


Alan opened his eyes when he heard Lucas, only to find him in front of him with a smug look on his face.

" I. did. it. Before. YOU!"

He exclaimed in front of Alan. To Lucas, who was constantly behind Alan in nearly everything except his studies...this was a major accomplishment worth bragging about.

"I did it before you! I achieved it before you!'

Lucas flexed/flaunted his aura in front of the Injured Alan, but thankfully this lasted only for a short while.


Lucas, as he was done with his enjoyment and feeling of accomplishment took a seat next to Alan. His face was now serious, Instead of Smug-like.

"Let's destroy the black market together."

Alan tilted his head in confusion.

"The black market messed with my area and my boys. And you need revenge and information about whoever caused the incident. I suggest we both team up and raid the place together. It's a joint"

Said Lucas with a convincing tone. Alan...hearing it contemplated for a while before agreeing.

"Ok...Let's do this."

How frightening, two of the Sword Saint Arken Miller's students had just teamed up to destroy an entire black market of a city.

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