The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 81

C81 – Be Loved

“No need, my hair is almost dry as it is.” Xu Yangyi halted Ji Guangming, who was rushing outside. Then, he glanced up at Hee Jingyan, his curiosity piqued. “Aren’t you busy with that colonel?” He seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll.

“I was concerned my wife might think I’m neglecting him, so I decided to spend some time together!” Hee Jingyan’s mood immediately brightened upon Xu Yangyi’s proactive inquiry.

“Beat it. Who asked you to keep him company.” To his surprise, as soon as Hee Jingyan finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already given him the cold shoulder.

“I’m not some little girl for you to babysit. What a joke.”

“I’ve made myself quite clear, Hee Jingyan. Don’t assume that just because I’m better-looking than most women, you can treat me like one. Be careful not to jeopardize your legacy,” Xu Yangyi warned suddenly, his demeanor taking on a dangerous edge.

Upon hearing this, Hee Jingyan let out a soft chuckle. “Darling, where else can you find someone who can compliment you like that?” But a woman? There’s no woman in this world as rebellious as you, my dear wife.

Hee Jingyan inwardly cursed and then inquired, “Would you like to take a nap this afternoon?”

Xu Yangyi couldn’t help but roll his eyes, remarking, “No way, I’m not falling for any ambush.” Who would be so gullible?

In Xu Yangyi’s view, Hee Jingyan had already landed on the list of potential threats.

Nevertheless, Hee Jingyan feigned ignorance upon hearing this, asking, “Who?” To cap it off, he even shot a cold glance at Ji Guangming, saying, “Is that you, Ji Guangming?”

Ji Guangming had endured being the scapegoat for ten millennia without a chance to voice his grievances. All he could muster was a feeble plea, “Colonel, please spare this humble servant!”

Yet, deep down, he pondered, “That person must be the colonel himself!” The responsibility still rested on him.

“What kind of existence have I become?” Ji Guangming was already questioning the meaning of his life. There was no way out! He had no choice but to serve Xu Yangyi.

“It’s you, you crafty uncle. Why are you trying to shift the blame onto someone unrelated?” Seeing Hee Jingyan passing the buck to Ji Guangming, Xu Yangyi shot him a disapproving look.

Fuck! This man was becoming more and more of a scoundrel!

“Well said, Sister-in-law,” Ji Guangming exclaimed with enthusiasm, applauding. Hee Jingyan, on the other hand, gave him a look as if he had expected this response and glared at him.

Ji Guangming’s sudden glance seemed to terrify Hee Jingyan, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead. Ye Zichen shook his head apologetically at Hee Jingyan, but it conveyed a sense of surrender.

Ji Guangming, realizing his momentary lapse, abruptly halted his actions, not even daring to take a deep breath, convinced he was in deep trouble.

Just as he contemplated what sort of punishment Hee Jingyan might mete out, Hee Jingyan reverted to his usual tone and instructed, “Go wash Sister-in-law’s clothes.”

Upon hearing this, Wu Tie breathed a sigh of relief and headed towards the bathroom. However, Xu Yangyi suddenly leapt off the bed and declared, “I can wash my own clothes. I’m not a delicate lady.” He even had underwear to wash? Who would ask someone else to clean that! There must be something wrong with this man’s thinking!

Ji Guangming appeared to grasp the reason for Xu Yangyi’s nervousness and swiftly responded, “Don’t worry, Sister-in-law. It’s not hand-washing. We have a standard washing machine in the barracks.” He even offered a reassuring smile, perhaps to ease any potential embarrassment for Xu Yangyi.

Yet, Xu Yangyi had no reason to feel embarrassed! Upon hearing Ji Guangming’s explanation, he immediately halted in his tracks. “I see. Thank you for your offer.” With that, he comfortably reclined on the bed.

Ji Guangming was honored by Xu Yangyi’s response and quickly replied, “No, no, it’s my duty to help.”

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