The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 987 Stowaway

p Somewhere in the sky, a giant gray Roc was flying among the white clouds, the bird's broad wings were gliding against the wind and on the bird's back was seen a pair of man and woman riding the bird and the man gripping the reins tightly while the woman sat on the back appear impatient.

"Wife, you need to calm down a bit or else make the bird nervous" Yuan Shao tried to calm his wife who couldn't sit still.

Ming Yue Yin snorted in annoyance, "The Beast, or you who got nervous?"

"Yes, we are both nervous..." Yuan Shao admitted easily.

Ming Yue Yin pounds Yuan Shao back lightly, "We've been flying for a week, when can we get there, my butt hurts!" she complained.

"You are the one who refuses to rest, you shouldn't complain, now." Yuan Shao felt powerless against his domineering wife, but if it wasn't for the character she had, he wouldn't have fallen for her at first sight.

"That's because I wanted to get to the Hwang Wu continent faster but who would have thought this beast would be so slow if it was Lord Girsha we had already arrived there a few days earlier!" Ming Yue Yin snorted angrily.

Yuan Shao understood Ming Yue Yin's worries, he must be worried about Lory and Yang Xi Ying especially since Yang Xi Ying is pregnant right now but she acted stubbornly to follow Lory.

"You can't compare Miss Lory's bird to an ordinary Flying Beast, without letting me know Lord Girsha isn't a normal Beast"

"Right…" Ming Yue Ying blew her cheek of course no one could match Girsha, the glimpse of Lory's past that she saw when Lory and Girsha fought side by side engrave a deep impression of how great Girsha and Lory were in Ming Yue Yin's memory.

Honestly, she always wishes to see that scene personally with her own eyes, even though that might not be a good thing.

"Can this bird fly any faster?!" Ming Yue Yin suddenly complained again and the smart bird feel wronged but the pitiful bird can't do anything.

"Your Majesty, this is the fastest bird given by Master Shin Jiu so our journey is already very fast, please be patient" Yuan Shao tried to persuade his new wife again.

Ming Yue Yin huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Yuan Shao amused by her childish act he thought no one in the court official will believe their domineering Empress could behave like immature kid "You shouldn't be in a hurry either, you should remember that our fight against Lao Min Na and the Devils will probably be the biggest battle of our lives so if we're not careful the consequences will be dire"

Ming Yue Yin know Yuan Shao was right and her annoyance subsided a bit, she sighed then wrapped her arms around Yuan Shao's waist while resting her chin on his shoulder and speaking in worry tone "I have seen what the demon did to Lory even though it was only a glimpse, it still scarred me to this day so I can't imagine how Lory feels when she finally face Lazarus, in the past the demon managed to cornered her until she does until she has no other choice but to do the extreme, therefore I don't want that happen again"

Yuan Shao had heard what happened to Lory from Ming Yue Yin and he was astonished how Lory could still behave like a normal person, how could she still be warm, kind, and cheerful after everything she had been through.

Meanwhile, he had turned into a cold and stoic figure that only Yuan Xue An could approach and if he had not met Ming Yue Yin, he might have risked everything to avenge his mother and sister no matter how much destruction he would caused around him.

Meeting Ming Yue Yin, Lory, and Zhao Li Xin made him find another way that led him to become the person he is today that even the Emperor of the Liu Yan kingdom didn't dare to provoke especially now that he was married to Ming Yue. Yin.

Although there were still a few ignorant officials who suggested marrying Yuan Xue An to one of Liu Yan's royal princes, however, the plan was scrapped when they found out that Yuan Xue An was under the protection of the Hei Shen sect to be precise White Dragon Palace even Yuan Fei couldn't meet Yuan Xue An without Jin Hao's permission and who doesn't know The Four King Palace's characters that each of them as crazy as the other.

"If Miss Lory is as you describe, she won't be manipulated by that Demon for the second time" he assured Ming Yue Yin.

"I hope so" Ming Yue Yin tightened her arms around Yuan Shao's waist then she breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately we were able to arrange for Yuan Xue An and Shin Jiu to stay in the underground palace of the Hei Shen sect, if the worst situation happens it will give them a time to make survival plan since the underground palace won't be easily penetrated"

"Yeah, it' does give me a lot of comforts knowing Xue An will be saved" He smiled with a relaxed expression, he was glad he could force his stubborn little sister to stay.

"But what about your father?" Ming Yue Yin knows the relationship between Yuan Shao and Yuan Fei has remained stagnant, although Yuan Shao doesn't hate his father but years of disappointment is not easy to erase.

"I have sent my men to protect him no matter what happens after that I leave it to fate," said Yuan Shao with a bitter smile, if only his father had not married Qian Qin Wei or if he did not have a daughter with that woman things might not have been so complicated as it now.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine" Ming Yue Yin patted the decorative chest and then continued, "With the strength we have, I can't believe we will lose to that serpent demon." A dangerous glint flashed across his eyes.

Far in the middle of the ocean hundreds of warships sailed, the bottom of the ship split the waves in two, and right above the ships the flags of the Liang Zu kingdom and the tribe's flags of the Zhuang Dong continent were fluttering proudly, they were the combined power of the Liang Zu kingdom and the Zhuang Dong army tribe.

Ever since Yuan Shao married Zhuang Dong, the continent became an ally of the Liang Zu kingdom with the agreement that Liang Zu would share their natural resources which were much needed by the Zhuang Dong continent and in return, they would provide military assistance to Liang Zu, the two kingdoms would stand as an equal stand where the two kingdoms respect each other's territory and sovereignty.

Although the situation is a bit unique and complicated for now but it will be solved a few years later when Ming Yue Yin has a child where each of her Sons will have a kingdom to rule as well as bind the two kingdoms as one big family for a long time.

But for now, there was a big commotion on one of the main ships "General Fu, there is a problem, BIG PROBLEM!" A soldier ran towards him with a face full of distress.

Fu Ying turned around and frowned, "What's the matter, someone attacked us?" The soldier shook his head in horror, "No, this is much worst!"

Immediately Fu Ying's whole body became tense, the soldier hurriedly lead Fu Ying to the bottom floor of the ship where they used to store some necessities.

When his shoulders opened the door, what Fu Ying saw made his legs limp when he could speak, he stuttered, "P...P...Princess...Yuan, Young Mas...ter...too"

Yuan Xue An who knew she held the title of Princess Honorable Yuan jumped out of the wooden box with the help of Shin Jiu and Guan Yi Jue even Bai Zi the white tiger was also present.

"Oh, General Fu, forgive me for the inconvenience." Yuan Xue An An patted her skirt and smiled sweetly.

"Aah we can finally get out, I'm sick of being stuck in this room, Yi Jue you never see the sea right, let's go up!" Shin Jiu beckoned Guan Yi Jue to follow him.

Guan Yi Jue's eyes flashed with joy, "I want to see it!"

Their clear boyish voice snap Fu Ying's senses back, he immediately raised his hand in a pleading voice "S..stop... young master, princess"

Yuan Xue An pursed her lips, "Why did you stop that brat, do you know how long we have been trapped here?"

"I understand, but may I ask how did you get here?" as he speak Fu Ying blinked his eyes repeatedly wishing this is just a dream.

"Obviously, we sneaked in," Yuan Xue An casually said.

"BUT HOW?!" Fu Yin subconsciously raised his voice due to stress, while in his head he had already made a list of people he would fire… if he were alive.

Yuan Xue An waved her hand nonchalantly, "Forget the details, the important thing is that I'm already here, so..come on, I'm bored here!"

Fu Ying suddenly knelt on the floor, he cupped his fists and begged, "Your daughter can't be here, his and her Majesty will be furious if they find out about this"

Yuan Xue An had already expected this, "Then what are you going to do, we are already halfway to the Hwang Wu continent, are you going to send me home in the middle of the sea? are you going to send troops to take me home? if you do you will reduce the strength of our army, I think General Fu knows how important this war is not only for our country but also the world." Yuan Xue An stood confidently.

Fu Ying was speechless, Yuan Xue An was not wrong, it was very dangerous to send Yuan Xue An and her two masters across the sea where there were pirates swarmed.


"I will take responsibility!" Yuan Xue An suddenly said, "Don't worry, I will make sure my brother-in-law punishes you" Yuan Xue An smiled confidently.

What else could Fu Ying do, he couldn't let her stay but he also couldn't force her to leave, Fu Ying's expression became grim thinking if he could keep his head after this.

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