The Villain's Story

Chapter 234 [234] Arora Brokers...The Crimson Snake

[Arora Brokers]


Sabrina muttered as she stared at the building in front of them.

[Let me do the talking, And don't say anything...just act like a bodyguard.]

She said to him through the spatial bond.

[So just do my job? got it.]

Alan answered, and they stepped inside.

Their entrance truly attracted the attention of everyone in the reception.

Sabrina, with her slender physique and her Shorter build, is Accompanied by Alan, A built physique and tall.

Literally, everyone was eyeing them.

Sabrina went to the receptionist, and Alan stood behind her...exuding a little bit of pressure.

The mana pressure Alan was exuding was in response to the pressure the other customers exuded.

To gauge the duo that had entered...But that backfired on them immediately as Alan immediately suppressed and pressured them back.

Nothing can control Mana as well as a dragon after all.

"We have an appointment with the Crimson Snake."

Sabrina said, giving the receptionist a Purple card.

"We have been waiting for you. Please, Follow Him."

The Receptionist said, pointing towards a guard that had come.

The Guard gestured the duo to follow them, and they did.

And just as Alan left.



Some coughed up blood, some fell to the ground.

Yet they all had this thought.

'Who the Fuck was that?!'


"Please have a successful interaction."

The guard said, and left the two as they entered Crimson Snake's office.

"Welcome, I have been expecting you."

A man in a wheelchair, With Blazing red hair and ruby eyes, possessing a face which could be called handsome even though the mask he was wearing was hiding half.

Sabrina entered and sat opposite to him, And Alan stood beside her.

'...He's strong. Very Strong.'

Crimson snake observed Alan keenly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

Sabrina said.

"The pleasure is all mine."

Crimson snake said.

'Sabrina Wellington huh, So Twilight sent her...but who is he?'

Because of Sabrina and Alice's debut AS Twilight's Two Goddesses in Aror, They were well known.

'She really is a Wellington...I need to be careful.'

The heir of the Third most powerful family, and the Richest family.

She truly carried herself with the Elegance that came from her standing.

Crimson snake needed to choose his words carefully...He couldn't dare offend her.

'But who is HE?'

It disturbed him...mentally and physically.

The fact that he didn't know the man beside Sabrina's Identity.

His presence alone was giving him a level only one,fierce customer of his had given him back.

'That Death User? Kazikato...No...his build is different.'

Kazikato Shimoshino, the one that had obliterated Rhino guild singlehandedly, an ace of twilight and their trump card...along with Alan.

'...Alan Peccator?'

...The guess wasn't bad.

'...Why would that guy make his appearance here...especially acting as the Noble lady's bodyguard? The Wellingtons do support twilight but their star has been reduced to a bodyguard?'

It can't be.

'I don't have enough information to go on...'

Crimson snake thought...Sadly, there had been no public Appearance of Alan Peccator since his awakening as the first Spatial Awakened of Humanity. And that one showed a black haired boy, malnourished.

Although there was still the Ame no Sakahoko Incident, but that one didn't give much coverage. Alan's face was blurred in any footage of the incident. The reason unknown.

The first Spatial awakened of Humanity.

The one accepted by the Legendary spear, Ame no Sakahoko.

The youngest C rank at the ripe age of 16.

Many titles, he possessed.

But right now Crimson snake just couldn't pin point it. Only Guess.

'There is nothing about him...he hasn't even made any public appearance, and the ones that do exist have been taken care of by Twilight...'

He thought...shifting his gaze from Alan to the noble woman sitting in front of him.

"Would you like some Refreshments?"

He asked politely.

"Thank you for your consideration, But No, We have quite the busy Schedule."

Sabrina asked, and then had received a message from Alan through the Spatial bond.

[Ask him if he has hot chocolate.]

[...never take anything a black merchant offers you, especially in this type of Black Market.]


After pacifying the sad Alan, who apparently wanted hot chocolate like a child. She handed Crimson Snake the documents she held.

"We want all the information about the children that lost their parents during the Aror incident, which orphanges they were sent to, and every detail about their courtcases. Each and every detail.

We could only find the little information that is on those documents."

She said.


Crimson Snake read the documents she had handed him.

She then placed a card on his table.

"There will be an advance payment of 50,000 studs, and when we receive the information, 200,000 studs along with a bonus if it exceeds expectations. The code is 9****"

There was a smile on Crimson Snake's face as he picked up the card.

"Please give me one week, I will have all your information ready."


Sabrina stood up.

"Pleasure to do business with you, please take my card."

Crimson Snake handed his card to her, and bid the duo farewell. This commission alone would be worth more than a dozen normal commission, and finding information was his specialty.

Adding that with making connections with Twilight...this was too good to be true.

He bade them farewell with a kind smile.


"...Did he just stand up when he escorted us out?"

Alan asked Sabrina a they left...Shocked because he saw the man sitting in a wheelcahir.

"Prosthetic Legs, Mechanical probably."

"huh...why do I feel like I know him?"

Alan muttered. Crimson Snake seemed Familiar to he knew from a different story.. a story fading from his mind...

And his aura was nasty.

"His aura was nasty as well."

He said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, I just hated being in his presence...I hated being near him, Despised it"

Sabrina, listening to him just sighed and said.

"That's normal when you do business with a black merchant."

They continued walking, Until Alan asked a peculiar question.

"Why did you ask for information about every child? Wouldnt that just cost too much?"

Hearing his question, Sabrina answered reluctantly...the smile on her face disappearing.

"You weren't the only one."


"Alan, You and your sister weren't the only ones that had weird courtcases. Multiple children of hunters who died during the incident had weird and missing court cases. They were transferred into orphanages outside the City, in other Cities and nothing was heard about them after that.

Even if they had remaining family. They were still sent to orphanages in other cities..."

"..." Alan stopped...his face slowly displaying shock.

"Suspicious...isn't it?"


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