The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 68

C68 – Hidden Light

“It’s quite fitting with your style to take your wife as your role model,” Loong Shen said with a grin, having appeared behind Hee Jingyan unnoticed.

Hee Jingyan didn’t turn around but responded confidently, “Though my wife is young, her abilities rival those of the Dragon Riding Team.” Finally, he lifted his gaze to meet Loong Shen’s still-smiling face and added, “You’re well aware of that, aren’t you?”

The reason behind Hee Jingyan’s statement was that Xu Yangyi’s dossier had been sent to him after he left the office.

As he opened the file, his eyes widened in astonishment. Xu Yangyi’s records revealed not only exceptional marksmanship but also numerous city championships. From the tender age of five, he was identified for his potential in this domain and had even been considered by a specialized division.

Moreover, since that young age, Xu Yangyi’s public appearances had been sparse, particularly at prominent events. The adolescent contests he participated in were largely confined to the city, events that curiously stayed out of media coverage, as though intentionally shrouded in secrecy.

Loong Shen just maintained his smile as he took a seat beside him, saying, “Someone is evidently concealing his sister-in-law’s brilliance. Aren’t you concerned about drawing attention by urging him to display his talents so openly?”

Chosen by that division at the age of five, possibly becoming a spy or a CIA operative—what kind of family dynamic was this? Xu Jing seemed to be the only seemingly normal one.

However, Hee Jingyan remained unfazed, “That’s irrelevant! Perhaps we can delve into the circumstances of his mother’s death,” he sneered abruptly, “Do you really think I, Hee Jingyan, can’t safeguard my wife?”

Although the words seemed simple, a peculiar chill flickered in his eyes, hinting at an underlying sharpness, enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine.

Hee Jingyan’s unexpected remark briefly flustered Loong Shen. But in the next instant, he wiped away the detached expression from his face. “In the end, the one who meets their demise will be our adversary. Why should I be concerned?”

It was quite unusual to witness the colonel this serious. It offered a refreshing change, but Loong Shen was left in the dark regarding the identity of the enemy lurking behind his sister-in-law. The whole matter was shrouded in uncertainty.

Hee Jingyan’s gaze lowered suddenly, and he asked casually, “Any progress on identifying the person who eloped with Xu Nuannuan?”

Perhaps Yangyi’s sister could provide a breakthrough. After all, only her records remained sealed, impervious to investigation. The puzzle might be connected to their mother’s untimely demise.

Only then did he continue, “I visited my sister-in-law’s school to gather information. She only interacts with my sister, avoiding any interaction with others. It’s as though she solely exists within the framework of her family and shuns outside company. Perhaps it could be said that within our purview, she doesn’t engage with anyone else.” Nonetheless, individuals who distance themselves from the mainstream usually harbor secrets. It’s conceivable that she might find interactions troublesome, leading her to shun them and save herself the hassle.

However, these suppositions remain speculative. Without concrete evidence, they remain unsubstantiated. I can only conclude that the woman known as Xu Nuannuan remains an enigma for now.

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