The Villain's Story

Chapter 235 [235] The Disappearances,And Fried Chicken.

"Before I had accepted the request, I did some research independently."

Said Sabrina, before explaining further.

"After the Aror Incident, Multiple children, especially those belonging to deceased hunters. Had disappeared from Aror....even though some had family left. Their courtcases even showed weird results. The family was not allowed to partake and the children were sent to Orphanages far from the City, to multiply orphanages in other cities. What was more suspicious was that..."

Sabrina said, And Alan paid close attention to her words.

"The ones who had successfully awakened were immediately adopted."

"Isnt that a good thing?"

Alan asked her...and Sabrina had a grave look on her face.

"Normally, yes. Awakened children do have a high chance of being adopted by families...but the problem is that there is no Record. Their adoptive parents...and most importantly them..."

"No record is there of the children?"

Alan asked Sabrina.

"Yes, it's as if they disappeared completely. No record at all."


Sabrina, looked at Alan and said.

"That's why I brought files of multiple children that lost their parents during the Aror incident. I made fake registrations in Twilight's database for them. In case our merchant decides to spy on us...And to hide you as well."

Sabrina said...but then muttered.

"But I still don't get it... Thye should have a record...even if they disappeared. An orphanage should have kept something...but there was nothing."


She talked to herself as they walked.

'...Did something like that happen to my orphanage as well?'

Alan didn't have a lot of memories about it. But he had to admit this type of case had to be investigated.

'I should call Benjamin and tell him to go investigate later.'

Alan thought, making a mental note to call Benjamin to go and investigate in Ashton.

"Well Anyways...Where do you want to go?"

Alan thoughts were interrupted by Sabrina's question.


He was genuinely was as if he had forgotten something important.

Sabrina...seeing the genuine look of confusion on his face...sighed.

"Your memory is shit. I meant where do you want to go to eat?"


' Forgot about that.'

Alan thought...before thinking for a while and answering.

"...I always wanted to go to Elijah's parents' place...I think I still have 'it'."

Alan opened his inventory and took out a coupon from his inventory.


Meanwhile, looking at his happy face thinking about the famous Fried Chicken...Sabrina sighed...

'...I would have preferred a cafe...'

This was not good. Elijahs family's place Ardor Chicken was not a good idea. Many people SHE did not want to interfere. were there.

Yeah, it was a good shop...but literally everyone was present there.

Serena, Elaine, Henry, Elijah and the rest of His family.

Along with other people.

And it wasn't the ideal place for a date...

But seeing his face...she submitted.

'...he's already expecting it...damn it I should have said something.'

No changing what had happened now.

And thus, Alan and Sabrina made their way towards Ardor chicken, the latter somewhat sulking.

"I really do want to try the-"

Alan said...but he was interrupted. A hooded figure that seemed familiar walked past him, escorted by his own cohort of people.

It seemed as if the figure recognized him too, both by the eyes.

Alan looked at him, And He looked at Alan.

Emerald looked at Diamond...and they both wondered.

'What the fuck is he doing here?!'

Lucas? Here? What the heck?

Alan thought...but then Saw 'Lucas' disregard him and go on.

"Something wrong?"

Sabrina asked, seeing Alan suddenly stop.

"Nothing...Lets go on."

Alan said...continuing on his own way.

But still, he was still surprised.


"So this is the famed holy chicken place..."

Alan mouthed in awe as he stared at the fine establishment.

An entire building, the ground and basement floors being the restaurant, while the floors above it being the home for the Ardors.

A chicken covered in flame being the mascot, whilst the establishment was mainly red and white in color...and clean as well.

Also busy.

People filled the place...and Alan didn't think there was a seat for them left...

"Let's go."

Sabrina said as she the entered the fine establishment...but then paused as she didn't see Alan move...

She looked back...and saw the buffoon standing still with his mouth watering...his nose expanding and contracting.


Upon seeing this...she remembered.

'Draconian have increased senses and have a nose 100 times more powerful than a dogs.'

Although she didn't know how true that statement, she read was...she was thinking it was pretty true seeing Alan...

She went back and dragged him by hand.

And then...because it was her. Everyone's attention focused on them.

Sabrina had come here before, So some people did know her...and because she was also Twilight's goddess...people knew her very well.

The bustling of the area stopped. As they became the center of attention.

'Who the fuck is that bum? Why is she holding his hand?!'

Everyone thought this, numerous of her fangirls had wild fantasies in their heads whilst her fanboys had their hearts crushed.

You could hear the sound of glass shattering. However, it was hearts instead of glass this time around.

"Why did everyone go quiet?"

Elijah's father, Popped his head outside the kitchen and saw Sabrina.

"Oh, Ric- Sabrina! come come have a seat. OI JOHN HURRY THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE!"

"What?! Let me eat in peace."

"Give your fucking seat up for her!"

"...damn it."

"What's going on?"

Elijah and Henry popped their heads from the kitchen as well...and spit whatever their mouths was as they saw the entrants.

"Hey hey...'He' came?!"

Elijah whispered to Henry...who was instead focusing on the more important details.

He pointed at a certain hand holding another hand and whispered.

"...Their holding hands!"

"Your right!"

What was weird was that even Henry was wearing an Apron, along with Elijah.

They both silently retreated into the kitchen, As Sabrina and Alan made their way towards 'John's' empty table.

"The aroma is really nice~"

Said Alan, sniffing the air...He could practically taste the fried chicken through the aroma in the establishment.

"I agree...Anyways what do you want?"

Sabrina said as she handed him a menu.


Alan looked at the menu, as Eliajh's father thought...looking at them discretely.

'Who is he? Damn it Elijah I hope you didn't lose her...He isn't even more handsome than that damn son of mine!'


Suddenly, a Smirk appeared On Alan's face as he pointed towards a certain item on the menu.

Or rather a special Challenge.

[Who can eat more?!

Owner of Ardor Chicken, The Red Rooster, Or you?!

Challenge Mike Ardor in an all-out feast of who can eat more.]

Note: The loser will have to pay the cost of the feast, there is no time limit and you cannot sue me(Mike Ardor) If the challenge induces any health-related issues.


Sabrina, looking at the challenge Alan pointed at...sighed...but then had a thought.

'Wait...I can make money from this.'

Truly the daughter of a businessman.

Alan, however had the contrasting thought.

'I don't have to pay for it! Free chicken!'

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