The Villain's Story

Chapter 243 [243] Emma Foxglove [1]


Emma's expression showed immense shock as she saw drops of blood in her house.

She sniffed the air and knew who it belonged to. Her excellent senses as a demihuman helped to identify the owner.

She rushed to the room the drops of blood went and opened the door in a panic.

"Are you okay?!"

She screamed, worried.

And her mouth opened agape at what she saw.

Another person, male, possessing the same features as her, just masculine...Severely injured.

Both eyes were bruised black, the fingers of his right hand broken, lips punctured, and bleeding from multiple areas of his Body. It seemed as if he had been beaten to a pulp. And whoever did this showed no mercy.


Her brother, Her only relative looked at her with his bruised eyes, struggling to get a proper look.

"I'm fine."

He said as he closed his eyes for some rest.


Suddenly, Emma's scream jolted his eyes awake, as he tried to explain.

"It isn't much, I've had worse, you know that!"

"Shut UP NOW!"


Unfortunately, even if he was the older sibling, He was helpless in front of his younger sister.

"What happened?!"

She asked as she checked his wounds.

"What do you think? I lost a fight."


'I should not have said that...'

Her Brother, Edward Foxglove thought as he saw her blank eyes staring at him in Silence.

That silence spelled doom for him...and now he wanted to run away from his sister.

"Didn' promise me you wouldn't go fight...?"

She asked...and Edward found it hard to respond.

"...we needed the money..."

He said...but this only made it worse.

"I could have asked for an early paycheck!"

Emma yelled.

"Didn't you already ask for one?"

Edward tried to salvage the situation, but alas failed miserably.

"Uncle would have given it to me! You know he's nice!"

"Fuck no! Who knows if the human was just doing that to gain your trust?!"

Edward retorted...and Emma fell silent.

The siblings didn't have a good relationship with humans, their past had made them, especially Edward hates humans to the core.

Although Emma's hatred had disappeared, Edwards still remained.


Suddenly, Edward felt something.

He felt as if someone was watching them all along, and just now...disappeared?

Weird...He didn't feel anyone.

"...Why did you go to fight? you know I can support us now."

Whilst he wondered what the weird feeling in his gut was, Emma asked.

He laughed a little before answering.

"Oh come on...what kind of brother would I be if I was the one receiving support from my little sister?"


"Come on Emma, You know this happens quite frequently..."

Edward said, trying to console his sister.

"Not to this degree..."

...and then He stopped as he heard her was as if she was holding back tears.

"...stay still."

Said Emma, as she tried her best to not cry.

A faint golden glow erupted from her hand as she tried to heal her brother.

It was weak, but it still healed her brother to some degree nonetheless. But it seemed....flawed.

It was as if it was forced As if it was being executed without having met the proper requirements...Emma's tired face proved it.

"...Who was it?"

She asked.


"Who was it?...that could do this to 'you."

She asked her brother, enquiring about the identity of the one who defeated him.

Edward sighed and said.

"...a Boxer. A new guy too..."

There was shame in his voice.

"A boxer? But haven't you defeated pro boxer's before?"

"I have...and because of that I thought he wouldn't know how to defend against kicks...son of a bitch."

Edward cursed at his opponent before continuing.

"He knew boxing, And some Muay Thai and Taekwondo as well... His body was as hard as the Earth and I don't know who taught him...but damn he was good."


Emma was shocked, this was the first time she heard her brother compliment someone's fighting style.

"Not only that...he knew how to fight me. He knew how to fight an instinctual fighter...too well."

Edward Foxglove, due to his poverty, never could get a mentor. He only knew how to fight by relying on his beastly senses, and during his career as a fighter in the Black Market...he had picked up some skills from his opponents but he relied mainly on his instincts.


he coughed up blood as Emma's eyes became even more worried as she tried to heal his wounds faster.

"Don't... You know it won't help that much...I'll heal by myself..."

Said Edward...before he fell unconscious in Emma's arms...

'A new...fighter...was able to do this to my brother?'

Edward wasn't a bad Fighter. He had numerous wins and few losses, and adding the fact that he was a demihuman with increased senses and a regeneration factor...he was favored by many. And because he could fight more often without worrying about his injuries because of his healing factor, he has gained a lot of experience.

But even then...He was beaten to such a a new guy?

Who the hell...could do that?

What monster had stepped inside the ring today?



Alan cursed as he bled from his eyes.

'I can't look anymore...'

Thought Alan as he removed the blood, His eyes hurting like hell.

Although he could only look for a short while, he had still gathered some info.

'So it was just her brother...'

He had thought she was actually a psychopath that wore a mask in front of others in public. That he was just a worse version of Serena... and he didn't think that was possible.

But thankfully, it was not the case.

Apparently, for a short while, he could see with the help of his [Dragon eye]. He had concluded that the smell of blood was not from a corpse or anything as he suspected, but actually from her Brother, who was apparently a fighter.

Well, A fighter in the slums, where the Black Market was located was probably a good career. As long as one knew how to fight.

An injured fighter just returned home after a fight, whether he won or lost wasn't important. Alan had just thought it was something her brother did to support themselves, considering they were demihumans.

"Shit...why does this happen only to me? Are my eyes defective or something...?"

Alan muttered as he tried to navigate the streets with his increasingly blurry vision.

It was only him, Kazikato didn't have this side effect when he activated his Dragon Eyes...and neither did Elijah...When...he... Evol...---------------------------?

'What?... Anyways...why does that lazy bastard not have this...why must it only be me?'

He thought...and finally, he could not see he activated Mana sense to navigate further.

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