The Return Of The God Level Assassin


LUO YAN woke up early.He did his usual morning exercise.After a few minutes of rest, he took a bath.Putting on comfortable clothes, he was ready to go out of his built-in closet when his gaze landed on the measuring scale.He suddenly remembered that it had been almost two weeks since he last measured his height.He decided not to measure it every day.Because if he continued to do that, he might not see any particular changes.At least with a difference of two weeks, he could clearly see if he grew taller or not.

The last time he measured his height, he had grown into 152 cm.Not really much considering how he had been awake from his coma for five months now.He didn’t really measure his height when he woke up.He really couldn’t move all his muscles properly back then.He had to do three months of physical therapy before he could have full control of his body.Only then did he manage to measure his height and the result was 150 cm.

He had a feeling that his height was even much shorter than that when he regained consciousness.Probably between 147-148 cm.If he considered that, then he probably grew about 4-5 cm since he woke up.

He sighed.If it took him five months just to grow that much, wouldn’t it take him years before he could even reach 170 cm?He shook his head.No.He shouldn’t lose hope.Surely, once he entered his growth spurt, he would grow like a tall bamboo.

With that in mind, he went and measured his height.He wasn’t expecting much, but when he saw the result, his eyes became as round as saucers.

154 cm!He grew 2 cm in just two weeks!Was he finally entering his growth spurt?Yes, that was probably it.Finally, all those exercises and proper diet were now showing their effects.

Luo Yan’s mood became even brighter.

Not only because he grew taller today, but also because today was the opening of his pavilion.So, of course, he was in a good mood.

He walked out of his room and was planning to go to the dining room to have breakfast.When he suddenly remembered that conversation he had with that jerk Uriel.Man, that guy really always rubbed him the wrong way.Probably because the two of them were too alike.Both of them with a belly full of black water.Easily hiding what they’re thinking with a smile.They’re like the same pole of two magnets.Naturally repelling each other.

He asked Bai Ze not to disclose his meeting to Uriel to others in their team.He said that but it’s mostly directed to Luo Jin and Shen Ji Yun.His younger brother was already too overprotective.If he found out that someone was trying to extort a favor from Luo Yan, he would definitely explode.Knowing how hot-headed he could be sometimes, he might just go directly to team Celestials headquarters and bomb the whole place.

Then there’s Shen Ji Yun.He wouldn’t think much if he didn’t find out about his feelings for him.But now that he does know about it, of course he wouldn’t assume that Shen Ji Yun would do nothing after knowing that deal he made with Uriel.He might look all cold and unfeeling, but he knew he could also smolder like a blazing fire.Just take that incident when they watched the release of the pavilion’s video advertis.e.m.e.nt at the plaza of Goldcrest City as an example.

When some player said all those perverted things about him, Shen Ji Yun was the first one to lose his temper.He didn’t hesitate to challenge that player to a PvP fight.He even mercilessly beat up the guy.

At that time, Luo Yan didn’t think much.He just thought that Shen Ji Yun just probably want to get back at that player in his place.But knowing now that he liked him, Shen Ji Yun was probably just angry hearing other people talk about him that way.After all, hearing another guy talk about the person he liked in such a perverted manner was surely something not many could handle calmly.But it was still a surprise that a level-headed person like Shen Ji Yun reacted in such a violent manner.

It probably just showed how much he liked him.He chuckled.How adorable.

If Shen Ji Yun found out about his deal with Uriel, he would definitely confront that guy.In the worst-case scenario, he might even try to get Uriel’s account suspended or even deleted for that matter.It was something out of character.But depending on how much he liked him, he might really do just that.

But that’s not something Luo Yan wanted.This was between him and Uriel.He didn’t want others to fight his fight.Especially when he could handle it on his own.When the time comes that Uriel asked for that favor and he found it very disadvantageous to him, then he would just think of a way to get around it.He’s confident that he could do it.No way would he put himself in a situation that would be harmful to him.

Bai Ze obviously didn’t want to keep what happened to himself.Most likely due to worry.But it was easy for Luo Yan to convince him.He just had to use his usual ’cuteness and pleading attack’ and Bai Ze agreed in no time.

When he arrived at the dining room, both his brothers were already there.Luo Ren was reading newspaper while Luo Jin was yawning as if he didn’t have enough sleep.

"Good morning!" he greeted, sitting on his designated seat."Where’s Dad?"

"He already left.He had an early meeting today," Luo Ren answered.

"I see."Too bad, Luo Yan wasn’t able to send him off to work.

"Let’s start eating," Luo Ren said, putting down the newspaper he’s reading."Yan Yan seemed to be in a very good mood today," he commented after a while.

"It’s probably because today is the opening of his pavilion," Luo Jin said.


"Ah Jin is right.You see, Brother..."

Luo Yan explained in the simplest way possible how he got the pavilion and how he’s planning to open it to other players tonight.

Luo Ren’s interest was caught because of what Luo Yan said.So, players could actually build their own business inside this game.What an interesting concept.He wondered if this game still needed some investor.He wouldn’t mind advising their father to invest on this game.It would surely be beneficial for both companies if that were to happen.

"Then Yan Yan is now a small boss?"

Luo Yan grinned when he heard that."Yes!"

"I’m sure Yan Yan will do great.You’re surname Luo after all.And we Luos are great businessmen," Luo Ren said ruffling Luo Yan’s soft hair."But if you need any advice, don’t hesitate to ask me, okay?"

"Okay," Luo Yan answered, smiling brightly.

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