The Villain's Story

Chapter 244 [244] The Foxgloves

It was just a normal day for Edward.

As a fighter in the Black Market, all he had to do was fight his opponent, win, and nothing else.

He was one of the best of the best. The best fighter in the ring.

There were no rules in the black market, except for one.

Kill or be Killed.

Brutal, it was.

But it was also very rewarding when it came to money.

People, high-ranked officials of guilds paid to watch, they betted on their favorite fighters and Edward was one of them. An underdog who became the top dog.

No one had ever expected a mere demihuman to win, since his first fight the odds were placed against him, on his first match no one had betted on him but he proved them wrong by winning every fight.

His instincts were the reason, his beastly sense was the reason. Of his dominating power.

It mattered not if he was physically weaker, He was a predator, a being that becomes increasingly dangerous if he has so much to lose. They say a man is to be feared if he has nothing to lose, But A man who has everything lost is also terrifying.

His life, He would never abandon his sister, he would never force her to withstand the harsh reality of the world alone... no ever.

He was always the one to endure it, it was his duty as a man, his duty as a brother. To withstand, to be the shield that protected her.

Never...would he ever let her experience the things he experienced.


"In the left side of the ring...We have the famous, the one and only beast of the Black Market, whose fists are like strings of gold, kicks as fierce as a beast...rightfully and ferocity unmatched! THE GOOOOLLLLDDDEEEENNNNN BRRAAAWWWLLLLEERR!"

A scantily dressed woman announced in a loud voice as she pointed towards the left corner of the ring, at Edward Foxglove, also known as the Golden Brawler.

The crowd went wild, As Edward looked at his opponent in confusion.

'...I've never seen him before?'

Medium Brown hair, a handsome face, and eyes as green as emeralds.

'...He's new...Heh, this will be easy.'

What a fool, Edward thought.

And how lucky he was.

To think a rookie would choose to fight him, one of the strongest fighters in the arena.

"And in the left corner...We have a brave newcomer, who challenged the Golden brawler...or is it stupidity instead of bravery? We'll find out soon folks! Greet the EMERALD STRIKER!"

The crowd was silent this time, as the 'emerald boxer' thought.

'Emerald Striker? The heck? When did I tell them to give me a nickname?'

he stood confused, before sighing and preparing himself for the fight.

"Now now boys, You know the rules, They don't exist. I don't care if you rip your throats out, Just provide an exciting match!



The announcer announced the beginning of the match. And Edward was about to rush to attack the Emerald Striker, wanting to finish this quickly, after all, he was a rookie, an idiot as well.

How hard could it be?


Edward felt shivers down his spine, it existed only for a moment...but he felt 'fear'.

True fear.

As he was about to close the distance between the two of them...he could feel it vividly.

A punch that would kill him, straight to the face.

He immediately retreated to his side as he sweated buckets.

'...What was that?!'


"Finish him, Golden Brawler!"

"What are you doing fucking standing there."

The people booed...but he felt so much fear. He didn't care what they thought of him.He felt his life end at that moment...he felt death.

"Why are you running?"

The Emerald striker said as he walked towards the Golden Brawler calmly.

Edward couldn't move forward, His instincts were screaming...

To run away. As far as you can.


He tried to hide his fear, he tried to hide his unwavering heart.

He didn't listen to his instincts, he launched himself toward the Emerald Striker.

He punched a jab which was a decoy for an uppercut...but then.

He just touched it, he just touched his jab and then it went off course. This had happened many times so Edward knew how to react, He tried to do an uppercut immediately but then... He dodged.

With perfect footwork, he moved back slightly, with no wasted movements at all. Edward reacted by throwing a kick, but then he was sent flying.

A loud bang, one released by a bullet as it shot toward its prey was heard.

Edward couldn't comprehend it, he just felt pain as his chin was hit...his jaw was broken with a single hit.

Blood spurted out of his mouth as the crowd's mouths went agape.

The Golden a single hit?

The best fighter they a single fucking hit? This was unprecedented, absolutely unbelievable.


Edward got up in a frenzy and launched towards the Emerald Striker, He launched himself in the air, he knew now. He needed to win, he needed to do everything to win. He could not treat this as easily.

This guy was a monster.

Edward spun in the air and as he descended, he kicked towards the Emerald Striker's head, who, as the kick was just about to hit, put his elbow to defend against it.

Bone cracked as Edwards Forefoot broke...he began to fall down, but the Emerald Striker moved back slightly and launched a terrifying low kick toward the falling Edward...which hit him in the head.

He was sent flying towards the boundary of the ring...his head in shambles.

'He survived that?'

Lucas Hiddleston, otherwise also known as the Emerald Striker in this arena.

That kick was an Alan Peccator Signature, and although Lucas couldn't imitate it perfectly, it was still deadly.

The guy was good, to survive that.

'...But he fights based on instinct, Brings back memories.'

He also knew someone who fought with instinct, Alan Peccator. Who was the only one to injure the Sword Saint and fought like a wild beast at the start.


The golden Brawler had managed to get up and attacked Emerald Striker, whether it be slashes, swipes, or bites he tried everything to kill Lucas. And failed.

Lucas punched him thrice in the face and then ended the fight quickly afterward with a spinning roundhouse to the face.

He could kill him, it was allowed but he didn't want to, the guy impressed him already, being able to survive all this.

The crowd was silent, not even a whisper was heard as it was a pin-drop silence that engulfed the area.

Emerald Striker looked at the unconscious Golden Brawler curiously, before addressing the announcer.

"Treat his injuries."

He then walked away and exited the ring as the announcer finally came to her senses and announced the victor.

"...The Emerald Striker wins!"

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