The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 245 PREPARATIONS (I)

AFTER breakfast, Luo Yan immediately logged into the game.He appeared in front of the specialized merchandize shop.This was where he logged out last night.So that when he logged in today, this would be the place where he would appear.That way, he didn’t have to waste time teleporting or walking from some place to here.

He pulled up the rib of his shirt to cover the lower half of his face.He also covered his eye-catching white hair with a hood.He had to get those NPCs later.If other players saw him, and then later one of those players became a customer of the pavilion, they might recognize those NPCs.And him being so outstanding and beautiful, they would definitely remember that he’s with those NPCs.Some of them might connect him to Yuexing Pavilion.Something that he’d rather not want to happen.

Before he entered the shop, something suddenly landed on his shoulder.Then he felt something soft and fluffy brushing his cheek.He glanced sideways and saw his little fox.

[Mashter, welcome back!] – Eclipse energetically greeted.

Luo Yan ruffled his fur.[Did you beat up some monsters just as I instructed?]

[Yes, Eclipse beat up a lot of them!]

He smiled.[Very good.Here’s your reward.]

He took a black Mana fruit from his Items Tab and gave it to Eclipse.The little fox started happily nibbling on it.

[But Mashter, why are you hiding your pretty face?]

Luo Yan chuckled when he heard that.[Well, your master has his reasons.]

He then walked inside the shop.A male NPC quickly approached him.

"What can I do for you, dear customer?" the NPC asked.

"I’m here to pick up some items that I asked to be customized four days ago."

"Please, follow me then."

The NPC led him to a private room.

"I will check our inventory so please tell me your name," the NPC said, a holographic screen appearing in front of him.


The NPC seemed to scroll through the screen."I found the items you mentioned.Since you have already paid for it, I’ll immediately send them to your account.You just have to take them out from your Items Tab and if you wanted to use them."

Luo Yan then heard a bell-like sound and a small notification screen appeared in front of him.

[Several items are about to be sent to your account from the specialized merchandize shop.Will you accept it?]

He didn’t hesitate to click ’yes’.And those customized boats were immediately sent to his Items Tab.After all that, he and Eclipse went out of the shop.Their next destination was the building where he bought the NPCs.

On their way there, Luo Yan couldn’t help but listen to the conversation of the players he passed by.

"Today is the opening of that pavilion, right?Are you going?" one player asked his companion.

"I would if I could. But haven’t you heard? Only those specially invited could go," said the player’s companion.

"What?Was there something like that?"

"Yeah, it was all over the forum.Haven’t you heard it?"

"No, I rarely visit the forum.But what’s this?Is the game discriminating against us ordinary players?" the player said in outrage.

Another group of players were discussing the same thing.

"So, the rumor going around the forum that only invited players could attend the opening of the pavilion was true?"

"It’s true.I have a friend from team Mozu.He said that the top five players of their team all received an invitation."

"So, are they going to attend?"

"I’m not sure if they will all attend.But according to my friend, their vice-captain would certainly go."

"I also heard that some of the most well-known Alchemists and Blacksmiths were invited," another one interjected.

"Ah, how unfair.I also want to go to the opening and see all those beautiful NPCs.Especially that black-haired elf sister."

"Well, we could just watch the live broadcast.It would feel like we’re also there if we do."

"What do you mean?"

"Haven’t you seen the Weibo post of Moonlight Media?They said that they would do a live broadcast on Weibo for the opening."

Luo Yan unknowingly smiled when he heard those conversation.The rumor he anonymously posted on the forum about how only the top players were invited to the opening of Yuexing Pavilion was very effective.In just a few days, everyone almost believed it.The icing on the cake was the Weibo post of Moonlight Media the other day.Telling everyone that they would broadcast the opening of the opening live.

That post only further proved that the pavilion was owned by the game.It only increased the possibility of the invited players attending the event.Of course, it was only possible for that post to exist because of Shen Ji Yun.

He just offhandedly said last Wednesday night how good it was if someone would do a live broadcast of the opening of the pavilion.It just so happened that Shen Ji Yun was around him when said that.Who would have expected that the next day, Moonlight Media would post that announcement on their Weibo account?

Luo Yan’s original plan was just to record everything that would happen and post it on the forum.But the live broadcast was even better than that.

Shen Ji Yun probably used his authority as the nephew of the owner of Moonlight Media just so he could make something like that happen.Luo Yan knew the other was not the type to take advantage of the fact that he was related to the person who made this game.If so, then rumors about his team being the ’fallen champion’ wouldn’t persist until now.He was the type that would rather work hard for something he wanted than have that something delivered to him without him even lifting a finger.

Since he met him, all the instances that he made used of that authority were all related to Luo Yan.Providing him with land that shouldn’t be available to players, promoting his pavilion on Moonlight Media’s Weibo account, and now this.Luo Yan knew why he did all those things.Because Shen Ji Yun liked him.He never asked for those things.And yet, he gave them to him because he knew that it would help him.Those little actions were enough to show how special he was to Shen Ji Yun.

Just thinking about that, Luo Yan’s heart was suddenly filled with sweetness.Making him all soft and gooey inside.

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