The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 69

C69 – Soldiers’ Confusion

Hee Jingyan maintained his stoic expression, making it challenging for anyone to discern his thoughts. After a prolonged silence, he uttered calmly, “Keep me informed if there are any updates.”

Loong Shen couldn’t help but steal a glance at him, but he merely wiped his mouth and replied with a smile, “Certainly.”

You’ve certainly found yourself an impressive spouse, Colonel.

Yet, suddenly, Loong Shen appeared to have a realization. He turned to Hee Jingyan and inquired, “Our teacher arranged this marriage, so he must know something, right? Why else would the Colonel marry Xu Nuannuan with such an enigmatic background?”

“I’m certain the old man is privy to certain details, but even if I seek him out, he might not divulge them. I’d rather conduct my own investigation. I don’t want him to be disappointed in me. The very thought is nauseating,” Hee Jingyan remarked.

Loong Shen hesitated briefly upon hearing Hee Jingyan’s words before adding, “I also prefer to avoid the teacher’s scolding. He’ll just accuse us, his wayward pupils, of ignorance and dependence on him.”

Saying this, Loong Shen exhibited a faint, forced smile. It appeared that he harbored some unpleasant memories associated with Hee Bingwei.

Hee Jingyan noted the competitive glint in Loong Shen’s eyes and clicked his tongue. “So, we’ll spare ourselves from the embarrassment.”

“I’d rather not encounter the Division Commander,” Loong Shen’s expression improved slightly, yet he still seemed reluctant to relinquish the idea.

Their conversation unfolded in front of the soldiers. The soldiers had grown accustomed to hearing their superiors speak critically of their instructors, as Hee Bingwei gave off a similar impression. Nevertheless, what took them by surprise was Hee Jingyan discussing his wife while they observed Xu Yangyi on the screen.

“Wife? Who?”

“The Colonel told the Second Lieutenant, I believe it’s that youngster called Xu Yangyi!”

“Hmm, when the Second Lieutenant first arrived, he mentioned taking inspiration from his wife or something of the sort! If the tank isn’t feasible, it must be that youngster!”

“Even though that youngster is incredibly charming, he’s definitely a man… Right!”

“Yes, indeed, he’s a man, despite being more attractive and adorable than most girls.”

“So, the question is, the Colonel’s wife? Wife! Why is it a man?”


The soldiers were bewildered by this man’s question. Suddenly, they all turned their gaze to Hee Jingyan, as though seeking an explanation for what had transpired. However, no one dared to voice their inquiries; they merely stared.

Rosen, too, was astounded. He knew that Hee Jingyan had married the day before, but never in his wildest imagination had he considered that Hee Jingyan’s spouse, often referred to as a man by the future brothers-in-law, would turn out to be him.

Was that young man the Colonel’s wife? Did the Colonel, who was well-acquainted with him, permit this arrangement to proceed?

But the notion was staggeringly astonishing! The Colonel’s wife was personally selected by the Colonel himself, so how on earth… How could it be a man? This revelation was simply mind-boggling.

Rosen’s astonishment was entirely reasonable, as this development directly impacted the reputation of the Hee Family. Who would consent to their son marrying another man as his wife, especially when that man was none other than Hee Jingyan, a figure of great prestige?

Hee Jingyan was fully aware of the unspoken questions swirling around him, yet he didn’t feel compelled to offer explanations; it didn’t seem necessary.

Lung Shen remained silent, mirroring Hee Jingyan’s reticence. On the contrary, Ji Guangming appeared poised to speak but hesitated, fearing a response from Hee Jingyan, and ultimately opted for silence.

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