The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 82

C82 – Xu Yangyi’s Arrogance

After Ji Guangming departed, Hee Jingyan unexpectedly pushed Xu Yangyi down and playfully lifted Xu Yangyi’s chin. He sported a mischievous grin and quipped, “Darling, care to have me as your sleeping partner tonight?”

Xu Yangyi refrained from shoving Hee Jingyan this time and abstained from any further teasing. Instead, he simply rolled his eyes and retorted, “If I want to sleep, I can do it solo. Who needs company like yours?”

Sleep with him and be fine? The very idea was utterly unthinkable, given this eccentric uncle’s track record.

Recalling how Hee Jingyan often invaded his personal space, Xu Yangyi’s eyes grew steely. He abruptly tugged at Hee Jingyan’s shirt and issued a stern warning, “If you ever dare to harass me again, I won’t spare you!” He locked eyes with Hee Jingyan, his gaze brimming with determination.

Yet, directing such threats at Hee Jingyan only seemed to encourage his playful side. He responded, “Is it because my dear husband hasn’t been gentle enough? Didn’t I serve my wife well? Why the hostility?” As he spoke, he gently caressed Xu Yangyi’s cheek, a trace of mischief sparkling in his eyes.

Xu Yangyi’s mouth twitched in exasperation. “You’ll drive me insane with your antics, seriously!”

Fuck, was this man having trouble communicating with me? Or was he simply messing around with me?

However, Xu Yangyi couldn’t help but think that the latter option was more likely. His gaze turned icy as he met Hee Jingyan’s playful eyes.

“What is it? Wife, you hate it?”

Leaning in close to Xu Yangyi’s ear, he let out a soft, devilish chuckle that successfully stoked Xu Yangyi’s irritation.

“Fuck off, you old fart.”

Xu Yangyi couldn’t resist lifting his leg to strike at Hee Jingyan’s groin, but it was swiftly thwarted by Hee Jingyan’s defense.

In the presence of Hee Jingyan, regardless of how impressive Xu Yangyi’s combat skills were, they were instantly rendered ineffective.

“Ah…!” Frustrated by Hee Jingyan’s consistent blocks, Xu Yangyi erupted in anger. He clutched the collar of Hee Jingyan’s shirt tightly and locked eyes with him. “I want a one-on-one fight with you.”

Hearing this, Hee Jingyan was taken aback. A solo duel? He suddenly let out a subdued chuckle. It had been ages since someone had challenged him with those two words. How nostalgic. My wife is truly intriguing.

“Darling, you can’t surpass me in firearms or martial arts. How about we try something else?” Hee Jingyan proposed suddenly, but Xu Yangyi remained unconvinced. “How do you know I can’t best you without a competition?” Blast it, you dare to underestimate me?

“It seems my own wife doubts my abilities!” Hee Jingyan mused, “If you can simultaneously defeat ten members of the Dragon Riding Team, perhaps you might stand a chance against me, just barely.”

Xu Yangyi was taken aback by the mention of the top ten, but Hee Jingyan continued.

“Tank type, top ten? And barely winning against them?” I can handle three, but ten is a bit much!

Observing Xu Yangyi’s surprise, Hee Jingyan elaborated further, “Tank is the third lowest-ranked member of the Dragon Riding Team, so they’re not particularly strong. If you truly wish to challenge Rosen, then you’d need to defeat five tanks simultaneously, or else victory is unlikely. He’s the captain of the Dragon Riding Team, the sole leader of our army’s special forces.” Thus, Rosen is no ordinary opponent.

Hee Jingyan anticipated that Xu Yangyi would display some apprehension, but instead, Xu Yangyi raised his hand and boldly declared, “So, if I defeat Rosen, I could become the next leader of the Dragon Riding Team? Sounds intriguing!” Not only did he show no sign of being daunted, but he also exuded even more confidence.

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